- - - * - - -
Valid change. Okay, perfect. I'll get you to check that. Zero, zero, zero, zero, zero. Thank you.
try to train
Then theiten torrentes are in a reducing bullet and the яют下ged of the black hub or the crossroad in a clear dropdown from the upper permannering of the
It lifts you into the trampoline. Don't do thank you in the morning, show me how.
19, thanks. Marina, change copies, FG.
Peace and Florence exchange. Good morning. Okay, perfect. I'll just retract in on station at zero one four zero. Thank you.
Traffic 34, we're gonna anger here with seven shots
Two oh five, thanks. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
for you. I'm an underwear.
Traffic Unit 7, rising sun. Good morning traffic, 7, rising sun, even anchoring echo 4. Bound for sea, deep traffic, 7.4 meters. Delta echo westbound lake. 7 copies.
Traffic 7. We're underway now
traffic seven negative. Thank you.
355. Thanks. Thanks. Thanks. Thanks. Thank you.
411, thanks.
More 30, thanks. We're in in Chicago, thank you.
458, thanks. We're going to exchange copies for you.
Okay, thanks.
Palo Boca, California, ginger. For the Palo Boca, we have the Lisa Flores of your escort. No problem, you're welcome. Lisa Flores, we're in the ginger. Okay, perfect. I'll get you checked out and checked in at 05246.
Public California Pilot Office. Good morning, just confirming port side ladder for our bow and vessels. Great, thank you.
Thank you. Yes, you are a aqua one. Commencing a 8-hour swim. Clearing the center tower, the Golden Gate Bridge, swimming for aquatras. In the separation zone, monitoring channels, 1-3-1-4. And you're aware of 40 on the Grand Duke, inbound approaching Marocklade for Anchorage 9. There's a tank ship approaching the Policization now. The Jupiter star. They've just ported their pilot there. And about for Stockton. We'll turn you around on their tractor port here soon. Okay. Thank you, aqua one. Break 40. Grand Duke, did you copy aqua one? Okay. And try to go.
I would office copies, thank you.
The fuck should I cheaper start a traffic good loading to get a job by the change of the front? But you have a fuck should I buy a change of the front? I don't know if I'm the first to talk to the traffic, or if I'm the first to talk to the traffic, or if I'm the first to talk to the front? I assume just that the man should talk to one of the committee both, but they should be splashed at the finish panel, they'll be a bridge panel for Alcatraz. If you just see a separation zone, I'm going to have an AIS.
Thank you, S.E.O.T. completed the latest stretching alongside the Richmond Mongward and the partying for the disposal site cannon with a new draft of 28 deep six inches in tenings east and west of the brothers. In chapter copy, your conversation with six four of where the players Voyager hasn't checked in yet. Fox shot for the Jupiter star is approaching main ship channel 1 and 2 for Stockton. In tenings east by our transfer plane with the pilot change along the city platform. Over. Thank you S.E.O.T. on three portback when you begin the disposal. Right. Fox shot. Jupiter star. Did you copy S.E.O.T. Trampkov. Sixty four of players Voyager in the system traffic. Good morning. Thank you. In that 64 players Voyager prepared to depart Richmond Mongward for receipt with the draft of 33 feet 4 inches. Non-askorted transit. Intending 8 pilot change in the south-himps and south channel. Deep water traffic lane. Stockton flight took work from 7 out of them. Judge S.E.O.T. on this. Completed their latest. Judge operation alongside the Richmond Mongward. They're departing for disposal flight. Ten. Ten. We copy your channel for keen communication with them. And you have Fox shot before the Jupiter star. Inbound approaching Mayship Channel 3 and 4 first-spot team. In tenings deep water traffic lane with the pilot change along the city platform. All in under way. And S.E.O.T. on. Yeah, Fox shot. Jupiter star. Did you copy S.E.O.T. Voyager. Thank you both. Trampkov.
Pilot Office copy, thank you. Thanks copy, thanks. Stacey calling me right next time. Good morning. Good morning copy, Displacement 119, 464 from C to the Longworth. The legal force has checked in and is on Stacey. I'll check you in in 0608, thank you.
All right, yeah, everyone follow the word, just a chapter. Good morning, sir. All right, we need to set the probability of all the word, just a part of the probability of the round for Richmond Longward. Four, 12, that's the one meters in turning deep butterfly capital. I have changed the idea of the heart in rock. It's boxed right, Jupiter star. Just go to the music channel. Five, six, and bell for Stockton. They would probably change off the planet as well. Six, four, four, four, four. Just checked in at Richmond Longward. Four of the be outbound for Steve. They're in turning deep butterfly capital. I didn't have a chance to challenge the show of channel. And I just thought you were, I just completed the judging operations. I'll see a Richmond Longward. They're round for this butterfly capital. And that'll be very turned into a longward when they're complete with that. One for me event. It's a splash that the Golden Gate Bridge using the separation zone for, of a trust. And I'll go one at the committee boat and they are on, I have so you can see them over. Thank you, Patrick. I'll try to Jupiter star, six, four, four, four, four, four, four. Did you copy it? Seven, four, four. I'll try to copy it. Thank you. In at 48, this is traffic tomorrow. Thank you, 48, contact you. Conquest. We have you now checked out. Track count.
64 player forage your traffic. Roger out.
64 players, board your traffic. Yes, units 7 and support the Apollo Voyager. Seek clear to meet ship channels 7 and 8 for Richmond Longward 4, intending Geekwater traffic length with a pilot change. In the vicinity of Harding Rock. Over. You're welcome. Traffic. The South End of the Act traffic. Good morning. Roger. Are you working channel 69 monitoring 13 and 14? Over. Thank you. I'm rain event with 16 and 12ers. Beginning of their swim ad. A need to rock. Crazy fields. Swimming pool. Aquatic Park. Which can we do about South End of the Act. Working 69 monitoring 13 and 14. Record halfway through your swim.
Here's another part of where you just have it. I'd like you to get it seven, a part of where you're approaching Malerox. It's down for a week, but I'll work now until you decide to drop a claim. I assume just started off of a Christian field. It's often in Zodiac, the Acomate. But it's working six, nine, nine, and 13, and 14, 16 summers have been staying along the red zone. A great guy, six, four, five, four, George, copy it, seven, a part of where you're. Thank you. Roger, thank you. You did too. And I'll piloting Tolerate's Voyager. I'll find approaching the Southampton. So I'll want it to proceed. Intending deep water traffic light. I'm ready to bend with three swimmers as expected. This flash is zero, seven, zero, zero at point, blunt. Circling, point out. Angel Island counterclockwise with committee boat. Ghost rider, monitoring 13 and 14. Fox shot the board. The Jupiter stars approaching Harding Rock. First Stockton. They're intending a pilot change before the Alphabet. And units seven aboard the Apollo Voyager is inbound. Claring Maw Rock played for Richmond Maw worth number four. Intending east on traffic light with the pilot change along the city front. Over. Roger, thank you. Zulu, please. Voyager east of the Alphabet. Break.
Fox Shrown Jupiter star, seven Appolar Voyager, can you unique both ghost rider? 22 hatches are evolving for players玩er Over. Thank you both. Shrown scout. The Breakfast Show Started on Straffins and Fianthroproject. Soiffieいる di She employees from約 2008 vs. 14th Zeinance with a new draft of 24 feet, intending west of brothers, east, band, Richmond, Salah, Fulbridge. Fox shot aboard the Jupiter stars clearing heart and rock in Bound for Stockton, intending a pilot change before the Alpha Boy, and unit 7 aboard the Apollo Voyager, and bound to be the most point Diablo for rich on long-warp number four, intending east on chocolate, with a pilot change along the city front. Over. You're welcome. Break, unit, Fox shot, Jupiter star, 7 Apollo Voyager, did you copy to adjust the on over? Your adjust the ons. Departing disposal flight 10, efficiently at Echo Boy, for rich on long-warp, intending west of brothers, east, band, Richmond, Salah, Fulbridge. Over. Thank you both. The draft go. The draft exit. This is the Aurora. HB Aurora. This is traffic. Good morning. The draft exit. Aurora. Good morning. The parent has picked up our anchors. I think it's pretty echoed too. Got loaded. Hard. He's grabbed. When is the board with you? I didn't pull it out. Thank you Aurora. You have an escort channel. Over. Thank you. Thank you. HB Aurora. I'm here to depart. Anchorage State. I'm going to allow me to pour with the draft of 24 feet. That's what was in that score condition. Work in 7-4. Report one under way. So. Off the one traffic. Thank you. Renementment. Two is from our as reported to the ABM of aquatic park. This is waiting for a block from rock with committee boat. Off the one. Monitoring 13 and 14. Unit 7 is a port that takes ship. Apollo Voyager. Inbound approaching Golden Gate Bridge. For reach of a mile more. Number 4. Enchanting eastbound traffic lane. With the pilot change along the city front. Over. Copy your plan. It's to take their start. Thank you. Great. 7 Apollo Voyager. Did you copy? On. Over. There. Near this separation.
own a beam of aquatic park swimming for block from rock over. Thank you. Tramco. Yes, I've been a part of Voyager. I wish you had a great chance, sir. Thank you, sir. Seven out there. Five one golf. Jupiter star. This is Tramco. Good morning. Thank you. Five one golf. Now Paladin. Jupiter star. Inbound approaching point. Blunt for Stockton. Get it. Who is it for the Polaris Voyager? Approachingly off the buoy. For sea. Intending to stay easily off the buoy. Then for sea. Deep water. Tramco. I'm ready to bet with three swimmers. Is expected to slide. Get zero. Step in a zero zero. At point. Blunt. Swimming counterclockwise. Around the angel island. With commedabote.co. Strider. Monitoring. 13 and 14. The touch. Swanna. With the direct barge. KVC. One. Remains. Fudded down. 600 yards. West. The brodae of three. With four anchors deployed. Two anchors. Or in the center of the channel. One anchor is spread. What east of the rig. And the final anchors spread west to the rig. They're working channel. Seven one. Requesting two hours. Notice to move the rig. And there's a fifth anchor. In Anchorage. 21 that's not associated with the project. Finally, there's a minimum week for the TM20. That's a barge that's flooded down. Out of the channel. North of March. Perfect. Near Walters Island. Over. OK. 5 on golf copies. Thank you. Great. Unit two. Clear as Voyager. Touch Solana. Two copies. Unit 5. One golf. Now piloting. Jupiter star. Over. Thank you. Flex Solana traffic. Good morning. 5. One golf aboard the Jupiter star. Inbound. Rounding. Plan for. Stockton. Over. You're welcome.
Thank you, A.K.B. Aurora. Trump comes. To do a player at 4th floor, this is Trump. Yes. Break. Go, Strider, this is Trump. Because 14 over.
Coaches, rain change. Copy that, 0705. Thank you.
As you will puller is forward your truck. They had called in their swim approximately thirty, forty, forty-five minutes to go, but they had not checked into traffic over. You're welcome, trap go. I'll go one traffic. Yes, they're in balance for Richmond law war. Number four. I'll go court and gate is delivering their pilot now. Over. Copy, thank you. Thank you, 40 grand Duke. Six shots. Trunk go.
Thank you, Salatary traffic. Good morning. Thank you, Salatary, that you did seven aboard the Apollo Voyager. A beam of aquatic park in Bound for Richmond Mallworth. Intending a pilot change along the city front. I've written that with two swimmers. This currently stemming off of Ocarotras. There's a link for the Ocarotropos span with committee boat, Ocarotron, Monitoring 13 and 14. Over. You're welcome to traffic out. Stop then, so the act this is traffic. Thank you, Salatary, that you report back where you're so miscomplete. Over. Tucko cheese, this is traffic, good morning. Roger, thank you. Tucko cheese with a petroleum barge along 5. Greater than. Tucko cheese with a petroleum barge along 5. Greater than. Tucko cheese with a petroleum barge along 5. Greater than. So. Offload the dock. Then take the barge under tow. Stop the commercial channel. What's been the Richmond Channel of Upbridge. Into Anchorage 5. To adjust to again. If I won't go off to the board, the Jupiter star. There are beam of North Carolina Number 10 in Bound for Stockton. Tritetschios continues. Judging to disposal work along the Richmond Mall worth. And disposing in threat as a disposal flight 10 in the existence of the Echo Blue. Call one under way. Over. You're welcome. In addition, the Tucko Salana continues to work with the KBC1. Spotted down 600 yards west of Rotale 3 with 4 anchors deployed. Two anchors center channel. One anchor spread east of the rig. And the final anchor spread west of the rig. Working channel 7-1. Requesting 2 hours. Notice to move. Over. You're welcome. Break. Tucko Salana. 5-1 Golf. Jupiter star. Tritetschios. Tucko cheese. Over. Thank you both. And Salana traffic. Yes. Tucko cheese. So the petroleum barge alongside greater than. Prepared to the park. Marking S6 for Richmond 24. Intense to take the barge under tow off the dock. Then proceed soft but also channel. Over. You're welcome. Trap go. Tucko. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Easy. 2000. Good. Thank you. Easy. 2000. Trap go. I'll go one traffic.
Roger, thank you, October 1. The rate of event with two swimmerers reported, leaving Octatrass now swimming for the upper-broublespan. So we have about October 1, Monterey, Channel 13 and 14, and attending to take the start of the Apollo Voyager. Trunk out. Go, Trunk out. Go, Trunk out. This is Trunk. Good morning. Roger, thank you. I'm rate of event with three swimmer's splashing at point once. Circling, Point Blunt, Circling, Angel Island, Conner Clockwise, with committee both Ghost Rider, Monitoring Channel 13 and 14. Good, set the support of the Apollo Voyager, they're rounding out the trash for Richmond Longward, number four, and attending a pilot change before the Alpha Goi. They're escort channels to have an Alpha. Report, entering, we're going to show you the point census over. You're welcome. Break, step in the Apollo Voyager, did you copy Ghost Rider? Over. 64 Apollo Voyager. This is traffic. Morning. Roger, thank you. 64 now piloting the Apollo Voyager. Approaching, North Channel 1 and 2 for Richmond Longward 4. Keeping in Descartes on zero step and Alpha. The Gianteon. Report it there. Resuming, dragging along the Richmond Longward. In the rate of event with three swimmer's just splashed at point once, there's Circling, Angel Island, Conner Clockwise, with committee both Ghost Rider, working Monitoring Channel 13 and 14.
Over. Yes. And that's the counterclockwise or cling of angel island for the Ghost Rider. Over. You're welcome. Break. Go, Trader. And see on. Few copies. Six four. Now piloting Apollo Voyager. Over. Thank you. Thanks. Make arrangements with six four Apollo Voyager. Over. And six four Apollo Voyager. Did you copy? Yes. On 13. Roger. Thank you. Thank you, Coach. Report back when you finish adjusting to. Over.
Tell us Tatiana, pilot office. Good morning, pre-sinter message. Tell us Tatiana, you are scheduled to depart the berth at 0900. Pilot will board approximately 0830 shore side. Thank you, pilot officer.
If you're a part of Florida, you're a copy of what's found on the part here. Thank you, sir.
I'll call you in trouble. I'll call you in trouble. Thank you sir.
Thanks for watching Shabbat. See you Shabbat.
I draw our driver through our driver truck, thank you sir. I'll try to drive driver. I'll try to drive driver. Thank you. I'll try to drive a back car when you've passed in, when you actually need a wreck and straight over. They're our driver. I've been on our driver. I think sir. I've been through the driver. I should drive. So if you'd like to complete that, thank you for the concern. Have a good morning.
I'll try to tell you everything. I'll try to tell you everything. I'll try to tell you everything. And the main mark is, guys, if you're going to be in a picture of me and then we've got 500 swimmers, approximately 0830. I'll be departed if they are departing out the class for a park park.
2-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-
It's a pilot office copy. Thank you. Bye.
There was a couple of things. My brother said I trust you. A lot of you know. Sir's in rescue is always better than he's going to be in the last 5, 5, 100plers. The idiot here, he had the ROAA jet DOT to low of the past. As you pass over. Next up I will check off, come and get a� annoyed. Now I will 2005 servers. Benot瑞 from czasu one, c'est nothing but a Honor test. ....... That's true, quite a part, though. I have to just watch everything. I have to just watch everything. Thank you, sir. I have to just watch everything. Thank you, sir. Have a good morning.
A percentage of the 11700. You'll be playing play. That's none that's cool. A percentage of the total value is not that cool. That's none that's good. The threeix didstar arena over 333 dispersion. It has three leadjer, three 다�bra in the feet six inches. There you can add to the website, do the stand for Birthday to cortar... We're working on the dark side just what's the view of positions that you've got to increase the point, I can give you the compositions that you can't see them there, and I've got to report about the search and rescue that you should be at Coast Guard, and you'll have to be in search patterns in the specific area of the Roteo Docs. Thank you sir, the great guy, Coach East, you've got to be at three six show of Satyana. Coach, go ahead and grab it, and go ahead and grab it, because thank you for the updates, sir. And thank you, Trevor, for the call, as you're approaching a point knocked over.
as you have said, but as you have said, please judge enough for our virtual long work. I've been on Bounce for disposal flight 10, 12, 20, 15, 20, Spenders, South Provis, West Bend, the are watching the brothers. Thank you, sir. And we do have two downbounders. That's three, six, for the helis. Tapiana, for the Rodeo-3. The Alba, for Steve, earned any West Peders in South Provis. And that's good, so we're going to be totally aware of your creative end. And just the approach to the Rodeo-Docs, about poor Richmond Inter-Aver, and they're trying to help the North Shore channel in the West Bend, which is the South Provis, through a just 20, for five reports, for she and her. In that way, she actually stoppediana, and took her cheese, she got me, she got me, she got me, she got me, she got me, she got me, she got me, she got me, she got me, she got me, she got me, she got me, she got me, she got me, she got me, she is very Tiger path, so I'm not using that. I'm not using that, this is only right because the Pythagoras is all in the water area. And a little piece called Chordózasket. That's a Tengdó coffee, she'll be playing with me now, I just quietly took you down to the coast.
thank you
the incline jacket. zawsze, go on July 3. 3.8. OK. Change Saturday. Number dovid. OK. Good. Thank you. Kathryn, gentlemen. Good morning. Fighting, I'll need a point for rich men who take nice care of this one. Go for the apron, thank you.
I didn't like drinking each of it, I didn't like alcohol! I plenty of swimmers... I was just jump off the roadside, on the German farm, in another area!
3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 4. 3. 6. 5. 7. 3. 5. 4. 4. 7. 3. 2. 6. 4. 4. 7. 6. There are jet-tionces off the tissues that are round for disposal plate 10. What's the complete favor of turning to the long work? All right.
it's just one of the other. Now I'm curious about traffic vacuously, and I need to get this one. Okay, I'll take it. Throw out of traffic. Throw out of traffic. Pick it. I'll go ahead and drive it. I'll go ahead and drive it. Thank you soon. There can be some traffic. I can't be loud of it. I'm sure I'll drive it.
Unit 28, range changed. Good morning. Copy displacement 51141. We'll check you in a 0922. The Rachel Allen has not checked in yet. Thank you. Rachel Allen, range changed. Good morning. Copy that at 0922. Thank you.
I've been on the barge, I've been on the barge. I've been on the barge. I've been on the barge. I've been on the barge. I've been on the barge. I've been on the barge. I've been on the barge. I've been on the barge. I've been on the barge. I've been on the barge. I've been on the barge. I've been on the barge. I've been on the barge. I've been on the barge. I've been on the barge. I've been on the barge. I've been on the barge. I've been on the barge. I've been on the barge. I've been on the barge. I've been on the barge. I've been on the barge. I've been on the barge... I've been on the barge. I've been on the barge. I've been on the Iraqi barge for three months. I've been on the barge. R辒于, Slowly and March, 27 for a rich and long work 3, the day after 20 bars was a long-sighted greater than 116 feet 6 inches in thinning off the tail on the flat working net on 7s for a S-course 6th. Office. 5th. The temperature apart in crutch 9 and the whisky 5 are perched whisky 4 to be due to adjust in tow before proceeding into LMV of 4 over. Thank you for having a warm-up. I thought we would have done that one more to add the S-y-on-sister, the approach you know at the disposal site can winter complete there, there will be returning to Richmond for a warm-worse for crutching. I towed co-cheese to join Richmond Barge Creative Enders pasting up in the initial 7-8 for Richmond and Arbor's cover. Thanks for having a warm-up. Thank you sir. And great, follows very S-y-on-s-s-n-co-cheese. You should check out the one we've done. Follow us for your traffic safety.
Let me take care of it. Let me take care of it, kick him. I speak to you, Trevor. I speak to you, Trevor, who is registered. You can contact the pilot office on a channel 1-0 for any update through a pilot time zone. I'll take care of it. Start the unit, Trevor. Roger, actually, I just approaching our disposal. Like Ken, once they're complete, they'll be returning to the long-war question of brothers to Eastpand over.
San Francisco pilots, San Francisco pilots, the tanker. It's victory pilot office, good morning. Yes, good morning. Ma'am, the bunker watch has cast off from my ship. Bunker watch has cast off and my all jobs are complete. And I'm ready to send. Mission has ended for pilot 3-0-0. In case you want to prepone the timing for the pilot boarding is no problem for Maasai. Copy, ready for departure, 1-3-0-0. Pilot will board approximately 1-2-3-0. Alright ma'am, 1-2-3-0, pilot boarding time. Thank you very much ma'am, standing by 1-0 and 1-4. Thank you. Thank you, pilot officer. Thank you ma'am.
traffic to Millennium off. What is that, David? Traffic Monument onward with the... Thank you, sir. Okay, I'm going to let the... I want to take believe in it. Our test number, David. The test number, David. Good morning. The ride is a 285 in the American Preparative Barbers along with one for sheet, drop 37 feet, two for six inches. That's correct, so the 7D border traffic plane. I think you've already been gone. I just wanted to open an arbor around for which we've been long worked for either containing golf or fell in the flat. That's good, Chief. It's going to be a particularly large period of 1600. It goes down to approaching the sisters. They're entertaining the arrest span. It'll be adjusting till when they reach five, before proceeding to reach for an arbor. Good test the answers. I just completed up there. I just suppose I'll suppose the flight 10 over returning to the long work. I'll be able to expand. And I'll balance from my initial challenge. Three, six on the heel. He lifts up the honor. Approach 11 and 12 for speed. Then he will spin and deploy the copper plan over. Here, right, got three, six, fill in. That's the honor. Try to adjust the honor. That's good, Chief. I believe you've done it. You copied 28 minutes. One, you know. Six, that's the honor. Thank you. Break, go, Chief. That's good, Chief. Trevor. That's good, Chief. Go, Trevor. Go, Chief. Captain. Captain. Thank you, sir. I've got Trevor. Go. We need a virtual point plan over. I'll follow him. Captain. Captain.
apply Ch江 Fr. Fr. Atastes 1000 Bye returned You need Dr � 교 Fr. Atastes got a rutch You complete theี He Spongebosa Fr. What's the road 24 36 I I 33 11 12 1 1 1 2 1 for 35 I That's you wait under the mirror here. You have a pretty close-to-dock wish for a little work. I'm about found for a seat. Over. Great guy, three-shake fellas. That's the honor. Go cheese and two-eight mirror to your cup. Yeah, that's the honor. On you, ma'am. Three-shake shepherds. Take care. Fuller shepherds. Fuller shepherds. Fuller shepherds. Thank you. You might believe it. Yeah, I'd love it. But you might probably believe it. Yeah, I'd prefer it in a part of our wish for 17. For a seat. If you wanted. You part of travel training on this course. Then we're going to talk about 7-7. Thank you to 28 mariners for preparing a part of our wish for a long work. We have all for seat. That's a good cheese. That's the way to put you in a large creative environment. Approach to the sisters. You're going to take the watch band whether you're just telling your wish for five or four for seated into our wish for dinner and the harbor. That's the answer to the question of the sisters. There are intangible yeast bands. And they're going to offer a long work. Three, six, seven. He's got the on a approaching 9-10 commercial channel. We'll offer a seat. We've spent a bit of the wish for dinner. In deep butter trout recording. In last, there's a lot of even dollars to it. As a petroleum large long side. They're approaching over 59. They're going to go up a ton of flats for the long work for. Yes, you answered it. Just a part of your wish for the flight 10 now. We're returning to the long work. That'll be a huge band of work. Imagine a break of a living in Don. Two-way mariner. Coach each. S-the honest and three-six fellow study honest. Copy your unit mic. So we're here now. On him, Don.
Thank you all. Thought they're in traffic. They're in traffic. They're in traffic. They're in the family. I think they're in traffic. Thank you. We're in traffic because we're in traffic.
It's not only traffic, but Roger and you're staying along the city, but it's accurate. Roger, you are clear, it's only traffic that I have, it can't get the American freedom. It's approaching the pilot area. It'll be in battle for Marquilla, and we'll give you central daily intentions. I want to check in with their pilot. Roger, call when all three swimmers are smashed over. You'll be in traffic. Roger, don't be in it. You might go to Louisiana, prepare and do a part of the room. 17, Belfare City, Border Traffic Lane. 27, 7, 7, 2, 8, on the Mayor, prepare and do a part of the room. All of them, Belfare City. That's where Channel 1, 7. And did talk plenty and done. It was a petroleum barge once I graded 1600. Quickly. Let's go back to the group first. While we've got some driver's michaelerns. And I had a erfahren spirit of the km. the operation in 2024 and taking place in the management center of Southbridge. They'll be going to English five registered toe and there's a swimming event with three swimmers. That's a comment. They're going from San Francisco 39 to a quarter park. Can you vote for Miss Molly or each other on one floor? Over. Feel a traffic. Good morning.
Roger Biele, Tococchi, Tone of Control and Barter Grants, Tick-Kiner Grants, Tone of Seal of Light Body, Delta Richmond, 24, K-Wish Management, Terrible Bridge, Justin Tau, Anchorage, 5, Q-E-D-On-B, K-C-A-Mairer, Reperted at Barragement Law and War, 1, L-V-C, Equer Channel, 1-7, and no other traffic control. Roger, you might leave me on that last slide on the way. Thank you. Chavka. I'm Chavka. I'm Chavka. Roger, I'm Chavka. Chavka. Chavka. Chavka. Roger, as you understand, you're still intending to expand the Richmond Terrible Bridge. That's correct. Roger, as you understand, as you understand, as you understand, as you understand, hold off to the north side of the Richmond Terrible Bridge until you get Mike on the Louisiana and get Chulid Mairer. Through the R&A and a freaking Mike, please enjoy Chavka. Thank you, Chavka. Thank you for being my Chavka. Enjoy the Chavka. Good morning. Roger, enjoy the Chavka. Thank you. Chavka.
I don't know if it's happy, thank you.
Dr. ATHAFIC white здering of Dr. ATHAFIC white 17, 17, 17, 17 feet, doing golf hotel in the flat. And thank you and the Malaysian dollar, with the fulfilling March 1, 5-grade and 16-hundred growth fund, passing a beam of Oakland 38, South Richmond, and all of it for three. And you didn't like on the Louisiana, just a part of Richmond 17, about for CG water traffic lane, and on the Central 7-7, and 28-mair compared to the part of Richmond, all of it for CG, as for Channel 1-7, and to Coachies, to one of the challenge March 3, and 16-hundred growth funds, approaching English 5 to just their toe, and no leap out for Richmond 24, and beyond the north of the Richmond Terracell Bridge, bound for a committee in the Great Operations for Richmond, long work, and they'll be hanging out on the north side of the Bridge until Q-8, on the Mariner, and you didn't like Lee, Janet, clear the R-8 over. Roger, Roger, Colin underway, break, took Lee and John, Ian, Michael Lee, and that Q-8 Mariner, to Coachies, and at Coachie, and at Coachie, and at Coachie, and at Coachie, and at Coachie, and at Coachie, and at Coachie, and at Coachie, and at Coachie, and at Coachie, and at Paul and Speary, push him, Allez, and Coachie, entered theィ responsibilities for Richmond. Adam, breach and Ellie at four, Robert. Doctor, Baker Break, Paul Bri, William Jones, F estão. Jopping, you compete doctorate. Roger, thank y'all, that's correct. Dracity to Ronham. Director Joseph. Dr壓. please count on Glenn, Boo, very, Lilly, Roger, Dr. Ray, Pillar 3, and chicken, her throatgle after, I'll be to Fort Belpore Richmond, 17th of engulf hotel, took on a very push into join of our career in 16th of August, 10th of April, and are send it to the Anchorage 8th down for out in the fort. Over. Good job, get in those, thank you.
Good morning, copy displacement 3974 and the American's Brutal from C to more 10 at 6. I'll attract you in a 10, 11 and the Delta Linda head check in on his on-stage changes.
Roger Chesco. Mr. Lutango, American Freedom, Mr. Traffic Good Morning. Roger, thank you. Mr. Lutango, American Freedom. Inbound approach, you can reach a piano 1-2 for Marquina 6. Porter Stubber's side, too, is to be determined in attending deep butter traffic lane, west panel, Richmond, Samo, Phubbridge, and all sorts of channels. Draft of 30 feet, six inches. Bethlehem Escort Condition, Work in 7-7. Duy to board the Mariners, departing Richmond, Long War for Sea. Bethlehem Escort Channel 1-7. Mike, aboard the Louisiana, departing Richmond-22 for Sea, attending deep butter traffic lane. 3-6, aboard the Hellish Tatciana. Approach you with sisters for sea, attending deep butter traffic lane. Talks along on the KBC-1, remains put it down, six hundred yards west, uprodeo, three with anchors, deployed four anchors, two of which are a center channel. They can continue to monitor, work channel 7-1, requiring two hours noticed to move. And the Dr. Jesse-on continues to address and disposal operations between Richmond, Long War, from the Echo Blueie. Over. Here, welcome. Break. Duy, Mariner. Mike, Louisiana. 3-6, Hellish Tatciana. And, talks Solana, a few copies of Lieutenant-Co, American Freedom. Over. Thank you all. Traft Go. Dr. Dr. Ray. Roger Dr. Ray. Antonio Ray. Ch어지. Dr. I'm proud of you four. I've got a great push and a petroleum large grid of 1600. Because just a part of it, I'll be a four-bounce for each of them. I've been keen to engulf the teller. Sammy J. Jovey. I'm proud of Sammy J. Jovey.
You need to eat marijuana traffic. Roger, and I'd like to come from that year at Squirt Channel as one seven. That's that correct. There's seven alpha. Thank you. And you need to do a little tango on American freedom. Coach and me, you can channel five and six and about for Marquilla. Six and ten, deep water traffic lane. And there's Squirt Channel seven seven. And Emily and Donna, with the controlling water lung and five degrees, sixteen hundred gross tons. That's that P.I.E.S. moring spell for original water three and ten of flats. There we're in channel one seven. Over. You need to reach six on the L.S. top key on a, they're bound for seed. They'll be entertaining, keep water traffic lane as well. Over. And I'll take you here to keep traffic. Over. Roger, three seven feet six inches. Thank you. And at Squirt Channel seven seven. Break blame, Donna. And I'll do the tango next freedom traffic. You copy Q.A. Marquilla. Roger Q.A.D. on the ticket mayor. Coach and tell them to show channel three and four outbound for seed. At Squirt Channel seven seven. Over. Q.A.D. Roger, traffic. What is your central bailing intention though? 100 deep water traffic lane. Thank you. Now break as you'll take over. Comfort them traffic. To eight mid. Intending deep water traffic lane. Over. Roger, do a tango there. Comfort them bro chat. Make a channel five six. Number. Or can six. To eight bell traffic lane. Thank you. To a tango. for a QA mirror and a three six hellish talk you on a traffic utopy to attain the next view. Thank you both. Traffic Potomac. Potomac traffic good morning. Traffic Potomac good morning to you. We're preparing a clay street for three hour bakeries. First way, we're going to be light eights. We're going to do back at clay street at 1330. Rock at the filming. Thank you. And to Dr. A. Potomac for 16 hundred growth. 10 beam of G-way. 3-0. About for Richmond to 17 tank off of the tail. Zulu tanker on the air can free them. It does. Zulu tanker on the air can free them. It does. It does. It does. It does. It does. Roger. Copy. Zulu tanker and Dr. Ray. Copy. Copy. Copy. Check. Check.
We're going to trap it. Copy, Clay Street. Thank you. Let's try and go. Take the traffic. Roger, take this. And there's a minimum link for the Solana. Still conducting the pipeline operation of the retail. Over. Copy. We're going to go traffic. Roger. Roger, there we go. All the very push number 20 bar train, ticking under gross 10 to be low, 0.55. Now for our unit of four, we have Dr. 8, pushing up the 20 bar train, ticking under gross 10. Uh, Roachine, 0.59. Now for Roachine, 1710, go to the hotel. Over. On the phone. Thank you. And could we just go to Director of Ethel Traffic, Channel 1-4? Could we just go to the Director of Ethel Traffic Channel 1-4? Morning. Roger, here. Current location. Roger, go, Trader. Thank you for the update. Unit Q8 on the mayor. Uh, Approaching. Southampton, Channel 5, and uh, one and two. Uh, They're outbound for C&T, reporter traffic, playing at Sports Channel 7-7. Over. Coach, Roger, go to traffic. Copy. Go to Trader. That's what traffic can. One-4. Roger, unaJureTire, Roger. Go to Trader. Roger, Go to Trader. Roger, Roger. Roger, Roger, Of course? Major, Then we'll say something. Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger.
If a Roger Tococchi is prepared to depart to anchor five, about for Richmond 24, there's Daniel because across the flat Tau of the RNA, so while you're in Mike, Louisiana, cue up there to the RNA. That's correct. Roger, thank you. Cocchi is in a breakeet in Mike, Louisiana. Traffic, you can't be Tococchi. Thank you, Tocco. Feeling traffic. He's oiling standby. Felix traffic. I did not copy. I got to get done. Roger, Felix, thank you for bringing to Alan Chavez. Roger, enjoy Alan. Thank you. Chavez, go. It's Molly Chavez. Roger, it's Molly. Thank you. Have a great day. Chavez. Jamie, Jamie. Kevin. Good afternoon. Roger, Sammy. Roger, Sammy. Chavez. Chavez, go. I'll be trying to clever Chavez. Roger, Chavez, go. Nina Chavez. Roger, go. Chavez, go. Roger, fire, Chavez. Roger, Chavez. Roger, Chavez.
Trapic Potomac underway. Roger Potomac underway. Trapic up. If you're on traffic. You're just on traffic. Rolling each other. Roger, rolling each. Tugling him down. What did Potomac do? Tugling him down. Tugling him down. Tugling him down. Tugling him down. Tugling him down. Tugling. T-36. On the head, we've talked to you on the approach in the Bravo Blue y'all down for sea and T-35. T-35. T-35. T-35. T-35. T-35. T-35. T-35. T-35. T-35. T-35. T-35. T-35. T-35. T-35. T-35. T-35. T-35. T-35. T-35. T-35. T-35. T-35. T- meta T-45. T-35. T-35. T-35. T-45. T-35. T-36. T-35. T-35. T-35. T-35. T-35. T-35. T-36.
Chapter 3. Very creative. Chapter 3. Chapter 3. Chapter 3. Chapter 3. Chapter 3. Chapter 3. Chapter 3. Chapter 3. Chapter 3. Chapter 3. Chapter 3. Chapter 3. Chapter 3. Chapter 4. Chapter 6. Chapter 3. Chapter 1. Chapter 3. Chapter 9. Chapter 3. Chapter 5. Chapter 5. Chapter 10. Chapter 7. Chapter 3. on traffic. I'd rather understand that you have some heavy traffic, and you'll be going west of the south-hand control channel. You didn't likely to get in a clear. And I'd rather thank you for being in my gloomy day. I'd rather thank you both for having me on traffic. There's a hook knock in the street. So the traffic is clear. So if the traffic is clear or just last Sunday, then the air is clear.
We're in traffic. We're in traffic. We're in traffic. We're in traffic. We're in traffic. We're in traffic. We're in traffic. We're in traffic. We're in traffic. We're in traffic. We're in traffic. We're in traffic. We're in traffic. We're in traffic. Mr. Chavick and Mr. Chavick. Mr. Chavick, dignity to life. Video Better Shepherd. Good morning. Zipootan escort board E American freedom. In bounc doing Golden Gate Bridge for Marquino. Special escort channel of 7. 3.6 aboard hell of calendars, Panciana. Rounding Point1 porcelain, In 10 deep water traffic light. In my comorquina, apparently called 3 and 4 porcelain, How to cut closer to heavy. Thank you, Jessica. We're just flyer traffic. Raga up to us, flyer, to corruption. To do a little tango, American freedom. Be in the press, you fill down four, working in six and ten. You found traffic, playing in a spare channel, seven and ten. Order. Drive the fallen, spare yourself, secure out of me, to forge your canal. Raga, follow the three, Jessica. All right, you're terrific.
Roger and I are going to seal the tank on the American freedom of being the tricky field down for working in 60 tank, he's going to try to claim Q8 on the American team of yellow blubbed down for EC, he blubbed to try to claim 36 heliftop, he on that same plant plant down for EC and the deep blubbed to try to claim over 100 heliftop, you might come to believe he on the approach to tell them the total channel 1 and 2 up up for CT, he blubbed to have to claim, I'll go on and drive it, I'll go on and drive it, I'll go on and thank you for the update, there's no reported traffic, heading your way over the chain of traffic, Roger and I have a good morning, he's using a little chain going on the American freedom of being a safe rest of y'all club down for Marquina 6, you need found traffic lane, he'll be in Tade Westman Regiment Cerical Brigade Court Channel 7 7 over
I'd like to thank you for joining us today. I'd like to thank you for joining us today. I'd like to thank you for joining us today. I'd like to thank you for joining us today. I'd like to thank you for joining us today. Thank you for joining us today. I'd like to thank you for joining us today. I'd like to thank you for joining us today. I'd like to thank you for joining us today. I'd like to thank you for joining us today. I'd like to thank you for joining us today. I'd like to thank you for joining us today. I'd like to thank you for joining us today. I'd like to thank you for joining us today. I'd like to thank you for joining us today for joining us today. I'd like to thank you for joining us today. Thank you for joining us today. I'd like to thank you for joining us today, as your friends and donations. I'd like to thank you for joining us today. I'd like to thank you for joining us today. Thank you for joining us today. Thank you for joining us today. I'd like to congratulate you for joining us. You'd like to thank us every year, 177. Took a great push of 20 March, 1600. Guns, north of Trudger Island. Bounce for Richmond 17 and 10 in the flat. Over. Lee Mayor, Kevin. Hunter 28, Mayor. Go to the bridge. Weft down upon part 2. Thank you. Chef Go. Enjoy all of your. Roger, Chef Go.
Roger, all three tuners are a four-year vessel, and so on this complete, thank you. Have a good afternoon, Chef Gov. Roger, Chef Gov. Roger, Chef Gov. Holden Gate, Chef Gov. Roger, holden Gate. He is a Lieutenant-American Freedom. I've passed the aquatic park, found from our K&P. And he's found Chef Gov. Hey, hello, sir. Hi, sir. Roger, three, six host two tuners. Gunnweb racerne, Rob hyperb龍 infantry. Hello, Sir. Welcome. Do not ask questions first. Are you tired? Yes, Chef Gov. being a cluttered park up down from Martinez 6. The Suncatholic Lane at Quartell 7.7. Over. I Roger. Copy Zulu, take the heavy visual. Thank you, Chasco. Delphine and shove it. Roger, Delphine. Check Dr. A, push him with Charlie about 360. There are good sunsets and Berkeley care about Berikman. 17. The flat. Zulu, Tango. Making their chair. South about the track. Felt from Martinez 6. The East about David Lane. William St. West. Van Rickman. Sarah Felt Bridge. That's Quartell 7.7. And 10 million dollars. With a million barge on 5.8. Greatest in 16. 100 gross tons. What? South Hampton Show Channel. Me. Three. Felt for.
So, let's take a recension along our street over. Let's go get our prisoners... Nar aww My behöver are at the top over the多少 aergs... Notический...
Ace Victory, Ace Victory Pilot Office, Channel 10.
They're on a COVID. Roder be a mother. Cut, cut, cut. Well, you can don't show it. Roger Millennium Dawn, a permission granted to enter the R&A. And understand you, you'll stay south of the trek at Beyond. He can make a rake that's what that's going to do. Roger, good job. You can copy Millennium Dawn. Your Millennium Dawn is going to be entering the R&A. And he'll stay south of your position. He'll call you on Channel 1-3 to make further arrangements over. Could you show me? Could you? Could you? Could you? You as well? Jessica? Jessica? Roger? Roger, Jessica? I'll go check. I'll go check. I'll go check.
Tell the kids what they think. Copy that, 11-26. Thank you and greetings.
I take through you that's what traffic can I want for you in light traffic Roger Mike, leading in a push-in-o-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to. Enjoy on traffic. Roger Jeffkel. Try to take through the call-fine out the 8th call from the O2. That's what traffic can I want for you. In what it could be, this is the MPI2 3-goer sub. Good morning. Call the pilot on channel 1 and 0. Over. We're in O2 3rd. We will call the pilot on channel 1 and 0. Here Jeffkel. Traffic comes from the home floor. We call for help or traffic. This could morning, we're preparing to depart after 3rd for a big cruise. We're going to be initially bound to the go and get rich. And we will be returning to 3rd here approximately 1330. Roger, call for help or traffic. Traffic. Goodnight. Thanks for hearing us and see you on the que. Roger, Jeffel Jeffel. For favor. Roger, Royale. Jack Keau. Match you here, Jeff Kelp.
Cinebroncesco pilot, Cinebroncesco pilot, MTI is victory, MTI is victory calling you sir. Thanks, victory pilot office, good morning. The pilot would like to board your vessel early, will you be ready to take pilot in approximately 15 minutes? Stand by ma'am, just stand. Cinebroncesco pilot, MTI is victory. Thanks, victory pilot office, go ahead please. Yes ma'am, we can be ready in 30 minutes, in 30 minutes we will be ready. And may I know the boarding arrangement, pilot boarding arrangement? Please tell your ladder, lee side of the vessel, 2 meters from the water. Ma'am, pilot boarding arrangement, combination, 2 meters above the water ladder, above the water lee side. That is correct, thank you. Okay, thank you. Station calling, ice-cream tree. Sir, please come from port side, gangway or the pilot ladder. Okay, because you are preparing for combination, you are saying pilot ladder will be fine, that is correct. Copy.
chapter 35 drug addiction blood British P Underway from the Richmond Long Worse, Elford is both side-channel and Taneese. The Management Center for Big Geetraz, the 20 feet. Thank you. Tavka. The Taneese Fund brat, is dangerous management center, with rehearsal channel for rapid briefing. We're dressed up. Rodger, Jessica Behehe Totavek Rodger is being awake for the ballana and charged with tango between them Captain Buckley and Valentine вполне panel show channel and squad member Jenna Seven
San Francisco traffic, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, sawing troop we can partnerships, new activity, new activity, new energy, new activity, newугling, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity, new activity.
What's up, my traffic? I've read a bit with 22 telling about tools on the route between Quake Knox, Yellow Block and Recharge. Quay above Mercury is working channel 6-3 over.
I'll go on traffic. I'll go on you are weak but readable. Repeat your current location over. Roger, thank you. I'll go on. I'll go on. Let's do some research for it being a beam of the central base and it's moving along the city front. Monitoring channels. One, three, and one, four. John, go. Jamie, Jay, traffic. Roger. I'll go on traffic. Roger. 案 for fire. Brad alternatives. Roger. 案 for fire. 案 for fire. 案 for fire. 案 for rifle of Mars. 案 for shore. 案 for shore. 案 for shore. 案. 案. 案 for shells. 案 on. 案 on. 案 on. 案 on. 案 onelectronic. 案 on. 案. 案 onelectronic. 案 onelectronic. 案 on number one. 案 on number one. 案 on number one. Regret...
All blue traffic. Thank you all blue. Great event with 22 selling best wolfs. Operating between 0.0 and send the Golden Gate Bridge in return. 20 boat. Mercury. Working 6-3. Monitoring 14. Silver. Dolphine is traffic. Dr. Ray's position in petroleum fires. Great of that. Approaching Richmond is 4 and 5 for Richmond 17. Silver. Derpine is two cuphine Doctorate. Something curves from Dolphine. Trasical. Carina traffic. Proden't drop. Trapping. Trace kleine moved. All I'm spatial traffic. Definitely. Unreasonable. Traffic's very prepared in part L meter 4 for Richmond 22, pushing the partial load of between one bar to head, greater than these drafts and 10 feet. Please go up the tell him to slide. Roger, thank you. I'm very pushing the partial L bar as great as that draft of 10 feet prepared at a part. Now let me get a 4 for Richmond 22 and can they go up a hill in the flat. No one under way. Over. Up in the spirit. And a pond is very traffic. Go for the spirit. We have a large collection of radar contacts on the Berkeley Pier. Our camera appears that those are large amount of fishing vessels. Over. Up in the spirit we'll keep our head tilt one. Roger, thank you. Traffic Voyager. The Voyager traffic. Alpha Bravo for a Pier 39.
before back in the vicinity of the Earth's 39th. Over. Copy that. Yes. I'm going to try to put for traffic. Roger, thank you, fire. I'm sure I've got. Mayor Nair traffic. Thank you, Mayor Nair. Before back, I was going to be on channel 1 to channel 12. Over. The National Traffic Unit 42 Ice Victory. 42 Ice Victory. This is traffic. Good afternoon. afternoon traffic. 4 2 4 D. Ice Victory. Preparing the sale from Anchorage 9 for CG. Drop 7.5 meters. This is the NONS Court. Transmit. We'll use Delta Echo West. Found traffic. Thank you. 42 Ice Victory. Prepared to the park. Anchorage 9. Charlie for C. With the draft of 7 decimal 5 meters. Non-esquoted transit. And hitting Delta Echo West. Found Lane. I'm reading that with two swimmers. Reported at 11.5 G to be passing the temperatures go to 70. They're swimming. To the off-of-the-road span of the ill-cumbaved bridge. Then make a union along the city front. With committee vote. Uncle Juan monitoring. 13 and 14. Cohen underway. Okay. 4 2 copies. We'll call you all underway. Thank you. You're welcome. Break. Uncle Juan traffic. Can you copy 4 2 Ice Victory. Cover. Thank you. Drunk up.
I love it coming, thank you Thank you
Are good traffic. That's the boat. Hey, Logan. Thank you, Argo. Trasko. Stay behind our traffic. For our job. Trasko, it's all in series in the wind. Thank you, Paul. It's very traffic. Five wind off. And you per star traffic, copy prison. Point, thank you, sir. For your traffic. Numbered event was 22 sailing battles. Killing between poor knocks and the Golden Gate Bridge. Committee boat, Mercury. Working for 63, Alpha. Over. To indicate traffic. Roger out.
How about California Pilot Office? Book 2-8 and 3-6 are relieved.
I'm not my driver. Nothing great from now on. Charlie Delto to the fall Park. Tractcom. Good afternoon. Yes, yes. User Ockle 1 has two thermers. That's in the fall Park for Alpha Bravo. Move it. You've got these heads. Thanks. You're welcome. Tractcom. Kitty Cat Tract. Thank you Kitty Cat. Read event with 22 selling vessels. Sailing between point-knock and the Golden Gate Bridge. Commit about mercury working 6-3. Oh. Fireblower Discovery Tractcom. Thank you. Fireblower Discovery. Tractcom. Emperors Fireblower Tractcom. Roger. Thank you. Emperors Fireblower. Large amount of radar contacts off. It's on firecleep here. Over. California Fireblower Tractcom. Roger. Roger. Thank you. Before back to the same rock address. So. That's the on track. Thank you. Dr. Jesse on completed disposal operations in disposal site 10. And returning to Richmond Longworth with a new draft of 26 feet. Correction. 23 feet. Six inches.
Attaining west sub-brothers, East Bands, Will, Making Station at Eekoboe, For the passage of Silutango, Poor American Freedom, First. Right, Silutango American Freedom, Do you copy as he ons? We'll pass the start of you. Okay. Very traffic. I'm afraid of that with 22 selling vessels Delined between Point Knox and Quarter Gate Bridge, To be both Mercury, working shell 6-3. Over. Potomac traffic. Thank you. Give 4-2-4-D-8, Victory is the Farting Packers 9, Charlie 4 for C, Intending Delta echo west sub-late. Report it back in the vicinity of Obstrasse. 4-2-8, Victory traffic. Let's drive. Thank you, kitty cat. Track go. Alcohol 1 traffic. Roger. JVA. Next way point. Copy here for key. Thank you. Great event with two swimmers. Ten minutes from passing the Obstrasse. With an alcohol 1 AIO user. 13 and 14. Drunk go. Violet drop. Thank you, Violet. Alcohol 1 is reported to be 10 minutes from clearing the Obstrasse. Swimming for the city front. Campus is good. 27. Their monitoring. Channel 13 and 14. They have.
Pilot Office Copy, thank you. You might as well keep working. Thank you sir, thank you.
two swimmers over. That's extreme. Korea's traffic. That's extreme. That's an expensive service. Thank you, Karina. On to various portion of petroleum large green of them. A beam opens 55 for Richmond 22. It can ain't gone so tell. AIS user Aqual one has two swimmers. It's like to be at the Apropos span at 1235. For me to San Francisco 15. Monitoring 13 and 14. So, I copy. Thank you. Not the Tesla for traffic. Roger out. Voyager traffic. Thank you Voyager. Report back to the save box address. Golden Bear traffic. Ready to bet with 22 selling vessels. Sailing between plain dock. Like Golden Gate Bridge. With committee boat. Mercury. Working six. Three. Four. Q of 48. Victory. Claring on their point for sea. Intending Delta echo with Soundlight. Over. Millennium Dawn traffic. Roger out. Medicino traffic. Good afternoon. Medicino. Roger out. Go.
So here you are trapped. Throw out your arm. I'm gonna transfer your trapped. Thank you, fire. You're trapped, go.
Potomac traffic. Roger, thank you, Potomac. Large collection of radar contacts. Between the Berkeley Pier and T.I. number 1. Over. And Potomac 4-2 is a 48-bit tree. They're clearing San Francisco 50 for C. Intending Delta. Go westbound lane. Over. 6-3. Thank you, PIXUS. As you literally can't go, Potomac is clearing San Francisco 70 from Arcanis. Well, that's the last quarter of 2007. Reporting at the bridge. The semi-gay traffic. The I.S. user, Uncle 1, has two swimmers with them. They're virtually very building, swimming along the city front for San Francisco 15. Monitoring San Francisco 14. Over. Argo traffic. Thank you, Argo. Trasco.
California Republic of China. Rogers, thank you. 42 of 48 Victory is approaching Delta Echo Percy, and attending Westbound traffic lane. And a rain event. AIS. User, not cool one. Approaching the ferry building for San Francisco 15 with two swimmers. Monitoring circuit and parking. Elbows. Voyage of traffic. Thank you, Voyager. 42 of 48 Victory is clearing Delta Echo. Percy, attending Westbound traffic lane. And a large amount of radar contacts to the city of Berkeley Pier. OK. Thank you, Dr. Ray. Ciao, ciao.
We're a board of every traffic. A pond for various pushing and petroleum bars greater than clearing Berkeley Pier for Richmond. A board to a board to a big tree. A board to a block from rocks for sea. Intending westbound lane. Silver. Shampoo to just go traffic. Roger, thank you, right? Trask out. A board to a board to a board to a big tree. A big tree is approaching rocks from rocks for sea. Intending westbound lane. Silver. Toronto traffic. Thank you, Toronto. Toronto. Toronto.
and HydroTrumpers. Thank you, and Hydro, I'm 42, a 48-fig tree, rounding out the trials outbound for sea, and counting what's not tripped to cleat. I'm reading that with two swimmers. Yes, user Aqua 1, clearing the ferry building for San Francisco 15, the swim completion time of 1330. Thank you, SimiJTrumpers, thank you, SimiJTrumpers, Aqua 1Trumpers. Roger, thank you, Committee of the Aqua 1, AIS user, clearing San Francisco 155, swimming for aquatic park with the next main time of completion in 1345. Trumpers, Matthew Turner Trumpers, good afternoon, for HydroTrumpers. Thank you, HydroTrumpers.
I'm ready to bet with two swimmers with AIS user, uncle one, same temperature, go one-and-a-half swimming for aquatic park, 500 channels, 13 and 14, okay. That's the answer, I think. Thank you, S.C.U.S. John. Palm Spares, pushing up a trillion bars, greater than that. Clearing south hemp digital light for Richmond 22. Intending cloud fuel. And Palm Spares, do you copy Dr. Jesse on? Over. Yeah, Dr. Jesse on. Resume Dredging, the beam of Richmond Longworth, number one. On tape is staying along the Richmond Longworth. Over. You welcome. Golden Gate traffic. Roger, thank you, Golden Gate. Traffic out. That's what calling traffic, this is traffic. That's what calling, what is your location? Yes. Report back on channel 1, 2, channel 12, over.
Oskie traffic. Thank you, Oskie. I'm rid of that with two swimmers. Approaching campus just go 27 AIS, user committee vote, uncle 1, as two swimmers, there's swimming in on the city front for robotic parks, 1804, over. Emperors for our road traffic. Roger out. Traffic, call for no alert. Call for no road traffic. As we're just coming up to fear 40, we're going to be coming about, we'll be bump for fear 3, we'll call for secure. Roger out.
Fort two, I expect two travelers. I'm out on a bar, so thank you too. I'm looking at him down from the south for the TFT 1430 to the southern area. Over. Thank you, Louisiana. Throw out their traffic. Throw out your home. We're in traffic. Thank you, Marin. Traffic. Mendocino traffic. Thank you, Mendocino. Traffic.
Give him a K-Trump. Roger, Roger, thank you, Texas. Drump, go. Dolphine, a truck. Thank you, Dolphine. The submarine event with two swimmers. Is swimming. And here for just good 27. Can we meet about October 1, Monitoring, 13 and 14. They are an AIS user. Over.
I'm gonna have to name Triggy and I'll meet a police team in the fair with it. Roger out. Hey, do I let Triggy out? Roger out. Not for Triggy, but for Triggy. Roger out. Not for Triggy, but for Triggy. Roger out. Oh, both can't take it to sister traffic. Good afternoon. Roger, thank you. Copy that. Triggy out.
to be let traffic judge Jossi on can you judge you along the Richmond lot more call again at the bridge show traffic to tell me traffic traffic may tell me we're all secured a clay street checking out have a good afternoon thank you you too traffic California our lower traffic here welcome traffic Carina traffic road traffic road traffic thank you real print rate of it with 22 selling vessel selling between point knocks in the quarter gate bridge can be above mercury working six three over babe on our track
We're out of trouble. We're out of trouble. Delphine is traffic. We're out of trouble. We're out of trouble. We're out of trouble. Delphine is traffic. We're out of trouble. Delphine is traffic. We're out of trouble. Delphine is traffic. We're out of trouble. Delphine is traffic. We're out of trouble. Delphine is traffic. Delphine is traffic. Delphine is traffic. Delphine is traffic.
That's amazing. Amazing. I'm starving. Of course you're starving! Of course you're starving. Thank you. Well, lordskader rich,over. Alordskader,iler over Loganock. Go and get you. You're starving! Ok, proper. You're already starving thank you. I'm gonna fly, 얘� over. I'm gonna get you. Okay.
That's the answer. I just heard the answer. Good enough for which we're going to work now. Bounce for disposal fight 10. New draft 28 feet. And he's banned. And worse for the brothers. Thank you. Thank you. See you there, Trevor.
Do you? I do. I'll try to taking it. Bensch can't see anything. Arrange can't see. Try to pick it. I'll just go with the German. Just go, pick it. W kom. Very German. Very German, pick it. Don't fell to the German, he'll tell the German. pick it. Try to pick. Very German, pick it.
Fire it off his copy, thank you.
Look at you, Trevor. Thank you for the call, sir, and I'll have a good day. I've got five triplets. I've got five triplets. Thank you. I just have it. I just have it. I just have it. Thank you. I'll do it, Trevor. I'll do it, Trevor. Thank you.
All three of them take you. Very clever. Very clever. Right. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Create a driver. Create a driver. Thank you. Can it decaderee to the full traffic? If I let turn on channel 1-3, channel 1-3 over.
Oscar, please. Oscar, please. Thank you. Thank you. See ya on the second. Roger. Congratulations for the flight territory to the Lung王 one for the draft of 2014 to the Westman or direction left to the brothers and the Eastman received a sound for first. Thank you. I'll be you, Robert. Thank you. Hey, Mark. Hey, Mark. Thank you. Take care, Robert. I'll be there. Oh. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
I got office copies. Thank you.
He's a Mike, Loki on a good afternoon again. A Mike, traffic, I had you broken in up early, we rolled. I think you grabbed it and had you, I don't try to claim it's a correct. Much better. I had you go and start recite to me, I don't try to claim it's a correct. What did you keep, bro? Doctor here units in my quad and Loki on another afternoon priority. down from around 15 to 18 to 30ft, 35ft, avoid covered, at 2ft and easy to Advisor. still back up, thank you and no traffic to report,inhaset off. Thank you I just drove it, stay way to please. Thank you. Throw the cover. Throw the cover, thank you. Throw the cover, thank you.
I thought they would tell it. I thought they would ever get there. Kick this traffic. Roger, pick this. I can't see on the production. The shifters downbound for Richmond Longward and Kenny. What's the ability to spend Richmond Sheriff over in Georgia? We're in traffic. Roger, Marine. Captain. Mr. Richard. Who are I? Robert. Robert is going to return. Thank you. I've just fired, Robert. I've just fired, Robert. I've just recovered, Robert. I've just recovered, Robert. Thank you.
Straminar addresses ohohoh San Francisco startup, bolt company forensics Student library Hydral finns policebilir Amall eveninga crimeRP airport loading and onboarding Good day because of them honored to be. How do you do the fear Embles channel report
Jared Locush, pilot office, good afternoon, please send your message. Jared Locush, you are scheduled to shift at 1600, 1600. Pilot will board approximately 1530 via tug. He will write your effort tug out. Pilot boarding time will be 16... Your shifting time is 1600. Pilot will board approximately 1530. Please have your lad at least side of the vessel three meters off the water. That is correct. Go ahead.
OK, ALLINAobjects. I'm recognizing your A
Jack Locus, pilot office, please send your message. San Francisco pilot, San Francisco pilot, Jag logish. Jack Locus, pilot office, good afternoon, please send your message. Pilot office copies, thank you.
Yeah, I'm sorry. All right. All right. Thank you. Thank you. All right. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Trevor. Thank you, Trevor. Thank you, Trevor. Thank you, Trevor. Thank you, Trevor. Thank you, Trevor. Thank you, Trevor. Thank you, Trevor. Thank you, Trevor. Thank you, Trevor. Thank you, Trevor. Thank you, Trevor. Thank you, Trevor. Thank you, Trevor. Thank you, Trevor. Thank you, Trevor. Thank you, Trevor. Thank you, Trevor. Thank you, Trevor. Thank you, Trevor. I was about to lose your draft. I was able to take a part of the India on the handbrake. We're starting to part of the 25 outbound procedure. It's at 36 feet. Don't know how to put your draft on. So, when my EQue in the movie, my one more fire is scheduled right now here. After 53 are not группiations, I'm going to put a zip-up to cut some stuff up and weight it down force. So, my oakmeans, I'll be waiting for you by the time. Clear or paper-apsorry for some size of your coffee. So, I'm going to start with our preseason mission, I'm going to start with banyak participated runswar ед. I'm going to start with this of your circle to roll the box off. Thank you indeed.
Motorist Stella, Pilot Office. Good afternoon, please send your message. Stella, Pilot Office, I'm confirming with your agent, I believe we have you set for 0530 tomorrow morning, arriving at the pilot station going to Martinez. Thank you, Pilot Office out.
The first one is very common to have it. The first one is from the MSC Cadillac. 4-2, M-T Cadillac. Good afternoon. 4-2, found across the plane, built to Echo for now. Roger 4-2, M-T Cadillac. And also from the pilot area, the Belfroke of the D6D Triathlon and Diff Mall. Two years, more important to in getting the Belfroke of the plane, Delta Echo, and of the Oakland Bay Bridge. Thank you. Thank you.
the whether thank you !
We're in cover. We're in cover. Roger, thank you. And Mike and the monkey hunter approach you. I want to park in the depot or in the east. I'm going to grab a claim for open. 53. Jumping down the river. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Thank you. Monarch. Monarch. Thank you, sir. I'm sure it's fire. I'm sure it's fire. I'm sure it's fire. Good. Mike and the monkey hunter hunter approach you. There's just 33. I'm sure it's 33. Go ahead.
Facial abrasion severed. Just on the square, first went following me. How am I great? Oh, she has made time return. Did you do that? Facial abrasions. I wish you had submitted time over return. Welcome to the meeting. So it's in 30. Thank you. I'm Mike and I'm Loki Hanna. He's off camera. She's going 27. She's heading out to Echo for Oakland 63. And, you know, you can go to the one hand record for your part. Oakland 25. Be out down for a seat in 30. Delta Echo. That's a big sum. We're going to the traffic. Thank you. As you can see, she has a long work friend. Mike and the Loki Hanna Patton 7. She's going 27. 30. Delta Echo for Oakland and Margaret. She's going to return. I'm going to return. Thank you. Enjoy. Enjoy. Enjoy.
Seize food and beyond, pilot office. Good afternoon, please send your message. That is correct. Pilot will board approximately 1700 shore sites. Thank you, pilot office out.
I don't think it's going to be a driver. I'm going to be a driver. I should thank you. There's an issue, Trevor. We have you down for a scheduled departure of 1800. I've probably bought it around 17.30. I have an office that's going to be a restaurant channel one zero to confirm that over. Thank you.
Ocean NISA, pilot office. Good afternoon. Please send your message. Ocean NISA, pilot office. You are scheduled to shift to berth at 1-8-0-0. Pilot will board approximately 1-7-3-0. Copy that. Ladder, stop at side two meters. Thank you. Pilot, office out. Great job on my exchange. Copy that, 1537. Thank you.
load your driver, load your traffic ticket, take your copy and turn around upbound, and i amogi Hanau just approaching motor to local bargello's tv.j toujours so see y
I just grabbed her. I didn't take her one hamburger. Just passed an ill-quent 35. I'm not on for seeing anything. I got to go deeper to travel. And I also report you and you have a secret training approach. I'm going to go into any space and travel. I'm going to go into a space and travel. I'll go to travel. Thank you. Thanks a lot. Roger. Take this man. Maybe a week for the full amount of stuff. Over. Over.
That's what Colleen on Channel 14, Colleen on Channel 13, to make your range of the tower. A 4-2 MSE category and a good afternoon. Roger 5-0 in information you might on the Mochi Hanna Passen, Oakland 58-0-3-6-0-6-3. I'll go a bit more at Starbord type 2 over. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Great. Roger. Roger. And you'd have a mic on the Mochi Hanna Passen, Oakland. to working supports seven, seven, Heather. EEG Visual Republic General Harris for the set of 1.4. That's what I mean, made team JAG Visual Republic Generalhas, John Council. national board audit standard 32. The military bill is in insignia. Roger 42 and Matt T. Catareena beam the infrastructure across the rsa 56 and the eastbound traffic lane, K-A-N-DELPACO working took five off a and K-N-DELPACO on E-1 Amber X-N-DELPACO on Barcale down for C K-N-DELPACO working took five off over
Am I in exchange at unit 18, Jag, at low-cash? Is this your calling, unit 18? Unit 18, we're in exchange. Unit 18, we're in exchange. Am I in exchange, unit 18, Jag, low-cash? Unit 18, we're in exchange. Unit 18, we're in exchange.
Roger, thank you. Roger, and take Bill on the one hand burg. Roger, and take Bill on the one hand burg. 10 in 10 in each management service overage, what's the brothers? Over. That's against calling on station. Full flight 10. Celebration troubles. A Roger B. Silveration. And, uh, 4-2-M-A-T-Catterina, portion aquatic park, Melphropa 56, 10 Delta Echo, where it can took five off over. Okay. 10 Jackbook catch traffic. Good afternoon. 18 Jackbook catch traffic. 18 Jackbook catch traffic. 18 Jackbook catch traffic. And traffic. 18 Jackbook catch traffic. And traffic. 18 Jackbook catch. Preparing to get underway from Anchorage 9. I would like to keep re-bucket for Richmond Law & Warp 1. A four-side long-side. 10 Delta Echo Spine. Delta International Channel. Working on 7 Alfa. That's where condition 7 Alfa. Over. Roger 18 Jackbook catch, preparing to depart Anchorage 9 with 63. 18 Jackbook catch. 16 Jackbook catch. 16 Jackbook catch. 17 Jackbook catch. 17 Jackbook catch. 17 Jackbook catch. 17 Jackbook catch. 17 Jackbook catch. 17 Jackbook catch. 17 Jackbook catch. 17 Jackbook catch. 17 Jackbook catch. 17 Jackbook catch. 17 Jackbook catch. 17 Jackbook catch. 17 Jackbook catch. 17 Jackbook catch. 17 Jackbook catch. 17 Jackbook catch. 17 Jackbook catch. 17 Jackbook catch. 17 Jackbook catch. 17 Jackbook catch. 17 Jackbook catch. 17 Jackbook catch. 17 Jackbook catch. 17 Jackbook catch. 17 Jackbook catch. 17 Jackbook catch. 17 Jackbook catch. 17 Jackbook catch. 17 Jackbook catch. 17 Jackbook catch. 17 Jackbook catch. 17 Jackbook catch. 17 Jackbook catch. 17 Jackbook catch. 17 Jackbook catch. 17 Jackbook catch. 17 Jackbook catch. 17 Jackbook catch. 17 Jackbook catch. 16 Jackbook catch. 17 Jackbook catch. 17 Jackbook catch. 18 Jackbook catch. 17 Jackbook catching. 17 Jackbook catch. Be careful.
Roger, thank you for two, and I'll bring E.K. Jaglekets, John, to keep comping 4-2. E.K. lead. Roger, 4-2, and the C-Cander, he'll be clear in a Delta Echo, and the E.K. will be free in 10 minutes, over. Okay, yeah, no, no, no, clear around. I won't be free in 10 seconds. Roger, thank you, both. John, go. Felix, John, take more. Roger, Felix. And you copy 4-2, and the C-Cander, he'll be clear. Roger, thank you.
Roger Cepka. Cepka 18. Cepka cancels catch underway. Roger 18. Cepka cancels catch underway. And for you, M.T. Canterina beam of... Simpsons going 9. Over. Okay, yeah, I see him there. No, no clear welcome for us. All right, got that thing. Cepka. Cepka.
We're in traffic. We're in traffic. We're in traffic. We're in traffic. We're in traffic. We're in traffic. We're in traffic. We're in traffic. We're in traffic. We're in traffic. We're in traffic. We're in traffic. We're in traffic. We're in traffic. We're in traffic. We're in traffic. We're in traffic. We're in traffic. We're in traffic. We're in traffic. We're in traffic. We're in traffic. We're in traffic. We're in traffic. We're in traffic. We're in traffic. We're in traffic. We're in traffic. We're in traffic. We're in traffic or going toLAUGHS and錯路. Of course we're in traffic. Thank you for being able to help us. Thank you. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Oh. Roger. Roger. Roger. Yes sir. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger.
see, take deep under traffic lane over, in very good next very corner traffic, full of bear traffic, drop it full of bear, you take on the one handberg approach and keep under traffic lane that's to play and play out now for you, over, try to go over traffic, we're out here, try to go, driving Mike Mokyana, turn complete heading back to the berth. Better get it, Mike, Mokyana, turn complete adventures, down for open 63. Thank you. Check out.
Roger Chepko, Roger Chepko, Roger Chepko, Roger Chepko, Roger Chepko, Roger Chepko, Roger Chepko, 18 on the Chepko Kesh, Bema, Chepko, 15 down for reach along 1.5, don't let go of Chepko, Chepko, 7 alpha, Roger Chepko, Roger Chepko, Roger Chepko, Roger Chepko, 15 down for reach along 1.5, don't let go of Chepko, don't let go of Chepko, Roger Chepko, Roger Chepko, Roger Chepko, 18 on the Chepko Kesh, Bema, Roger Chepko, 15 down for reach along 1.5, don't let go of Chepko, Roger Chepko, Roger Chepko, Roger Chepko, Chepko, three green of Chepko, I29 on him, Roger Chepko, Roger, atraina and Mike, on that palingAh forchen. Roger Chepko, 20-by recoll it, the call will open at top of Chepko, going to the member wells, neighbourhood for you, P Service, for that car, The file cash to the freelternity. It's go 50 Mt. Provortionable or 115到%半igow. I hope you will find that by participating in 2 million cases, for how much help you will continue in 2. » Special Story pomoc In the description下一 hugs to 3.
We'll see Silverish in Shovey. Roger B. Silverish in 4-2 in the T-Cadry. Now, Prochelco-Lady, Mount Prober 56. The more important site to you, where you can check 5-0. E-T in Jack, but catch. Prochelco-Lady in 5-2. The T-Cadry is about 3-2. The T-Cadry is about 4-2 in the T-Cadry. The T-Cadry is about 4-2 in the T-Cadry. The T-Cadry is about 4-2 in the T-Cadry. The T-Cadry is about 4-2 in the T-Cadry. The T-Cadry is about 4-2 in the T-Cadry. The T-Cadry is about 4-2 in the T-Cadry. The T-Cadry is about 4-2 in the T-Cadry. The T-Cadry is about 5-2 in the T-Cadry. The T-Cadry is about 5-2 in the T-Cadry. The T-Cadry is about 6-2 in the T-Cadry. The T-Cadry is about 5-2 in the T-Cadry. The T-Cadry is about 5-2 in the T-Cadry. The T-Cadry is about 5-2 in the T-Cadry. The T-Cadry is about 5-2 in the T-Cadry. The T-Cadry is about 5-2 in the T-Cadry. The T-Cadry is about 5-2 in the T-Cadry. The T-Cadry is about 5-2 in the T-Cadry. The T-Cadry is about 5-2 in the T-Cadry. The T-Cadry is about 5-2 in the T-Cadry. The T-Cadry is about 5-2 in the T-Cadry. The T-Cadry is about 5-2 in the T-Cadry. The T-Cadry is about 5-2 in the T-Cadry. The T-Cadry is about 5-2 in the T-Cadry. The T-Cadry is about 5-2 in the T-Cadry. The T-Cadry is about 5-2 in the T-Cadry. The T-Cadry is about 5-2 in the T-Cadry. The T-Cadry is about 5-2 in the T-Cadry. The T-Cadry is about 5-2 in the T-Cadry. The T-Cadry is about 5-2 in the T-Cadry. The T-Cadry is about 5-2 in the T-Cadry. The T-Cadry is about 5-2 in the T-Cadry.
Catch you, Tavik. Very good. Catch you. A key on the Jaguachash. Brochin. Delta Aguachash. Crickin. Delta Aguachash. You can be reached down for Rishman Long Lore 1. Escort Channel 7, Alpha over. And I, Tavik. On the way. Very important. So. Roger Jimny. A key in Jaguachash. Beam of San Francisco. Very building. Down for Rishman Long Lore 1. Escort Channel 7, Alpha.
Thank you, Mr. President. Dr. Dr. Kesheonk. I just a little complete. Mr. Shite. Tell, about Delphorition, along with DPS-23 feet, taking a rest of the better. East Energy Minister, Mr. Silverstone Bridge. Thank you, and E.K. You know, R.V. Jack Lucas. A beam of temperatures go 27. Delphorition along with one escort channel, set the house over. Thank you, Dave Steiner. Thank you, S.E.S., and a Breaky Lean. Jagle manages traffic. You copy the ejacetzse on wielzer. Biller, thank you, Deputy John Cohen. 教. uddah提 tiefsp Pas minutis- things else. Roger, awfully Еще on the jagle- b dotisco 27. Oh gentleman. Not here. Scammy j- diamict. 2000 4Diant. j Circus.
Roger Argo. Check out. We're in traffic. Roger, check out. Check out. Roger, check out. Driving Mike Mokyana, check it out. Roger, you need Mike Mokyana. Thank you.
I hear traffic. We'll meet you, please. Roger, Hager. Catch him. I'll be charged by our traffic. Roger, I'll be charged by our traffic. Roger, I'll be charged by the traffic. Roger, telephone, hello.
Carina Chevy. Roger Carina, 4Q and Missy Caterina. More up to the cargo company, 6. More in portite 2. We're going to touch 5 Alpha. We're going to touch 5 Alpha. Doesn't Trouser report to on the MSC Caterina. 4Q and Missy Caterina Chevy. We're all fast. Portside 2. Oh, close 56 checking out. Thanks for the help today. Are you welcome for 2? Have a good evening. Are you okay? I'm a Roger Carina. I'm gonna try to go. Big sister traffic. Roger H.K. In the diagonal cache, a broken scout head pistol can I wanted to help for Richmond lawlware. One escort kill, seven Alpha, could get the onc. Approaching the brothers, Calmanle for Richmond lawlware. Canine went to the brother's key stand Richmond's hammer, self-break cover.
team on our traffic. Roger Cascill. Each other. Roger Cascill. Two island traffic. Roger Cascill. Change each other. Roger Cascill.
I think he knows traffic. Roger, Benzino, Keshka. Traffic. One nine. This is the end to be on. One nine. He's banned. Be all right. Good afternoon. Traffic. Good afternoon. One nine. He's banned. We're trying to get underway. Oakland, 57. Straight out. First see. He grabs. And that's the most important. We'll use Delta Echo. And the C4 are trying to play. My truck's drawn straight over. Roger. United. Nineteen. He's banned. Be all right. Prepared to depart. Oakland. 57. Alpha. Straight out. Keep traffic. 10. 10. 10. 10. Delta Echo. Jeep. Motor traffic. And working tug. Zero. One nine. Traffic. Hydro. Traffic. Police reads. Two. The. Roger. United. One nine. He's banned. Be all interpurned. A par oak. 57. Alpha. He. Taking Delta Echo. Working tug. Zero. Roger. Thank you all blue. Traffic. I think. KD. Traffic. Tiger. Thank you. Have a good evening.
Coach Vallard. Vallard, did you mean marine exchange? Exchange, thank you. Copy that. 712. Thank you. Stop.
Good evening, I'm Jameen Aychavik. Roger Jim and I have one night on the East Band Beyond. The fairer day at Part 357, how about for he and to eat dolphin echo, working tug is early over. Bealachavik. Roger Bila, you have good evening. Chavik. Ray Chavik. Roger Birae. Chavik. Chavik. Chavik. Chavik. Walter Chavik. Chavik.
California on blow of traffic, and Roger points it in, called in at Plainsmithing. Shush go. How can you just flutter traffic? Roger Chethko. Jamie J. Javick. Roger Chethko. E.Y.L. and Chethko. Roger Chethko. Takes the traffic. Roger is fishing creek, push the barge grid, and it's a keen area across the country. It's a long-term channel, so they need downbound for anchorage vibes. They're heading west to the brothers. And they're moving for the slunner.
I'll be there. Pilot Office copies. Thank you. Thanks. Thanks. Copy. Thanks.
I got your traffic. Roger, I got your traffic. It's a traffic one, nine, more on the way. Roger, one, nine. He's standing behind the way. Very Korean traffic. You're broken and barely readable. This is a Korean attack. Roger, train, I have a lot of static coming from here and out. Very Korean attack. I have you the same. Roger, gateway to Clay Street. I don't know what's much better transition. I don't know what's going on. Roger, I know. Roger, I know. Nineteen, he's standing behind. Underway from open to 27, out for sea delta echo. Working tug, zero, eight, over. And you know, one, nine on the he's standing behind, over. One hamburger is just traffic. Roger, I'll.
5-8, Mary King. Copy displacement 5-2, 7-8, 8, and 6-3-0, Dale. Take the line at 1730. If the valet has checked and is on station, the Delta Linda will join you at light 15. Thank you.
We're on floor traffic. And we're on road traffic. 5-B-O-Shin needs a traffic. We're on floor traffic. 5-B-O-Shin needs a traffic. 5-B-O-Shin needs a traffic. 5-B-O-Shin needs a traffic. 5-B-O-Shin needs a traffic. 5-B-O-Shin needs a traffic. 5-B-O-Shin needs a traffic. 5-B-O-Shin needs a traffic. 5-B-O-Shin needs a traffic. 5-B-O-Shin needs a traffic. 5-B-O-Shin needs a traffic. 5-B-O-Shin needs a traffic. 5-B-O-Shin needs a traffic. 2-G trib legally and register the map. 3-B-O-Shin needs a traffic. 7-B-O-Shin needs a traffic. 7-B-O-Shin needs a traffic. 7-B-O-Shin needs a traffic. 7-B-O-Shin's C weren't July 31. 4-B-O-Shin needs the shelter. You're breaking a K&T, man beyond. If you break traffic, you can copy by the ocean east over. One on. If you break traffic, you can copy by the ocean east of traffic. If you break traffic, you can copy by the ocean east of traffic. If you break traffic, you can copy by the ocean east of traffic. If you don't break traffic, you can copy by the ocean east of traffic. If you don't break traffic, you can copy by the ocean east of traffic. If you don't break traffic, you can copy by the ocean east of traffic. If you don't break traffic, you can copy by the ocean east of traffic. If you don't break traffic, you can copy by the ocean east of traffic.
I took the 3rd of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of predicted that the new series apparently determined it was a revolutionary transformers in the movie, and theAPPLAUSE Thunderdull of the 7th after the course of the movie, starts after 39th of the end, was an amazing sponsor of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 3rd of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 5th of the 4th of the 4th and the 3nd of it, 18th of the 2th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 4th of the 3rd of the 4th of the 4th. very greener chavix greenic brother, greener 19 on 6 p.m. beyond at the Oakland Bar channel bell for seed Teddy Delta Echo 5-8 on the ocean beach uh, prepared at a part 8-8 bell for our day of three Kating Delta Echo and score channel 7-7 over high-good traffic uh, one nine on the beach bandiana Delta Bar channel bell for seed Teddy Delta Echo 5-8 on the ocean beach uh, prepared at a part 8-8 bell for our day of three Kating Delta Echo and score channel 7-7 over
Be aware of traffic. Dr. One and I know that she's standing behind Gilcombark channel now for she and Teddy Delta Echo deep under traffic light. Over here. She was a train girl American freedom traffic.
We're preparing at the ferry building for Saucelido. Thank you, trapping.
Traffic are though traffic are though just going on the way from the Clay Street Oakland For I'll meet a point running life
And just pile it up. So it's out on board Parchimori 1920. Two meters above the water, please. Roger.
Traffic, I just... Clay Street to the Freableding.
Lyra is traffic. Lyra traffic, Roger, you can have 5-8 oceans. The perch in the distance in up up for Rdn3. Fish and creek pushing up Rdn6100. And Rdn1, the return payment boat bridge, while per anchor 5. Over. Thank you, Trump. All the gates, traffic. Roger, you can have 5-8 oceans. You can have points in up up for Rdn1. And you can have much better return payment boat bridge. Sorry, do you think Trump sounds? JimiNine Trappedig. Roger, Paula and Terry push in up for Trill Am barge, bring us to a point bound for aloming of 4 astringued finds to be an omen. интred to put a
traffic. traffic. traffic. traffic. traffic.
traffic calmer your home load stuff here 50 hadn't thanks to cleared 3
Thank you, 12. Thanks. I'm ready to change copies. Thank you. California Pilot Office. Correct. Roger.
traffic, base elevation, track base elevation, check on the square to the shallow mark here and over. Base celebrations come.
Angel Island traffic, for Roger, thank you, Trump comes. It's not fully going for a traffic traffic. Traffic 34 grand, too. Good evening, we're even here at Trialis 6, now for Venetia. Keep traffic 30 feet. We plan on out the problem. And the Westman. Okay, good copy, thanks for coming. Traveling, hydros. Gayway 2, please.
Thank you, 26. We're in exchange, copy, thank you.
Meet the floors. We're in exchange. Okay, perfect. I'll get you checked in at 1931. Thank you.
Thank you very much. Have a good day.
Three, four copies next. That's correct. Thank you, thank you.
This is the traffic hydrists. This is sharp. Glacier needs to use the prayer moving. We've got a balanced prayer pushing. A control in bar to create advance. You can encroach tons of patchable from 55 or out on the affordable. Copy, thank you.
Thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next video.
He's turning back to Jack on the trail over.
34p 300 phones, very 49 VND LOL 1745 39 33 34 34 34 34 4 34 32 34 34 34 pri
Concentrate the pilot office directly on channel 1.0 and be able to confirm yours.
San Francisco pilot, San Francisco pilot, Modedenka-Hafnia-Amberg. San Francisco pilot, San Francisco pilot, Modedenka-Hafnia-Amberg. Anthony Amber, pilot up. As Mr. Pilot, good evening to you, so we are presently on Creech No. 9. As per last information from Agents, so we will have pilots to date and o'clock p.m. Is it correct? Correct. Pilot board half an hour early. I will board 2-1-3-0. So, pilot boarding time about 2-1-3-0. Is it correct? Correct. Okay, cut to that. We'll be right for this time. Thank you. Roger. Mr. Pilot, could you advise the pilot boarding correction, please? Please rig a lee side ladder. Two meters above the water. Please side pilot ladder. Two meters above the water. Thank you. Roger.
you know, and continue to know it perfectly. You know, I'm going to get a bridge and westbound on your departure. Take a couple. Try a big address. Two way, two, please, please.
Traffic had just Place streets to Fireballing Copyding it Traffic face elevation We're tied up by Jacqueline this square over
Take my key to this. This is your lead.
The station called me, and it's $5, okay, I'll get you checked out at 2129, thank you.
1.2 thanks
Can you do that? How complete are our traces? So it's proceeding to the birth. Traffic 7, Houghnia, Amber. 7 Houghnia, Amber. It's traffic. Could he be? Good evening, traffic. 7 Houghnia, Amber. Even in Charlie 1. Found for C. Deep traffic 10 meters. Delta Echo, Deep Wonderland. That'd be 7 Houghnia. Amber. Very good. A wif winker. 9, Charlie 1 for C. Deep traffic 10 meters. Delta Echo, and Deep Wonderland. Thank you. You've gone away.
Driver, 7 We're on the way now We're on the Goody Remember, three foot off the road You have 23 of where they take their conqueror is passing Pinole's Volcano Markers 13 of 14 down Baalper C. Over. Thank you, S.E.U.S. Break. You have 23 conqueror, this is traffic that you got B.B. Trich, S.E.U.S. over.
3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, and the ridge for a longward finish, now bound for this bullseye 10, of being the echo-boy, steady-piece man to watch the brothers over, 3, 3, and are you under his court over? Yeah, sure come.
Traffic, Gemina. OK, Toyota, it's a clay street. So... You want a truck? It's a lighter truck. I'll be the layer of the kit.
the Esquire Togal you have is a junior man. Give me one second. Let me look in. All right, Palabo, it looks like they're finishing up the defense onto the YM, uh, well spread. I don't know what California Palabo is. I just checked with Harbor Fleet. They switched it to the Z3. The Z3 is just being peer nine now headed towards zone one. Thank you very much.
I'm trying to get a germaner. I'm trying to get a germaner. I'm trying to get a germaner.
235, thanks.
Do that Marine and take the copy displacement of 96071, the G3 is on the way to Maura, it just has to go on New Bridge, and I will get you checked in at 2244. Thank you.
traffic one night or I'll tell you you check it out.
Stella, pilot office. Please maintain ETA to the pilot station, 0630. Roger.
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