Wed Jun 19 2024

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Social Trafford 42, Arjun Goprera. Can't 42, Arjun Goprera, traffic dead, morning off. Good morning Trafford 42, and the Arjun Goprera, shift in from 9.9 to 6.11. Arjun Goprera is 9.1 meters. Maybe it's not pretty clear, a little later than planned on Delta X. In a 42, Arjun Goprera, Trafford graduate preparing that anchorage, starting shortly. Up down with Richmond, 11. You can have 9.1 meters in Tane Delta Echo, and you'll get back to me with an escort tug frequency. And you do have the tug, stop the race, but you better then, extend course done petroleum, just in the Indian open bar channel, bound for 3222. In Tane Goprera, on the flat, and you have the direct etching off, currently dragging, in the Tane as Richmond will refer to one. Okay, 42, thank you Trafford. Thank you. Thank you. I'm going to wait and break, just a little rain, because I can't reach Arjun Goprera, because Trafford did not be here for two Arjun Goprera. Thank you both. Trafford. Trafford. 32.11. Thank you. I'll avoid your Trafford. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning, Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning, Good evening. 32 copies, give me a comment. Roger, thank you. And break 42, or prepare a truck. Copy it. 32. Oh, what's your number? truck up.

I look forward to seeing you in the next video. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Okay, cool. I'll get you checked in at, uh, 0-0-1-9. How could you? I'm finished. Okay, cool. I'll get you checked in at 0-0-2-0.

That's what traffic is 32, follow Voyager. Hey, can you follow Voyager traffic? Traffic, you run away. Roger, you can follow Voyager and away, traffic. Why did you do that? I should prepare a traffic. I don't know where it is. Roger, you can do it. And, uh, pre-emission, then wait for help to drive the way.

I'm gonna go to the next room. I'll do a checkup. I'll do a checkup. I'll do a checkup. I'll do a checkup. I'll do a checkup.

Okay, traffic. Good morning. The bus is traffic road you're preparing at the Richmond Alperts 3 up bumper C. On track where there's N2P and the cross-starched trolley, the traffic 19p intended to just do an Eclipse 5. For doing an Eclipse, canle 65. And you have the talk about the right-biscuiter, N2P and the cross-starched trolley. Kent Approachier 7-x 2, wykon much42 and sending the vlog as well as -> 42rkferer, just being the very building applicant, all of them el... west through... Make it for... Subbed right, you have 42 urgent e-commerce traffic. Did you copy a tough co-chaser? Dropper 4-90 of our nurses. Get ready to argue. Compare a traffic route your tough co-chaser. Thank you, long-segger, there's 16-inch gross tough co-cholium, departing from the rich manlomerate 3 upbound for a sea. It's been to go to Anchorage, five to just tow a quarter of 65 over. Okay, let me recluse. Thank you. Thank you, Anchorage. Subbed right, you have to copy tough co-chaser. Subbed right, traffic, over. Roger the tough co-chaser, long-segger, there's a 6-inch gross tough co-cholium, 6-inch gross tough co-cholium, departing from the rich manlomerate 3 upbound for a sea. Intending to just tow an Anchorage, five, 5-6-5, or thank you, Anchorage.

I'm not sure if that's what you're getting on the way. Trap. Work to your arching-abarage, I'm going. Roger, Tony, I'll offer for those. Thank you. Trap, come on.

Thank you all, Chesapeake! Chesapeake! Chesapeake! You've cleared your disposal. Plus, let's head down for the recommend. All work to continue. You try to take your 123 feet. And I can't change anything. But for the brothers, I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. You do have a unit 42. I can't prepare. They're. Approaching point. So then. I'll for recommend. 11. Work it up. 20. Alpha. Roger. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Prepare a trip. You got to be dragged. You got to be on server. Thank you.

Coolstars when in Philadelphia via a Drive & Reading Source Of course there is a Drive & Reading Source the run on thelement are on the left corner of the world You need to have the minimum fewer of a Drive

Okay, Pegasus, services, go find out. I'll open at 0-2-0-0, Captain. Sure, sign forwarding.

Station, call for emergency change. Red chill out, emergency change. Okay, perfect. Good morning. How high do you check? 02004. Thank you. Finally, copy. Thank you. Emergency change, copy. Thank you.

Try to get a tango while I'm well trained. Try to get a tango while I'm well trained. I'm very into the part of the 57. Try to decide how many feet. He grabbed just 37 feet one inch. We'll kind of take him to tell the echo sound of a bridge. He put a trust blame. That's on fire, that's on fire. Take a run.

I'm going to crash this for $5, it's a good party.

I'm gonna take it under way.

I'll get you checked out at 0309 and I'll get you checked in at 0309 from the CHEOS. How's it going? Good morning.

The Vip's traffic in 5-8 Georgia's third. It's the morning traffic. The Vip's third. It's very interesting. It's got a slight CO-506 for sea. It's got a deepest traffic of 9.5 meters. I'm off the dock. It's great out. Y'all check out deep water lanes. It's just westbound on the archers. We're going to take with us on Channel Zero. Wait a second. We'll be.

Thanks for watching, and I'll see you in the next video.

Copy this briefing on the CHIOS 4106-427 going to Richmond, Longmore, Fort, Alta June is checked in and added on the station. I'll get you checked in on 033-39. Thank you.

I don't know why I won't find a job manager, just like the goalkeeper, I just will be where I come from on the departure. Thank you. And here's their two kilos. But you can't believe it's wanting to and bound as well as Cardina from the west for the 1750 over.

The look traffic buzzers run away, traffic. That's a good copy. Thank you very much. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. If you're not found, follow me at the park. Thank you.

5.5. 1.5. 1.5. 1.5. 1.5. 1.5.

I don't think I can take it. I don't think I can take it.

34 President Wilson and Chaffegor. 258 towards Third Chaffegor. I would like to say that a gone Roman vessel is on Channel 16, trying to hell you over.

Why is this copy safe? Really? It's a copy.

We have San Francisco traffic that put Volani in thought. Traffic, Volani in thought, good morning. Preparing to depart at 0.67 with the one loaded with Volani on barge. Greater than one side. Found for Martinez too. He's in both both both spin. What's the main argument in San Ricardo? He's working RS for 5-1 now. Channel 1-7 on the deep traffic to 17. I'll be in the 3-4 thing to travel tomorrow.

Fire on the copy, thank you.

The traffic is falling in the bottom. The traffic is falling in the bottom of the way. It's time to come. Traffic is very cute. I tried my gut. Very cute. Just a farmer beam of me and my position here. There's a foot there. I tried my foot. I tried my foot.

on him now chop it jumping hey morning we are checking in getting on the way from how many to point to get way out of it got it, thank you

Ah, leech runs soak clony-tych hasure pulls Tromphicmonmonmonmon � 눈 olmay Breat i attack all at once! Soak clony-tych hasure «x3»

Hello. Hello. We're in the stage. Yeah, the escort pass for the Cardiology is Rachel Owens. That's what we've been having right now. You're welcome. No worries.

There's a third cover here, then, you can't want to do it over. Let me get you a draft, of course.

Thank you. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. We are departing from Alameda Boyd before Oakland City. Hi, Mr. Trevor. Thank you. Thank you. We had a report of AI. That's for a drift. I just used to have a point blind. And I had no appetite. Did you happen to pass it and you give us updated location? You also have been a way to get out of the track. This point of the field of traffic. The field of traffic, thank you. Terry of course goes pushing to bars as well as the 60th. It goes time to stop the rodeo dogs. A battle for a center for a rock quarry that remains in the wake for the spawner.

Copy, thanks. 5-8, marine exchange.

Thanks to the traffic, thank you and I did a copy of that for a drift off of Point Blund. Thank you, I saw a part of the Spirits pushing the avarge. It's a toy barge period and just north of the T.I. across the flat for a richman loan war. And a little more, you could not catch this point. A part of the traffic. A part of the traffic, I think, is for the update. For the project, we're trying to get a good morning. You need to report for it, and we'll send traffic. Okay, what's your pleasure?

Good morning. Copy this question in 4-0-0-0-5, thank you and at 6-0-8, the Rachel Allen Tech Tech Department is on stage and thank you.

5A, Cardiani, Chavez, Good Morning. Roger, 5A on Cardiani and Bounce on the Piotrary, about for which the long-war points. Deeper half 8-159 meters. 6.5 meters. More importance, I2G Watershav, in the Lade of Southampton, Shilchannel, Escort Channel 7-7. Thank you, and that's about 5-1 on the Mugumbo. Coachin and Miche of Channel 1-2 about the Piotrary, at 3-4 credit. It will fit in Virgin Planky, Albo. Albo, Albound for T, Northbound upon the Piotrary. There's a minimum weight count to 3 and a minimum rate of 0.6. With 6-1-1-1-1-2-3-9. And as a working channel, 1-4-6-9, Committee of Health in Philiac. And, um, Millennium Dawn, with the Piotrary and Bounce side, greater than 16-hundred-group times. Just clear to go, to go up until Benedict I, hopefully be a bridge. Down from March 1-2. Over. How's that, correct? And also the bridge at X-Hionk. There are Planky Morty, and there'll be a Gallinal Ferrisio on Work, Conduct, Treaty and Operation Silver. Bake 5-1-Mugumbo, 3-4 credit, and Wilson, to Planky and John Trappic, Chuchati, 5-8 Cardi on the other. If you want to try to eat, I'll be fighting Cardio, I mean, I'll return a lot more for what? Thank you, I'll try to go.

You should have a Delta� Clayini's here. Zoners.

Sir, haveinge copies, thank you.

Roger, what was your arrangements with the Apollo? Yes, yes, Roger. Roger. And we do have, you're cutting in the RNA, is that correct? Yes, Roger. Roger. Great, thick, thick. Roger, thick, thick. And in the week, we're out the track. And, uh, technically, you don't go on. What's the fueling bar to the long side? Great, six years. That's a very clean, pure belt for working at two. And, uh, they're in stainless steel, and several sole breaks. It's a long, very push-up fueling bar. It's a great 16-hundred-gross-cutting approach. It's a self-touching fuel channel, too. Uh, in the flat, it's a belt for working at the long, worth nine. That's the on, uh, just starting judging. Uh, up the rich and long, worth. Lord. Apollo is very clever. Please sure, I would like to confirm you. You're bound for rich and long, worth nine. On the backside of the track. Roger. What are your route intentions to, uh, get there? Apollo is very difficult. Roger. Um. In the way that the answer to that, make it as cut. It looks like we are going to have an R&A issue, um, Mr. Miller. Robby. Hi, sir. Hi, Mr. Chevy. I mean, I defined it from all kinds of ways, to reach both very building. Roger, hi, sir. Mr. Miller. Mr. Miller. Yeah, I guess, uh, traffic may only go over 55. Apollo is very clever. Roger, I can't give it out. I'm so clever to call in with. Mr. Miller, Trevor. Thank you. And Emily, I'm done. I have a bit of a short, much long side breathing. Each of us are channel four. Um. You can't see what's been written.

I'm going to take you in your decision. I'm going to take you in your decision. I'm going to take you in your decision. I'm going to take you in your decision. I'm going to take you in your decision. I'm going to take you in your decision. I'm going to take you in your decision. I'm going to take you in your decision. I'm going to take you in your decision. I'm going to take you in your decision. I'm going to take you in your decision. I'm going to take you in your decision. I'm going to take you in your decision. I'm going to take you in your decision. Are someone who says 5,000. Don't go for a driver. Control over. Control over zero. Control over one degree. Control over and control over. Control over and control over the other discharged pills on. Control over two discharged pills. Control on前 and cowardose for 699. Control over 2 divided into 69 and 50 divided into 8 divided by 5 divided into 7 divided by 6 divided with 5 divided by 5 divided into 5. Control over 36 which is Czechoslovakia. Control over 3 divided into 6 divided with 5 divided by 6 divided into 7 divided by 6 divided into 9 divided by 5 divided by 5 divided by 5 divided by 5 divided by 3 divided into 6 divided by 7 divided between 5 divided.

Great job, thank you. Many of you have driven. Many of you have driven. Government, you've done as the Australian large website created. And there is a set of their channel for about four of our candidates in Can any West Bank, a score from 117 minimum weight get out of the trash. And weight gets down to the score 15.

Please, land driver. It's really not conducting some local shifts between well 15, well 8, with a, uh, part of the 1600 goes turns, drops 6 feet, it's very time-consolation of the around 0, 8, 0, 0. Thank you. I can call the driver, because I want you to completely shift sir. Same with you, Jovey. I'll tell the JHA's for your cover, Roger. Thank you. I'll drop you.

That was copy-sanctioned.

Good morning, everyone. Roger and there are two coachers. That's it. The ones that are standing up of them. I'm going to be on track for Coach Roger. I appreciate the information. Roger. Roger. Roger. Thank you. Richard, Robert, thank you. In Ontario, Bruce goes south of Eccoboori, Belfare, San Rafael, pushing two coaches. But that's been a way for this flana. And I believe it's been doing some local shifts between the LL-15, the LL-15 over. Great job, Robert. Career and job, thank you.

I'll go ahead, Trevor. I'll go ahead, Trevor. Roger and go. Here we are. Here we are. The separation is over. Between you. There's another. Roger. Thank you. And five eight hundred. It's a very passionate position. And I think you have a clear channel for a while. So I'll go ahead, Trevor. I'll go ahead, Trevor. I'll go ahead, Trevor. Thank you. I'll go ahead, Trevor. I'll go ahead, Trevor. I'll go ahead, Trevor. Thank you. I'll go ahead, Trevor. I'll go ahead, Trevor. Thank you. I'll five eight. On the. The. Cool game version. Thank you. Part of trouble plan for Richmond. I'm going to wake up. This is swim. I thought Benzotia halfway across between. I'll be. The. The. The. The. The. The. The. The.

pilot officer send your message copy 0800 please read your starboard ladder and midship of your vessel three meters above the water no man ropes pilot on arrival over the pilot boat San Francisco be on channel 13 when you enter the precautionary area thank you pilot officer

Thank you. I just have it. I just have it. Thank you, Minowake and Real Club 50. Minowake, Minowake, Minowake, Alcatraz. Minowake, Minowake, Alcatraz. Minowake, Alcatraz. Minowake, Alcatraz. I just recorded halfway across. I'm Alcatraz, this time for the school of 39. 5.8 on the academia. The department of travel clinic, approaching Hardin Rock, for which belong work. Blocked javascript. I just have blocked up the first hemispherical 50 for Anchorage 9, which can be pushed in large less than draft to be feed. Thank you. And Coach, have a good day.

I'm really sure. Be the chapter for us. Thank you. I'm going to show you this book 15. We're going to wake out the trash. So 5-8. Koadina. Special thanks to you, Mark. Keep order chocolate land. I found for Richmond Law & Workability and John. And it's between March and March and March and March and March and March and March. She is. Or. Do you know what? I'm sure I can. I'm sure I can. I'm going to do it. I'm going to. I'm going to. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. It's been eight years. This has been 8 years. It's been around five. It's been working five times. It's been about 14 years. It's been about 15 years. It's been about 16 years. Oh. Say that, drink it. It's been about 15 years. It's been about 15 years. See. It's been about 15 years. It's been about 15 years. iałem with ki. ��er.

Thank you, and I'd you copy up your niche when I do a check that you have 15 and 18 loyal. It'd been a way for the spawner. That's John Trevor. Roger George Johnson. I'd probably reach for a long word for the spawner flight 10. Perhaps 20 feet, 4 inches, and 10 inches, you better understand the flow bridge. Thank you. Go and get Trevor. Go and get Trevor. Thank you. There's two minutes of waiting for the spawner. I'm going to let him down as a patrol and large-long side-grade. And I'd like to just be in a blockpoint. I'd tell him for Mark Kee in Cincinnati at West Bend. And as a Squarespace 7-T. 5-8 on the Crudine. Yeah. He's running a point blind for Richmond Longward. There's a Squarespace 7-7 over.

Alright, so we can't prepare any of the Alcatraz for San Francisco 50, for sure, it's that far, July 16th, of course, trying to jump by feeding to the opposite of the Alcatraz for being breached. I mean, we've got San Francisco 15, and he's still going to need a minute away, get Alcatraz. Copy, San Francisco 50, 5-0, thank you, Alcatraz, but go once in a while. We're just there, Trevor. We're here, Trevor. Thank you. Also, about 5-8, Cardinia, I just ran in point blight for our Richmond Wallwalk, that's of course, 7-7, but he even got it. I've got a virtual enlargement side greater than there would be in the left point. Now, for more keen, it's going to continue to watch, man, or try to screw it up. Get under way, place three, four, oyster points, a cup of minimum weight of 55. Screw it up, you're standing. Sounds like a very accurate cup of it. I try to get a position up there, please. Roger, you still need to be a bank going on? Go ahead, go ahead and secure it. Thank you. Have a good day.

I'll be the chopper. Thank you. I'm going to wait for the spot on that British lens. I do a local shift between the L-15 and 18. As you know, it's just a front here. They're about for this local place kind of. Every day, Trevor. Every day, Trevor. Thank you. I'm going to wait for 15. I'll take the chopper. We're all take the chopper. Thank you. Thank you, Trevor. Thank you. Been a week. I hope that's 55. I'm going to get a chopper. We're going to get a very important, Alcatraz for Richmond, 19. So Shambar's was the 16th of August. I'm going to turn the chopper to the 9th heat. And we've got some of the flats here. Roger, thank you. We're going to do a local shift in the chopper. We're going to shift the challenge 12. So we're going to one, two. We're very going to chopper. Given our chopper. Thank you. I wish this goes 15. I've got river cans. Just going up the dock. Get an Alcatraz. Push it in large less than for Richmond, and the harbor. Thank you.

Go and drive it. Go and drive it. Go and drive it. Thank you. Drop pick. I'm interested in it. We are departing from Ogre Glace Street for Ferry Belly.

CMA, CGM, SEMI, pilot office, your pilot will board 10-30, leeside, two meters above the water.

I just have to thank you, man. I'm way scared. I'm gonna just go fifty five. Over. Very introvert. I'm very introvert. Thank you. Please enjoy introvert. Thanks, sir.

San Francisco pilots, San Francisco pilots, Motovacil CMA CGM CEMI calling. CMA CGM CEMI pilot after sending message. Good morning again pilots, this is CMA CGM CEMI. Questions? 10.30, pilot will be boarding. My main engines to be ready. Any further instructions for the anchorage to pick up the anchor? Wait for your pilot to pick up anchor please. Roger that. Once the pilot will board, pilot will pick up the anchor. Copy that, sir.

Thanks to Chavez. Thanks to Chavez. Thank you. I've been away for a salon. I had to adjust the on the approach in the disposal site too. Once I complete the period training to the long work. I took a little and even dawns. I've been through a large long side grade. I've had to approach any of what's better. I'll focus for more keenest. I have the escort to on one, seven. Over. Here's three, two, two, two, three. Chavez. Traffic 9, Lopihama. 1,9 in Mokill under the traffic. Good morning. 1,9, Lopihama. 3,4,3,4. 3,4,3. 3,4,3. 3,4. 3,6,4. 3,6,3. 3,4. 3,4,3,4,3. 3,4,3. 4,4. 1,9,9. 3,4,4,3. 4,4,4,4. 3,4,4,4,4. 3,4,4,4,4,4. 3,4,4,4. I can't wait. I can't wait. I can't wait. I can't wait. I can't wait. I can't wait. I can't wait. I can't wait. I can't wait. I can't wait. I can't wait. I can't wait. I can't wait. I can't wait. I can't wait. I can't wait. I can't wait. I can't wait. I can't wait. I can't wait. I can't wait. I can't wait. I can't wait. I can't wait. I can't wait. I can't wait. I can't wait. I can't wait. I can't wait. I can't wait. I can't wait. I can't wait. I can't wait. Thank you.

Professor, Joe. Thank you. Declaration Dragon. Brother, section Creek. Thank you for your calling. We're over. Welcome to our�ent �. Good morning. Roger. He sounds I have led écervouille and the title is direction Roger the half Right now these do not have any terms of theaders in competition I mean by one Roger their 213 standard channel Have an under seat off speed or touch up the Rake and one anchor to the rake, and one anchor, 15131 of the rake, and the working shell, 7-1, and another required two-hour notice to move over, that is correct, sorry about that, my other advice overlapped in that factor, and our units need the rake to be moved over, rocker melancholy and dodging, you have a trip, check out, pulling, you have a good morning, rocker will decay, and cabaret can't push the bar to less than 1600 growth, because approaching the alphabetly up-down for rake of a 19 in the flat, over,

Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Roger Gerado. Over. After action at the Millennium Dawn. Roger Briggs, Millennium Dawn traffic. You copy. Thank you. Thank you. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning.

Get away to Claisery. A Roger Delphi, the... Crafca. Crafca. Crafca, the Crafca. A Roger, the Crafca. Johnson, one, nine, one, the one. A Roger, one, that ain't smoky on us. Underway. And there's a minimum weight kit, hopefully. Fifty-five. And, hammered to skill-15. Minimum weight, you know, 135 and 53 or 15. But, Korea, that's a great Korean traffic. See that, uh, one, nine, just pulled away from the doctor. Give it to me. Really? Copy, thank you. Then, the hell traffic, good morning. A Roger, thank you. It's a pretty old push in a barge. Let's send draft to the eight feet. Prepare to the park. And the hockey con, the arch, for a fully elite team. Get one of him, don's. He has a petroleum barge alongside greater than they're approaching the brothers for marking this too. Over. Call him underway. Over. Roger, thank you. Break. One of him, don's traffic. Did you copy, Betty? Over. Betty, I'll push in a barge. Let's send. Prepare to the park. And the arch, for a fully elite team. Over. You're welcome. Thank you. Roger, thank you.

I was confidence in it

Hi, good traffic. Roger, thank you, I guess. Jessica. 5-100 Pluto traffic, good morning. Thank you. 5-100 Pluto. Inbound from a politician with a draft of 12 meters, 39 feet, 4 inches. Not for both in a 59, where the vessel will be starboard side two. Intending east on traffic leading Delta Coast. And with the turnip sensors. I'm re-event with two swimmers. Clearing safe branches, yacht club in the separation scheme. The committee boat, aqual one is in the LES user. They're monitoring 13 and 14 with an x-way point of out-contrast. Following out-contrast, they'll be swimming for the Oakland Bay Bridge. 1-9 aboard the Mochi Hanna. At the Oakland 57 out-bough for sea, Entending Delta Echo, a deep-water traffic lane. Men-o-makes at San Francisco 15 for crane-ups. And Oakland 55 for dog repairs. Over. OK, and I copy all that with the marine event. They're currently on the South Side of the panel. And they're going to be premiered across to the Alcatraz. The rain event was two swimmers. They're in the separation zone between the west down and east down traffic lanes. They're swimming to Alcatraz. And then cross the east on traffic lane for the Oakland Bay Bridge. Aqual one monitoring, 14 and 14. They are an AIS user. OK, very good. Thank you. You're welcome. Break the Aqual one, one-nine. OK, Hanna. Did you copy five-one? Hondite Pluto. Over. One-nine. Thank you both. Drop-com. Let's do that. Let's do that. We'll call in. Draw on the Mochi Hanna. And you said you'd deep-rap with 13 feet, six inches at correct. Roger to draw on the Mochi. Draw on the Mochi. Draw on the second. 16-hundred-grossed times. You've got 15 feet, three inches. Prepared at a part of Richmond, 24, bound four. Richmond, along were two. And working took 65. Thank you. And, however, we can't push enough hours. Less than 16-hundred-grossed times. Dean loves self-hamped visual light. Now for Richmond, 19 in the flat. And five-five on the Cardiota. Push the dock. Let me give you a line to Richmond, along were one. There is a score channel 7-7. Over. You're calling it away. Break. Cover. 5-8. Cardiota. Thank you.

Geronimo, marine change, copy that, 0813, thank you.

I'm putting the membership. Becoming mayor of the Central center of the kell Head Valley River. In the 13th floor of the districts of the подумathon. Tuggler Beney Cal, also that the aircraft comes with control One mile west of Alcatraz, their next reporting point is Alcatraz, they're working to their correctional working channel 1-3-1-4. They have a wake service fiscal 15-19 on the multi-honda approach and over 55-9-year-tating delta echo. Alcatraz, they have a wake service fiscal 15-19 on the multi-honda approach and over 55-9-1-4. The multi-honda approach is a low-class 55-9-1-4. Alcatraz, they have a wake service fiscal 15-19 on the multi-honda approach and over 55-9-4.

Roger Semi-J, one nine, the most 100 pass in Oakland, might be help out for seeing Citting Delta Echo. Minimum Lake, Sarah, just go 15. Copy one nine. Roger Semi-J. Roger Semi-J. Roger Semi-J. Roger Semi-J. Roger Semi-J. Roger Semi-J. Roger Semi-J. Roger Semi-J. Roger Semi-J. Roger Semi-J. Roger Semi-J. Roger Semi-J. Roger Semi-J. Roger Semi-J. Roger Semi-J. Roger Semi-J. Roger Semi-J. Roger Semi-J. Roger Semi-J. Roger Semi-J. Roger Semi-J. Roger Semi-J. Roger Semi-J. Roger Semi-J. Roger Semi-J. Roger Semi-J. Roger Semi-J. Roger Semi-J. Roger Semi-J. Roger Semi-J. Roger Semi-J. Roger Semi-J. Roger Semi-J. Roger Semi-J. Roger Semi-J. Roger Semi-J. … Roger Semi-J. Roger Semi-J. Roger Semi-J. Shouts of Blossom Rock, and you are aware of one night Mokihana, and you'll stay well clear of them. Thank you, and a break one night Mokihana traffic, did you copy that to Mokihana? One night negative. Roger E, to Mokihana, to Mokihana. Just reported there are two swimmers. At Alcatraz, their next reporting point is Souts of Blossom Rock, and they will stay well clear of you as you pass over. One night copy, thank you. You're welcome. Okay. Draw them on traffic. Standby, and also, you have the Gritch S-C on to be the Plain Malaidi. You have a lot of E-L-M-L for which we have been along the work to conduct gritching operation. Or, like our standby for a rare cat of break, rare cat traffic, did you copy that to Mokihana?

I'm going to get a hold of River Cat. You guys have a channel that you guys work in the Richmond Harbor. You can get a hold of them on. Roger, I'll try hell in a month, channel 1, 3, and I'll let them know. If you're going to see them buy out the flat right now, either approach or it's going to be fixed. River Cat, I bet we'll transfer the channel 1-4. Roger, I'll touch around them. I'll let them know what the petroleum bark is going to. I'll take the heat that are growth time to approach in Richmond Harbor, and I'll about 4, which been a long work for you. He's working channel 65. He's wondering if you're going to stand by out the flat until he clears over. Roger, I'll read my channel 1-3-1-4. Roger, there is a read of it, which you'll notice can be about stock or one. There is either half a mile south of Alcatraz, or an extra-ploring point is Bluffer Rock, U-19, or the Mokiana, it's their approach in the Oakland Park channel. I'll about for you to think of that cookie border traffic lane. And 5-1 on the R&A Pluto, one mile east of the YouTube channel 70, inbound for 0.59 and 10 east on traffic lane. Over. Roger, Roger, I'll talk to the third one. Take you, Lara, Jessica, 4-Pio, traffic, Roger, Scorpio, thank you, Jessica. Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, you know, the Mokiana, the Oakland Park channel, I'll about for you to think of that. Go, keep under traffic lane, they're going to like to have a fiscal 15. And there is a read of L.J. Twitter, it's going to be about stock or one, one mile. Richard, half mile south of Alcatraz, an extra-ploring point because Bluffer Rock are working kind of 1-4-1-3. So, be, uh, charging down to a candlestick, we'll be either an extra-ploring point after Bluffer Rock. Go.

on traffic. Excellent. Thank you, appreciate. The offer is like Toronto. I'm going to go through. Thank you, break through on the traffic. You can't be as you have this track. Thank you. Three, nine. Thank you for the spark. Drask out. Golden Gate traffic.

Roger, 5-1 aboard the Hyundai Pluto, and about approaching my rock blade for 0.59, and 10-E Spontrapic Lane Delta Echo Span. One night, Mokihon is clearing the Delta Echo Span for a key, and 10-E Geatwater traffic lane. The minimum length of the hand for just 0.15 per crane-op. We have that with two swimmers, clearing out the trash for a block from rock, then candlestick park. Committee bought Mokihon, monitoring 13, and 14, and they have two swimmers over. Mendocino traffic. Roger, 5-1. 10-E Geatwater traffic. Roger, 10-E Geatwater traffic. 10-E Geatwater traffic. Roger, thank you. Roger, thank you. Player traffic. There's a rate of it with the aqu security who is poorest. zast clock playback. The next cutoff of the blast of rock. There the inch of the 14 point is müssen rock, and there'll be the blue cooker candlestick over.

This was calling you, or unreadable. Sammy, change traffic. I have you a weekend, barely readable. I can't you try to switch it in for a radio. You'll have it clear. Roger, thank you. Chuck, go. Argo, David. Roger, Argo. Chuck, go. I'm a Chuck, brother, Kevin. Roger, thank you. You're a 19, I'm a lucky owner. Roger, thank you. Roger, Argo, thank you. Chuck, go. Have to eat. I drink. I drink. I drink. I just, uh, departing from Oberon's place. Three. Four. Very building. And it's always wobble at the fifty-five. Roger, I just thank you. And also there's a green available to you. Twitter. Maybe about soccer one. They just reported that blocked the rock. Uh, they can help the Bravo. And, uh, only down the candle stick over. Copy. Ade. Ade. Monet. 13. There are monitoring. Channel. 13. 10. 10.

You didn't find me. Perfect. I think you have a good day. Talk about traffic.

I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine. I'd like to take a look at the machine.

155. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 5. 1. 1. ... 3. 3. ... their next reporting point out for Bravo. In the working channel, 1, 3, 1, 4. Let's give it to you, Jeffy. Thank you, Jeffy. Grab a carina. Very great, Jeff. Preparing to depart from Jack London Square to the ferry building copy, all come 55. Roger Peria, thank you. Jeffy, Jeffy. Thank you, Jeffy. Roger, Jeff, thank you. Jeffy, Jeffy, thank you. Jeffy, Jeffy, thank you. Jeffy, Jeffy, thank you. Jeffy, Jeffy.

Bob Chavix, Roger Chavix, Bob. That push-in of our distance, 16-hundred-gross, 10-us-q-trass, E-V, prepared out of our English. I'll try to leave now for, have to just go 50. Thank you. Come on in. Roger Bob, let's go ahead and catch up. Doctor Chavix, Roger Chavix. Roger Chavix, go. When I'm looking out of Chavix, Bob. Roger, thank you, looking out of Golden Gate, for a shout-down upon the time to park your, thank you. Chavix, go.

Roger, I guess. There's a arena that would use Twitter's office. It's the Aqual one, there's just an order to the cherry building. Their next reporting point, the Alpha Rd. The Spaniacode Bay Bridge, Minor in Channel 1314. But in a week, they have to go 15. 5-1 on Pluto. Beam the San Francisco 15. The Alpha Rd. The 59.15. The Echo working took 19. Alpha. Over. Roger. Roger. There's a arena that would use Twitter's office. The Aqual one of them is... Characters go... Nine. An important point to Alpha Rd. The San Diego can be bridge. Working Channel 1314. There were catch heavy. Roger. Thank you. Have a catch up. Drawin' about traffic. I could drawin' about thank you. Check up. Pulling you. Roger. Go to the gate. Thank you. Check up.

We're out here, Sammy. You should have got a solitary traffic. We're out here at Chesco. Dr. Chesco. Dr. Chesco. We're out here at Chesco. We're out here at Chesco. We're out here at Chesco. We're out here at Chesco. We're out here at Chesco. We're out here at Chesco. We're out here at Chesco. We're out here at Chesco. We're out here at Chesco. We're out here at Chesco. We're out here at Chesco. We're out here at Chesco. We're out here at Chesco. We're out here at Chesco. We're out here at Chesco. We're out here at Chesco.

Dr. Chasco, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik. Dr. Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Ashma Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Shad Place, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, the Manishina Chavik, and the Manishina Chavik, the Manisina Chavik, the

If you're on the move or anything, copy that. It's 0-9-2-0. Thank you.

We love San Francisco 332 down now for candlestick point and the next supporting point is going to be the ballpark that we're in channel 1, 3, and 1, 4. I'll take care of it. I'm glad you're doing well.

Minister Nojavik. Still minimum weight cat. Territisco 15. Welcome, Chefka. Territisco 15. City bar. Roger. There's a marine event with two swimmers. Maybe a tackle orn. Approach in Territisco 15. Found out for Candle Stick. Working Channel 131-4. Over. I've got the Chefka. I've got the Chefka. I've got the Chefka. Flyer of the Special Traffic. Channel 14. Flyer of traffic. Roger. Minimum weight. Further. Solona. Touching line greater than. Have to do in plain bell for. Raise your point. Only in dawn. With the petroleum bar. Alongside greater than. 1600 growth. Time to production. Channel 14. Channel 14. Channel 14. Channel 147. Over. Channel 14.

I'll be trying to pull her traffic. I'll be trying to go. Copy. He changed. He changed traffic. Copy. He changed. He's taken into the system, depending on how many deployments are available in running light. Roger, he changed. Thank you. And there's a rain event. But two twitters. Come and see about the circle. Want to be in the San Francisco 50. Downbound for candlestick. The extra 40 plate. Off our code. He changed copy. Thank you. He changed traffic. Traffic. He changed. I don't see you on the air. I said you're here. I said you're here. I said you're here. Yes. I'll cycle it right now. Thank you, traffic. Traffic. He changed. He changed. He changed traffic. Traffic. He changed. Are you able to see me on the air? Yes. There you go. You're going through. I'll need to plenty of that correct. Yeah. I'll be the point for the favor. Yeah. We don't have you on the roof, plenty of order. Our system. That direction. No idea. I see you. Copy that. Thank you, Tom. You're welcome. Traffic. Traffic. Traffic. Roger. Roger. Roger. Traffic. Roger. Maybe we'll make traffic. Just 15.

We're in traffic. Roger, and then we'll make sure we just go 15. Over. She's on traffic. Roger, to adjust, she has departing. Every swimmer on water, fell for her just a little fight come. Kenny. Chief. Andrew, commissioner, full bridge. What's for the brothers? Thank you. And, to Patty Kaye, push you one greater than Coach of the Hurricane's Bridge, panel four. What's your point? Over. Roger, break. Patty Kaye, traffic. To copy. Roger, jump. To Patty Kaye, traffic. Copy. At the end of the hour. Roger, dead. She has departing. Richmond, along the water, fell for her just a little fight come. Kenny. Left. Got the brother's over. Roger, and what is your panel show? Panel on pension. And Richmond, Harris, all bridge. Pay attention to her. Roger, Patty Kaye, push you one greater than Pat McCurkey and Bridge. Now, for. What's your point, Kenny? In the end, it's helpful channel. Please. Brother, please. Thank you. Thank you. Check out. There are a lot of traffic. None of them. One, nine. Over. Let's be one. Thank you. Don't be the truck.

I'll be happy to thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you.

Roger O. British land traffic tomorrow. Roger, thank you. Doug Bernice land. Push in barges less than between the Leo 4 and the Leo 18. That's made time of completion. One, two, three, zero. But he also pushed the barge less than their approaching hill rocks. Went to Monco for the Leo 18. Good for a back when you're just a complete over. You're welcome. Great. Good for the Leo traffic. Did you copy British land? Over. You're welcome. Jessica. Look at you. Look at you. Look at you. I have a cover coverage. Thank you. Continue. Monitor. One, two, three. And one, four. We're going to see in the upper cautionary area. Call a traffic back on channel 1, two. When you enter the southern, that's at six. Here. Go to gate traffic. Alright, you're out.

Michelley Lynn, this is traffic. Good morning. Thank you, Michelley Lynn. What is your draft? Over. Thank you. Michelley Lynn, push in the bar, slash that with the draft of 70. Compared to the part, Richardson Bay for disposal final 11. Top of the track. Call in under way. Over. Thank you, Michelley Lynn. Under way. Traffic 5-1 on day blue. Finish our turn heading back to the bird. Mendistino traffic. Thank you Mendistino. Traffic. Toronto traffic. Traffic. Toronto. Train to the bird. Police street for the fair building. Roger out. Traffic to the bunk. Bomb traffic. Traffic bomb all fast. Fear 50 checking out. I'd like to check back in. Prepare to depart. Fear 50 San Francisco. Bound for fear 96 San Francisco. One deck of motion left. Let's keep this draft for you. Thank you. Talked bomb. Push in the bar. It's less than what the draft of 80. Prepare to depart. Campus just goes 50 for San Francisco 96. And the rain event with two swimmers. A beam of San Francisco 70. They're swimming the candlestick point. They're swimming the candlestick point. They're swimming the candlestick point. They're swimming the candlestick point. They're swimming the candlestick point. They're swimming the candlestick point. They're swimming the candlestick point. They're swimming the candlestick point. They're swimming the candlestick point. They're swimming the candlestick point. They're swimming the candlestick point. They're swimming the candlestick point. They're swimming the candlestick point. They're swimming the candlestick point. They're swimming the candlestick point. They're swimming the candlestick point. They're swimming the candlestick point. They're swimming the candlestick point. They're swimming the candlestick point. They're swimming the candlestick point. They're swimming the candlestick point.

Bila traffic. Thank you Bila, then we'll wake you up at 55 for dog repairs. 5-1-4-the-Honsite Pluto, completing their turn into sensors, and left valve for over 59. I was working one-nine. Hey, do I land traffic? Come on. Roger out. The traffic bothers me the way. Thank you Bob. Trasco. Hornblower, hybrid New York traffic. Good morning. Copy. Thank you Hornblower, hybrid. Heat travels for the next 30 minutes. Trasco. Dr. Trasfoyer, traffic. Hornblower, hybrid. Connecting the heat travels between 33 and Dr. Trasfoyer. Connects made time of completion. 10-40. Over. Connect with traffic. Shelley Lynn's pushing a barge, less than departing Richardson a day for disposal 5-11. When the wake is hampered, just go 15 for crane-ups.

Roger, thank you. Thank you. Grab it, Karina. Karina, traffic. A pair of two departs. He's playing the good terminal. Two departi building. Roger, out. So, she's got traffic to work. Roger, thank you. Potions, scouts, reporting, oil boom training in Anchorage 5, towing between 300 and 2,000 feet of boom. Not requiring a minimum weight. That's made time to completion. Approximately 11 o'clock. Uh, direction 1145. Report back to your completion of your training. Thank you, Lira. Roger, thank you.

Well, Dorado, good morning. Dorado, I pilot boat Golden Gate did, but I thought you were calling me. He was saying minimum weight is still in effect at 55. And does port-to-port work for you? Yeah. If you let Dorado, I'll actually tell him behind the ship and let you come through first.

Sorry, Scorpio traffic. Get out of the way, very building full of quick way out. Neither cup is in the vehicle consists of five. Thank you, Scorpio. Five-one is aboard the Hyundai Pluto. We're going to bring alongside Oakland fifty-nine with Doug's working one-nine. Over. Scorpio, five to second. Send me Jay traffic. Roger out. Moran traffic. Thank you, Moran. I'm Shelley Lynn. Push in the bar. Let's set up. Approaching in front. Lead on number two. For disposal of my weapon. Over. Unit forty. Stella. This is traffic. Good morning. Thank you. Forty. A boardy. Stella. Prepared in a park. Martinez. Three. For seat. With the draft of thirty feet. Six inches. On escortage. Transit. Doug's working. Five. Alpha. Three. A-proaching. Markinus. Six. For fo-lay-o-e-t. Fluffy and Don. As the Italian barge alongside Greater Ben. A-proaching in the North Spada of the Carcina Spritz for Markinus. Number two. The KBC-1 continues working with the Doug Salana. Reported to be spotted down. 1860 yards west of the Rodeo-3 with anchors deployed. Two anchors are sent of the channel. Through majoring two anchors are east and west of the rig. They're working channel 7-1, requesting two hours notice to move. And Doug Paddy-K's portion of bars greater than. They're clearing Rodeo-3 for a wester point. Intending south of the promotional channel. Eastman. Call him underway. Over. And Paddy-L. Leningdon. Paddy-K. Doug Salana. Do you copy an F-40? Stella. Over. The Roger. Thank you, Salana. Great. Forty Stella. Traffic. Roger. The KBC-1 is put it down. 1860 yards west. I may have said to be over. Two anchors are reported to be in the center of the channel. The other two anchors are spread east and west of the rig. Over. And traffic out.

Don't be in the truck. Thank you, don't be in the truck. Just go. Gemini truck. Minimum wake up, San Francisco 15. Shelly Lynn, push in the barge. Let's stand. Clearing successfully, don't number two for disposal. Site 11. Stop the block of trash. Ocean of Scouts. Conducting zooms. Training in Anchorage. Five. The finesse rate of completion. 11.45. Okay. Open. Arger traffic. Minimum wake it up. 155. Five. One. The board. The Hyundai Pluto. pushing in at 0.599. Let's talk. Working. One. Open. Angel Island traffic. Roger out.

For a blur of hybrid traffic. Roger, thank you. Trascale. The keycane traffic. The keycane traffic. The keycane traffic. The keycane traffic. The keycane traffic. Building for 1931. Mineral wake at campuses go 15 for cranks. No. Not for trust fire traffic. Charlie Lyon pushing a barge last time. Clearing harding rock for distance.

those of the 11 for disposal operation over Toronto traffic. Roger out. Kelly Lynn traffic. Thank you, Kelly Lynn. Before back when you begin disposal operation, server. Roger out. Thank you, Bob. Thank you, Bob. Traffic. 5-1. And they blew it up. 5-1. And I flew to a traffic. There were a long time checking out how we could date. The YouTube. Traffic out. That's the on-struck. Roger, thank you. As he on completed disposal flight 10 operations. The returning to Richmond, Longward with a new draft of 24 feet. Intending west of the brothers each span. The ocean scout is conducting boom training.

Anchorage by with an espetama completion 1-1-4-5 report back when you begin directing over your welcome and ocean scout traffic did you copy F-1-4 Jordan Siatus, departing disposal flight 10 near the echo buoy returning to the Richmond Montmore Attending each pass over and drop go Thank you, Shelyland, report back when you're disposal complete Drathens, Bila The Bila traffic Drathens Bila, a place you'd open for the ferry building, capital minimum weight at 55 Roger, Roger, Shack The Vest Volosho scout continues to film train in Anchorage 5 Shelyland's pushing the bar's last stand To conduct disposal operations off the back of the train, to return to the ferry Minimal weight gets him, it's just go 15 Go to G-Track Thank you, go to G- The ocean scout continues to film train in Anchorage 5 Over How could Drathens clipper traffic? Roger, out Traffic, Scorpio Scorpio traffic Your turn, gateway for the ferry building, top of Minimal weight is 55 Roger, out Shelyland traffic Thank you, and what does your new draft? And Shelyland traffic

Yes, you completed disposal operations and returning to Richardson Bay. Do you have a new draft? Over. Copy, thank you. Shall we let him push in a barge? Like that with a new draft of 60. Completed operations in the disposal final 11 and returning to Richardson Bay. Trap count. Naya trap. Thank you, Naya. What is the estimate of completion of your voyage? Copy, 1200. Thank you. Trap count. Trap count. Trap count. Trap count.

The traffic. The Deltaena's traffic. It's very bright, you know. It's a no-mot traffic. It's a no-mot traffic. There's a little blanket campus just go 15. She'll be laying and pushing the bars less than approaching the Harding Rock for this time for Richardson Bay. Okay. The traffic. X-ray aboard the CMA CGM. Simpline. X-ray. CMA CGM. CME. This is traffic. Good morning. Morning traffic. Even anchor. Anchorage 9. Bebound for Oakland 57. I'm going to start beside two. Turn it. Ninters. A deep draft. 43 feet. Yeah. Thank you. Unit X-ray. CMA CGM. Simpline. Prepared to depart. Anchorage 9. Whiskey 1. For Oakland 57. With best will be stopped. Tried to. Trapped of 43 feet. Such one has to turn it. Ninters. With tug working. One out. Minimum wake it up. 55 for Dr. Pierce. Okay. X-ray. Couple. Minimum wake. John.

Very intrepent. Shelley Lynn's push in the barge last set. Approaching Harding Rock for Richard's today. Okay. Okay. Chad, pick Olga. Harder traffic. The street is due to the ferry posing, a couple of months before I could put the bomb on. And you did x-rays aboard the HMA's HGM CME. The parting anchor sign with King 1 for 0.57. How's working one alpha? Over. Draw to the sink. Met a Hinto traffic. And traffic out. Thank you, Minnehino. The traffic out. The road on traffic. Perfect road. Perfect. Excuse me. Sir. X-ray aboard the HMA HGM CME. The comparative apart anchor sign with King 1 for 0.57. How's working one alpha? Over. Uh, EX-ray. He's doing in bear traffic. Good morning. Roger out. proper queen traffic. Good morning. Roger out.

Angel Island traffic. Roger help. Gemini traffic. The ocean of scout continues boom training in Anchorage 5. Middlemake in San Francisco 15. Over. Approach on fire traffic. Roger help. It's traffic x-ray underway at the central. Thank you x-ray. Thank you x-ray. The ocean of scout traffic. Thank you x-ray. The ocean of scout conducting boom training in Anchorage 5. Now it's an estimated time of completion. 1, 2, 1, 5, 12, 15. The truck home. Medicaid traffic. Good morning. Repeat your intentions at the brothers. Do you intend to stay a west or east of the brothers over? Thank you x-ray. Thank you x-ray. Thank you x-ray. The ocean of scout. The ocean of scout conducting boom training in Anchorage 5. The ocean of scout conducting boom training in Anchorage 5. With an estimated time of completion. 1, 2, 1, 5. Over. Here welcome. Trash out. Uncle 1 traffic. Thank you. Reported to be a beam of candlestick park. Uncle 1 is the committee vote. Monitoring 13 and 14. Trash out. Now we're trying to flip for traffic. Roger out.

He changed traffic. Roger out. The field of traffic. Dr. Jesse on, unfortunately, he's man to conduct stretching operations along the longer. Socialist Scouts, towing doom and anchorage five as part of their boom training. With an estimated time of completion, one, two, one, five. Minimum wake at San Francisco 50. Report back at the bridge.

Yeah, go ahead cap. Sounds good. See you soon. Yeah, that's where the house is, right? Oh, I apologize. Alright, I'll see you back here.

That's the Scorpio traffic. It's very moving forward. It's been a Lincoln San Francisco 15. S.E.I. Clear the east man to come up to just addressing operation alongside the long-word. And the ocean's scout is doing film training in Anchorage 5. That's my top completions. 15. Over. We'll do the second. Traffic. Create a traffic. We have a thank you to Cooke. Thank you, Creena. X-ray aboard the CMA CGM. CME. Approaching O'Climber, Channel number 2. Broke, 15, 7. I was working one out. Over. Okay, that's it. Yes, this unit X-ray aboard the CME. Over. Thank you. Golden K-Track. Golden K-Track. Men of Lincoln San Francisco 15. Over. For all the traffic. Roger. Surround the traffic. Roger.

Hi, George Trump. Roger Hottruss, Trashcom. Kelly Lynch, Roger. That's John Trump. Thank you, S.E.on. George S.E.on. It's reported to be alongside the Richmond Long War continuing. Dredging. Before back, when you leave that fight over. I'm very, very happy to have a good copy. I'm sure forgot you area in Valford, Valford, Valford, thank you sir. I'm for John Flyer, Trashcom. Roger Hottruss. Enjoy Alan Trashcom. Roger. Enjoying Joallon, Trashcom. Jimmy J. Trashcom. Roger Hottruss. Roger Hottruss. Roger Hottruss. Roger Hottruss. Roger Hottruss. Roger Hottruss, Brandon Spare Building. Boardalinn. Minimum Wakehead, Temperatures Go 15. George S.E.on. Trashcom. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger.

Argo Truck. Argo Truck. Bela Truck. Atticades push in the barge, greater than. Claring for no soul can, for Worcester Point. Attaining south of Panocio Channel. Wardie aboard the Stella. A beam Maryland 1-2 outbound for sea. Intending west span. And the KVC1 continues working with the Solana west of Rodeo 3, requesting minimum wake. Medicines on traffic. Thank you, Medicineau. Truck, go. Stay on our traffic. Good morning. Roger out. How could you as close for traffic? Roger out.

Thank you, son of mine, Trasco. We're at the Karina. Karina Trasco. But there can be a good way out of me to the island where we copy X-ray. Thank you, Karina. Trasco. He came, Trasco. That's it. He changed. And the way to the minimum weight is 15. Roger out.

The traffic is in the gate. It's in the gate traffic. I'm hearing that very moving from the other side. Thank you. It's in the gate traffic. Call the driver. Call the driver. Thank you. Call the driver. Call the driver. Call the driver. Thank you.

Ocean Scout, Trevor. Ocean Scout, Trevor. Thank you. The Dr. Chetian, Spurgeon, I'll be Richmond Longworth. Ocean Scout, Trevor. Roger, you're ready. You have a barger, Doug, with you. Ocean Scout, Trevor, correct. Thank you. Go, Trevor, go and check out it. Good dog cover. Sarah, Trevor, thank you. Doug, Trevor, thank you. I don't point a downbound for Ocean Point, 40 on that cellar. That's a special channel. Nine and ten, of course. See, over. For number 10. I don't know what you're up at. Thank you. I'm going to wait for it. Then we'll just go 15. Roger, Trevor. Roger, Trevor. Thank you. Robert, do you think? We'll see you, Trevor. Second day in here. I've been through about a minute of point. Be running light to gateway. I'll let me know. Fish, Trevor. Thank you. Thank you. Everybody. Go prepare traffic.

in the lower recovery vessel ocean scout passing through Southampton show channels for Richmond too, minimum weight cut down with Cisco 15, make a draw to go ahead, a draw to cover, and then here full draw to cover go, full of cover, full of cover, full of cover, full of cover, full of cover, thank you with a weight cut down with Cisco 15, he changed Screen star, screen star, screen star, screen Yup my point is that the first half of the魚 blooded a project is justimes at my point is that the second half of the bio, why the defined .. the machine, full of shoulders, seven and eight downbound for sea, and tenied west Paris, and fell for a bridge. Atticades, pushing the barge, greater than 1600, has the beam of a little point downbound for a straight point, and he should have brothers, and he's spared, over. Once again, it's one more for you. I did judge our correction code, got the glass, and pushing the barge greater than equivalent up to parallel with three and four, and they're bound for some of the height Americano. So we have classes for the 17 each of the brothers in the Incomprehensive Hand. to break up Paddy K40,лан ר, got a glass, and he got three diamonds. As you could say, Paddy K40, they can breakче, not single arrow on my own. It's gonna be a couple of laughs and cook recuperating rehearsal and prepare four byuchers. Set fireike? Shopper Donford thinks it's going to the present. The Perez Becky Park, Jack Lunders Square, prepared building. We copy X2 and no Waqus, reverting. 35

Mr. Trevor, there's a traffic coming away from Mr. Cook's 15th. Mr. Jesse, I'm just a part of the network. It's been a long work of welfare at disposal site. And, okay. Nothing without river traffic, right? Nothing going down river traffic. We're in traffic. I'm very in traffic. Thank you. See you on Trevor. Mr. Stephen, I'm Mr. Jesse. Thank you.

That was a copy, thanks. Thanks.

I'm on our job. May mark up, I think. That would be a job. That would be a job. That would be a job. That would be a job. Thank you. The reason I'm jobber. The reason I'm jobber is our jobber. I just continue in Iowa, Push-A-F-T-O-B-H-E-I-G-O. Thank you. I break a lighter. You copy, Britishman. Thank you. It's a glass in traffic. I judge that you're just clear the Eastpanderer's standard self-bridge and they're round for disposal flight can once they're completed, they're ready to be ready to be a long work. They've been going west for the brothers in Eastpanderer.

Thank you. Brother Trevor. Brother Trevor. Brother Trevor. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Oh, it's got a trumpet. Thank you, sir. One night after a leader, that's what traffic. Get after him. Roger. One night on Hyperion leader. Coach, I need your channel. I'll try to. You can have a blanket, you can have 26 feet. Thank you. You can have 40 on each. You can have still a protein filter. Outbound for heat. You can use a transparent, transparent, full-bridge. You can have a patty capa-chill on. And that's a patty capa-chill on. That's a patty capa-chill on. That's a patty capa-chill on. Patty capa-chill on. That's a patty capa-chill on. And there are downbound four. San Francisco's 70 and 70. And Richmond Sheriff will break into the flat. Over. Roger, thank you, break. You have 40, you can just still a towed flat. And patty capa-chill, copy. Either one night on Hyperion leader. You don't have to go. I took that. Thank you. Roger, Trevor. Thank you.

I'll feed the server. I'll feed the server. Thank you. I'll show you the same HJM's. I mean, I do the tutorial. The HJM's are two real quick 57 words and talks one out of them. I'll give you a job. Thank you. I've a 2-3-3-3-3-3-3. I'll just go and save 5-10 traffic. I'll 4-8. OK, I'll just scroll and switch out the rear Richard Aburgeon copy and keep out of chatting with Daniel That Perfect. Thank you, sir. Bloc Holden, traffic. Bloc Holden, traffic. Bloc Holder D%, passers. Bloc, all shots of the

I'll go and make a traffic. Thank you and I have 40 on the Stellage's Patent points and have all of you been doing storage units for just about the year of Richmond Bridge and keep on a traffic pace for stay. I'm a traffic. I'm a traffic. I've been waiting for them just for 15. I'll tell me, Jay, driver. I'll tell you, driver, take a quick look at the traffic. I'll have to take a quick look at the traffic.

I'd rather have a take here, 40 and still, I'd just fortunate that what's been, how do you can push in a large career, then, out to the echo booth, where you should point into any of these sort of brothers that each span, good, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, further quarters. A tremendous amount of weight cost, I suppose those both of tape-terbury paternity rituals with a long work, with a gap of 24 feet & that he went to the brothers. about British. Thank you, and I'll dedicate this out to your position now in the Brown For Ocean Point, and it's for the brothers that he spent. It's a glass of your stubborn side there. He's now for supper, so it's good to have anything to do with the brothers. And it's a great cup of etiquette, and it's a glass, and it's a cup of dodges. It's a cup of dodges. It's a cup of dodges. It's a cup of dodges. St reactable, not to any of these fellas. Researching and waiting for this school to flight you lemon, and returns to activate mean Bishop of World's West. They consider jurisd şeyleriness for the US Delta. belly to South vents. They have to be conducting a storage transmission chair and then proceeding outbound for seeing intending courted Leon. Great cup for the steledgead. You pop your shell into that barrel.

no something had We're just passing our rocks that are going down for Richmond, you know, harbor over here. We take a night scene, a curing leader traffic. As you know, it's just compared to the disposal of the site. I'd stand here to be with the sisters. Be curing from the long work for a grudging. He has been either moved out a little bit, so he is grudging in the R&A over. I should take it. Yeah. See you later, Trevor. See you later, Trevor. Thank you.

Thank you, and thank you, and that period later just currently a Golden Gate Bridge, where you need to uncover claims for Richmond. I show you the inspiration of Archbishop, and it's part of your Richardson's Bay, Mountford, and it's full of flighty-lovings out of off the tracks for Attorney Richardson's Bay. I've already had the Stella's approach to California City, they're doing a store transfer, once that's completed, and there's anything part of Shopify, and it's proceed. Great job, everybody. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, George. Thank you, George. Thank you, sir. I have a green traffic. I have a green traffic, thank you. I can't have period later. I hope you see your show. It's bound to have a claim for Richmond. Surely Lynn's pushing a large lot, then. I have protein. I can shape that we wanted for disposal of flighty-loving, returning to Richardson's Bay. Forty-hundred Stella. I just south of the Bravo. Lou我要. I hope you had a good understanding of Brazil before, and enjoy yourself. Thank you. See you. Thank you.

and a local shift between the well-formable L18, the minimum weight for the full water. And the glass is pushing a barge grid and pushing the brothers. And getting used to it for several seasons because you have a paddy case pushing a barge grid and getting used to the brothers for a moisture point for a temperature check. I'm at the temperature check because I'd like you to thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I've got you in the lead. Just a question. Quite a part. Can you start traveling for Richmond? Go ahead.

So when taking Larry Trevor, he'll understand my break, Larry your step on second, Larry Trevor Trevor, Roger, thank you. I've pretty much been doing a local shift between the little four and the little 18th of four. He's got a break, he's got a lot of traffic, he's got a lot of traffic, thank you. Roger, go for Trevor. Roger, go for Trevor. Thank you, sir. Thank you, sir. Sorry, sorry, sorry, please. Trevor, could copy for, sorry, please. I found for C.D. Florida, California. Thank you.

One nine forty. Afternoon there, see you port to port. Roger, thanks, you too.

I'm going to check out the driver. I'm going to check out the driver. Roger, press constation. I'm going to check in. I'm just talking with that night King. I'm going to check in later. Roger, he's down for Richmond. He will need a third channel on his, uh, Transferral. Hopefully he's going to check in later. I'm going to check in later. Okay, thank you. Man, we've got also 55 and actually he may see Jim last time he just will come along. I'm going to check in later. I'm going to check in later. I'm going to check in later.

The Russians are glad to have been approaching our East Federation channel for British. Can you translate the Anchorage 5 to avoid our new issues with the SSEONs. The United States and the Hyperion leader, a North Channel 2, Russian President of China 4, up down for a Richmond and the Harbor. They can break up, ready K-trap it. Copy our 19 and the SSEONs. Thank you, Rayka, Nike, and Hyperion leader, to copy our sunglasses and the SSEONs. The SSEONs are glad to have been approaching the East Federation channel for a British 5. And, balanced for our SSEONs, the SSEONs, the SSEONs, the Clear of the Army. Followed by a paddy K, the people of Flint, down the Harbor of Troy, should point out they'll be at the 23rd of the SSEONs. The SSEONs are glad to have been approaching the East Federation channel for a British 5. The SSEONs are glad to have been approaching the East Federation channel for a British 5. The SSEONs are glad to have been approaching the East Federation channel for a British 5. The SSEONs are glad to have been approaching the East Federation channel for a British 5. The SSEONs are glad to have been approaching the East Federation channel for a British 5. The SSEONs are glad to have been approaching the East Federation channel for a British 5. The SSEONs are glad to have been approaching the East Federation channel for a British 5. The SSEONs are glad to have been approaching the East Federation channel for a British 5. The SSEONs are glad to have been approaching the East Federation channel for a British 5. The SSEONs are glad to have been approaching the East Federation channel for a British 5. The SSEONs are glad to have been approaching the East Federation channel for a British 5.

The road covered. I drew out of the traffic. Thank you. Please don't jump. Please don't jump. Please don't jump. Please don't jump. Thanks for the culture. Have a good day. Grab a coin up. You're ready to jump. Prepare a pretty park. She's playing the good and terminal. Do you allow me to point facility running light? I'm ready to have a thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I'm ready to jump. Good evening, New York City C Mistress. A very discussion. I'm really excited about traffic because they came in a night queue and went towards Choaghl一直. It shows the challenge for Richmond. I think you have to tackle st Bryce. Aachtling drivecover. Projectural . Watch your hearing master. She has at a tram rope of 39 Advanced Center INTERRACTED I just didn't really need to keep out of the trap for quite an approach, and I'll be right back for you for a sec. Oh. Enjoying, David. Enjoying, David, take care.

David J. Trevor Thank you We are today Hang on Trevor My質Nov Stravic Barricat Found for the Last Man D490 Roger Barricat For the收coord 50 For the收coordes For the收coords Like the 6th We've got tons of Jeff at night's feet. Thank you, Coach, I was going to wait. Jeff, he's on the way. Thank you. End of the week.

Okay, I can confirm. Is that petroleum large enough to claim large? Oh yes, it is petroleum large. Is it petroleum large less than 16? Thank you. It's just pepper traffic. It's just pepper traffic. Thank you. It's just pepper traffic. It's just pepper traffic. It's just pepper traffic. Thank you. It's $40.00. We'll be breaking down down on five. Thank you. Check out. Do you have a carina? Carina is covered. What is the carina? There's one day that fear system will be appreciated. Have a good day, Carina.

We're long side, you can check so. Thank you sir. Have a good day. Thank you. Thank you. I show you a little bit for sure. I've already got 16 of them. I've got 16 of them. I've got 16 of them. I've got 16 of them. I've got 16 of them. I've got 16 of them. I've got 16 of them. I've got 16 of them. I've got 16 of them. I've got 16 of them. I've got 16 of them. I've got 16 of them. I've got 16 of them. I've got 16 of them. I've got 16 of them. I've got 16 of them. I've got 16 of them. I've got 12 of them. I've got 100 of them. I've got 16 of them. There are 15 of them. I've got 16 of them. I've got 15 of them. I've got 16 of them. There are 10 of them. For sure. I've got 12 of them. Oh sure, I've got 16, and I didn't haveleg 10 of them. I've got 32 of them. 4. 1. That's 5. No way. The Spicy퓨 It's 5. It's 1. I've got 16 of them now. Hey man, I'm Trevor. Hey man, I'm Trevor. Yeah, sure you didn't. I appreciate the voice of the 16th of Georgetown's passing record ship. We won for our richest in space. See ya, Trevor.

I really have a coverage. Thank you. I said, glass is a pressure of large credit. And for a chain self-defense, I just wanted to, for 70 cost of glass. So, if you change your budget, you can change your budget. Sorry, Trevor. Sorry, Trevor. So, I would just have to get a patty case. For today, I have large credit then. And just passing red rocks. And I think you're in a good spot for a push to point. As you answer, I'll put a richman one more. I'll clear the RNA for 9k and the high-current leaders. Just turn it off a lot more for a richman in an harbor. Trevor. It's traffic. We can't underway. Okay, Trevor. Thank you. Hello, Trevor. Hello, Trevor. Thank you. I mean, we caught about 10, which is for 15. I would help you. I'd help you. I'd help you, Trevor. Preparing. Thanks for your Oakland for gateway, I'll let me know. I'd help you. I'd help you.

I think you have to be happy to have a full cut cut. So now I'm going to travel. Roger made a link here at Pico 15. To the last conclusion of our agreement, 15 hundred groups of funds. Pat me. Don't you cannot eat? Countdown for him to go. Kennedy in getting out the problem. Over. Thank you, Trevor. Roger's trapped out.

at the on-premise. Roger Trudges, the board owner has been on-world. Now for the full site, Tandy, Kathleen, P. Teddy, Henry Smith, Sarah Silveridge, went to the brother. And three, six, the Jupiter star. Crochet and Crochet is ready to come down for C. Teddy, and Flint, Henry Smith, Sarah Silveridge. Oh, 100, 08, break. He did three, six, Jupiter star coming. He got the on-premise. Roger Trudges, go. Roger Trudges, Roger Trudges, a cut-out cable, she'll run, then be careful. Tell him to show the channel. Five, six, go down for, place your point, and then the flat. Cut-out cable, she'll run. Roger Trudges, and push down for the lead. Countdown for 10, 50, 70, Kenny, Alpha Bravo. Over. Roger Trudges, Roger Trudges, a cut-out cable, she'll run, then. Crochet and count 10, she'll show the channel. Four, countdown for, place your point, and chain the flat. Cut-out cable, she'll run greater than, cut-out, and the Alps, the lead, countdown for 10, 50, 70, can help the Bravo. Then when we can, everything's just go, 15, over. That's your cut-out. And 40, Stella, did you copy, special homing bird? Trying to hell you on, 16, over. Thank you. Copy, it's me, Kay Chovek. You can copy from Lincoln Carter, take you, cut-out. Channel, he traffic. Roger Channel, and minimum lake. For the Solana, you know, three, six, Jupiter star. Proaching radio dock, Palper C and Kenny Westman, Reconcerro, Phelper Rich. Roger, countdown for, like, 10, Kenny Westman, the brothers. Over. So, I want to show that, negative. Roger, guys, in the water, 1900. Thank you. Yeah, very good. Three, six, Jupiter star, traffic, you copy, so I want to. Roger, thank you.

He is 36. Roger Solona reported that he has divers in the water, their location. Roger on the left, round the Solona. Roger on the left. Roger on the left, open 55. 17. 17. 17. 17. Carter tornado to perdu Center. So 18. 17. 17. 16. 17. 17. 17. 17. 17. interviews. 18. anchor 503 feet west of the rig and they require two hour notice to move or working canal 7-1 can report it having divery down over.

I'm sure that's why I'm telling you, Roger Cascam, so I'm sure you're sure of it. Roger Cascam, Roger Cascam, Roger Cascam, Roger Cascam, Roger Cascam, Roger Cascam, Roger Cascam, Roger Cascam.

Approximately, we are going to have a clean up and push in one greater than 770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-7 Roger Stewarti's goal for NOW is 15-10-10-15-870-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-970-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-780-7110-770-770-770-770-760-770-770-770-770-770-770-870-760-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-770-870-770-770-770-770-780-770-970-770-770-7 Roger, thank you, until last month, we'll see you longer today, and that's in North your channel too, down down for here, because 70 and K now, we'll put problems over. Be a little traffic.

Roger, you let him only expect to go 15 to last and push him longer than pushing a beam of block and rock down down for 7. If you ever just go 70, hitting an alpha-browbell, took a patty cape, push him longer to the end. Attached in the south end to shore light, come down for at least your plank, hitting an alpha-browbell. Over. Kelly Lynn, traffic. Roger, chef, go. Dr. Ray, traffic. Dr. Dr. Ray, push him one greater than you could. I can push him to fill in bar 3, then kick up 14 feet prepared in bar 3 to 22. Downbound for an increase, I try to eat. Thank you. And in 19 on the high train leader. Rounding up. Grab a point down for Richmond. Eat. The working tug. It's a really eat. A patty cape, push him one greater than a patty, south end to shore channel. A patty, south end to shore light, and downbound for at least your plank, hitting an alpha-browbell. Over. Dr. Collin, on the way. Very good. Nineteen. A patty cape, traffic. Copy. Dr. Ray. Nineteen. A patty leader, chef. Nothing heard from Nineteen. A patty leader, chef. Go. Go. Roger, chef. Roger. Roger, Roger. Roger, have a good day, chef.

Roger copy, thanks. Gordon Gates is on their way to get him.

I can't beat you, Jovek. Rugger Championship, and only attempt to go 15 to last and push you longer than. I've been lost rock down down for Kerms to go 70 and 10 in Alphabrabo. Over. Can't you have it? Captain Gargo. We're going to go Jovek. Now, let me to point to the very building. Rugger Argo. It's kind of the last and push you longer to then. That'd be enough, Kerms to go 27 and 10 down for Kerms to go 70 and 10 in Alphabrabo. I'll go copy stage traffic. I'll be in a traffic. I'll be in a traffic. I'll have you a week in a very old way as your destination. I'm glad. Rugger in a minimum week. I have to keep five of this cancelled over. Be moderate traffic. Rugger in moderate traffic.

Roger 17, Navigate, Credit Cue, Underway, Crafco, Shinoma, Crafco, Shinoma, Crafco, Roger, Shinoma, Minimal Lake, Hamster, Go 15, Tobla, I can push him away in greater than BMS, Hamster, Go 15, Gambal for Hamster, Go 17, Canyelple Bravo, Crafco, Go 18, Canyelple, Shinoma greater than BMS, Hamster, Go Christian, No Ship Channel, 8, Gambal for Alicia Point, Canyelple Bravo, Crafco, Roger, Crafco, Well, prepare and depart. I guess we'll take 10, Gambal for Richmond Long Worse, Keep you at 24 feet and take a look. Of the brothers, East Paris, Monterey, Crafco Bridge. But again, you copy three six to their start. And, to Dr. A, push him under, and prepare to depart. Richmond, 22, Gambal for Anchorage, and I, Charlie Eak. Over, Roger, for each three six to their start. Dr. A, Crafco, keep copy as young. Under Dr. A, John, departing to Swivel, Crafco, and downbound for Richmond Long Worse. Men, to judge operations, they'll be entertaining left to the brothers, East, Management, Service, Old Bridge, Overs. Tiger, Chevy, Roger, Crafco, Crafco, Felix, Felix, Roger, Felix, Roger, John, departing to Swivel, Crafco, and downbound for Richmond Long Worse. Canyelple went to the brother, East, Management, Service, Old Bridge, 3, 6, to their start, approaching a little plate. How about for C, and T, West, Management, Terrible Bridge. May only for this one.

I just want to pray in traffic. Roger, take you there and check up. He can't traffic. Roger, he can't. And it's a great goal to get traffic. Roger, go to Eden, Tokyo, you can't push him one greater than. That beam of alpha boolean downbound, probably should play in turning alpha round over. You know, you have it. Roger, man, you know. And you can't be a patty-k, a downbound oish point in that correct. Roger, take you check up. Roger, Dr. A, and did you make arrangements with you in 19 on the high per year later? Roger, thank you. Check up. Roger, over, check. Check up. Roger, and tell me, and then we'll make him just go 15, to a patty-k pushing one greater than a beam of the alpha boolean to flat downbound for a oish to play in turning alpha round over.

I'm going to go to Bershavik. Roger there can be a moment when we can have a kid go 15. Over. Monitor traffic. Roger, how long will you do it? I don't get it. Roger B. Monitor, because thank you. And, uh, break. How could you have a clever traffic? Keep copy. B. Monitor. Definitely heard from up to chance. Cliper. Yeah, B. Monitor traffic is a 15L. Or is it, uh, drifting towards up to chance? Roger, thank you. Roger. Roger. Roger. And one night in traffic. Thank you. Roger.

Got your head just shut up. Good, clear, Joey. We're out of your checkup.

probably dealt with. We're very close. We don't forget where I'll meet over. Roger Shuffko. Thank you, Chuck. Katie, catch up. Katie, catch up. I have you looking at the radar. I have you a lot of clear. I had you reporting from 39. Did not talk to you about. Roger, Katie, can't wait to report of the dead head in north of the South of the South, cause.. JST-3... Floating about the water. Floating it out with the体 at bat one four four four. Okay. And Roger, go. Let's just get there. Cause we have just got around four, place your points to get yourail wood, cause doctor negligence. That's a very plain gammable for intrusion. I'm trying to get in Gulf of Calder. That's a test paddy key traffic. Chow on one foot. Are you still intending to help with Bravo? Over. Right, sir. We're out here. Thank you. Check out.

Maddie Turner, traffic. Roger, take care of your day, traffic up. Enjoy all I'm traffic. Roger, traffic up. Roger, it's the hunt. Back on station. Traffic up. That's what's going to be traffic. You're a broken animal. That's how you keep traffic. Roger, Patty, K, B, and the upper seat here. Now for a leisure plane, Channing, golf, hotel, spend the yield, and be a great, thank you. Traffic up.

Travis, welcome, I'll see you next time, I'll see you next time. I'll see you next time. I'll see you next time. I'll see you next time. I'll see you next time. I'll see you next time. I'll see you next time. I'll see you next time. I'll see you next time. I'll see you next time. I'll see you next time. I'll see you next time. I'll see you next time. I'll see you next time. I'll see you next time. I'll see you next time. I'll see you next time. I'll see you next time. I'll see you next time. I'll see you next time. I'll see you next time. I'll see you next time. I'll see you next time. I'll see you next time. I'll see you next time.

3, 6, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 10, 8, 8, 7, 8, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 10, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 7, 8, 8, 8, 6, 8, 6, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, at 10, 8, 8, 8, 8, so name sign sign, sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign Sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign if sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign

We'll be down down for the entertaining list, don't try to claim. In a week, you have to go 15. I'm sure it's firecabbing. Roger Chefka. I'm sure it's called the traffic. Roger Chefka. Keep on our traffic. Roger Chefka.

to know what Javik? Roger Svetlana. That three ticks on the Jupiter star. Pouchine. Okay. Javik, hopefully, down four. He can tell you what's down traffic length. Over. So, like, San Francisco 15, don't know if that. Roger Svetlana. Roger Svetlana.

Roger Vila, Minimum Wait for this one, or 17 on the Navigate, gratitude, approach Roger, Minimum Wait for this one, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Nav Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 16 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 19 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17 on this Navigate, or 17 on the Navigate, or 17

traffic. Scorpio. Scorpio. Scorpio. Albany. Albany. Point two. Point four. Roger. Traffic out. Fire traffic. Roger. Roger. Dr. Ambushenberg. Dr. Ambushenberg. Dr. Ambushenberg. Dr. Ambushenberg. Dr. Ambushenberg. Dr. Ambushenberg. Dr. Ambushenberg. Dr. Ambushenberg. Dr. Ambushenberg. Dr. Ambushenberg. Dr. Ambushenberg. Dr. Ambushenberg. Dr. Ambushenberg. Dr. Ambushenberg. Dr. Ambushenberg. Dr. Ambushenberg. Dr. Ambushenberg. Dr. Ambushenberg. Sorry. Roger. Dr. Ambushenberg. Dr. Ambushenberg. Dr. Ambushenberg. Dr. Ambushenberg. Dr. Ambushenberg. Dr. Ambushenberg. Dr. Ambushenberg. Dr. Ambushenberg. Dr. Ambushenberg. Dr. Ambushenberg. Dr. Ambushenberg. You have the unit 7K on an heavy key to gratitude, uproaching, an offshore channel in 1910, downbound for English 9, and getting what's been regimented to our sole bridge over. Dr. Briggs, 17, having a deep gratitude traffic, you can't be yet to be on tour. Welcome, Chepka. Dorado, Chepka. Dorado, Chepka. Dorado, Chepka.

Roger, I'm a queen, you need a 3-6-2-per-star, that's the 30-rock, and the west-bound traffic lane, help out for you. Over. Thank you, Island traffic.

2. Track out. Old blue traffic. At 14.44 a parking paddling is reported floating vertically two to three feet above the water in the in the departing rock. So there you should check the copy of the west side of the question. Thank you. Traffic. Intentally. Intentally traffic. I got Pink Play Street 4 gateway. Controller. Controller.

What? The semi-day traffic. Where are you going? I'm just seeing no traffic.

We don't want to get champions to go 15. Over. Championship. We don't want to get champions to go 15. Over. Go to change traffic. We're about to out. Hydro's traffic. Dr. Ray's pushing a patrol in large greater than a beam P.I. number one. Soft, non-pranker's nine. It's getting Gulf of Tel. Over. Lightwork traffic. As he onto beam of the brothers is northbound for a drift site. Our disposal site tends to be echo-booy. 17. A board-and-a-nappicate. Crab with two. Claring the echo-booy for anchor sign. Intending. West Japan. Been awake for a dive operation. West. Road AO3. With the KB-C1. Over. Shelyland traffic. Good afternoon. Shelyland. Shelyland. Push in the barge. Less than with the draft of A.C. Prepared to depart. Richardson Day. For disposal. 11. Soft, non-contrast. Good afternoon. 17. As aboard the Navigate. Crab with two. Claring the echo-booy for anchor sign. At 14.44. A. Large Piling. With reported floating vertically. Two to three. P.

about the water in the vicinity of Harding Rock. Before we're not away, over. Thank you, Shililin underway. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shrunko. Shelyland, push in the barge, less than as departing Richardson day for disposal at 11. Call one underway. Over. You're welcome. Break 17 out of gate gratitude. Tuck Shelyland. Did you copy 47? Archent. Grapella. Over. Thank you, Shelyland.

Dr. Ray pushing a patrol in bars, greater than a patrol number 1 for Anchorage 9. Over. Roger. Be mine on traffic. Sheldon Linden pushing a bar slash than approaching the South Fleet a ferry terminal for disposal Flight 11. Over. Get me gauge on. Roger on.

So now my new copy hotel come up for you on 13, so thank you hotel California taking this when I'm going to start traffic. To be my traffic. Minimum we can't just go 15. 17 napgate gratitude to the traffic.

Thank you 17 navigate gratitude clearing the west band for anchors 9 Charlie 7 and heading off a problem Men who might get him and says go 17 for green ops We'll set a winner's portion of ours less than their clearing slash lead on number two for disposal site 11 top of our patrol You welcome traffic Marine traffic Roger Scorpio traffic Medicaid's portion of ours greater than clearing any west channel for waste or point Dr. Rae pushing up a trillion bars greater than south of Oakland bar channel number two out for anchor 9 Charlie eight Over 47 arching Cabara traffic Roger That would just fly or traffic Roger Roger Thank you Roger Thank you Roger Thank you Roger Thank you You're welcome break 47 arching Cabara did you copy a heon Silver You're welcome Traffic Gillian Irene Gillian Irene traffic Good afternoon Traffic Gillian Irene Hearing this part Elimit of war Dr. Olen Bar Over Concentrate Drath Sound for a day of life Drath Thank you Gillian Irene What do your intentions of the brothers Oh Roger Thank you Gillian Irene pushing up a trillion bars greater than the draft of Tennessee Prepared to depart Elimit of war for a day of life Intending Gulf Hotel Latte Eastman East the brothers south of the commercial channel Minimum wake for the talk Solana To continue working With the KBC1 Spotted down 1,860 yards west The road day of three with anchor deployed Two anchors or center channel The other two anchors are spread east and west of the rig With requesting two hour notice to move Working Channel 7-1 Call one underway Roger that And Doug Solana Do you copy Gillian Irene Elimit of war for a day of five Silver You're welcome Traffic Delphine is struck Gillian Irene pushing up a bridge greater than the petroleum prepared to depart

and I'll meet a four for Odeo in Kenny Gulf of Chow. So, top of Chow's clipper truck. Shelley Lynn's push in the barge, less than a beam raccoon straight number one. West, east, top for disposal, settle up, over. High-ish truck. Thank you, high-ish truck. That's a no-match truck. Shelley Lynn's push in the barge, less than a beam raccoon straight number one for disposal, settle up. Kevin Keena, more than advocate, gratitude. Clearing the Charlie Bowie for Anchor's night. And heading off a proper span. Then only gets him for just go 15 for craters off.

Thank you, taxpayer cat, pushing a petroleum barge, less than with the drop of AP, compared to the part of the anchors' line with key five for San Francisco 50. How do you pay pushing the barge greater than? Approaching with San Francisco 92 for Worcester Point. Dr. Ray pushing a petroleum barge greater than a beam NES number 1 for anchors' line, Charlie 8. And 17 aboard the map gate, gratitude. Approaching North Channel number 8 for anchors' line, Charlie 7, Intending Offer Problem. Call one underway. Over. Thank you, bear cat, break kiss. Hadi K. Dr. Ray, 17. Navigate, gratitude. Did you copy, bear cat. Anchor 9 to San Francisco 50. Okay. Thank you, both. Margaret traffic. Roger on. Thank you, Jillian Irene. Dr. Ray traffic. Bear cat, pushing a petroleum barge greater than a less than, compared to the part anchors' line with key five for San Francisco 50. Oh. Thank you, Jessica. Golden Bear traffic. Shelley Lynn's portion of barge, less than, Approaching Harding Rock for Disposable Fettle 11, returning to Richardson Bay. 47 aboard the Arjun Gopera. Turning at Richmond Franchero Point for sea, Intending Deepwater traffic light. Over. Send me to address. Roger on.

And Tilly Trump. Minimum Makeup San Francisco 15, 17 aboard the Navigate Crabitude, a beam north Channel number 8 for Anchorage 9, Charlie 7, and Tending Alpha Bravo. 47 aboard the Arjun Koperas, Rounding Richmond Point Petraero for sea, folks working on Alpha. And Tragess, he enters a beam of the brothers, Tom from Richmond Montwerp to Resume and Tragess, in Tending East Span, report back to bridge over. Mendocino Trump. Roger off. And Tia Trump. Make our day arrangements with 47 Arjun Koperas, Channel 13. Over. Hi, Tia Trump. Thank you, I trust. Trump, come on, I trust. 17 aboard the Navigate Crabitude, a beam the Alpha buoy for Anchorage 9, in Tending Alpha Bravo. Minimum Makeup San Francisco 15, over.

That was copy-san. Thanks, copy-san.

Thank you Bearcats, Trivka, Toronto Trivk. Bearcats pushing up a trillion bars less than carrying hundreds of points for San Francisco's 50. Over, and Toronto Trivk. 17 Navigate gratitude is approaching North Channel 4 for Anchorage 9, intending off a problem. Over. Golden Gate traffic. 17 Navigate gratitude. Approaching North Channel 4 for Anchorage 9, intending off a problem. Minimum make its efforts to go 15. Over. Adventure Cat 2 traffic. Thank you Adventure Cat 2. Shilly Lynn's pushing up a large less than, they are approaching the disposal flight south of Akritras for disposal operations that returning to Richardson Bay. 17 Navigate gratitude is approaching North Channel 4 for Anchorage 9, intending off a problem. Over. Thank you, Trivka. Thank you, I report back to the bridge. Councillor. Corrine the traffic. We're going to turn on Corrine. Bearcats pushing up a trillion bars less than, approaching San Francisco 92 for San Francisco 50. 17 to port the Navigate gratitude. Ctering North Channel 4 for Anchorage 9, truly 7, intending off a problem. Over.

Now we're going to have to clip for traffic. Show the link to push some of ours, less than conducting disposal operations, down the block of traffic, then returning to Richardson Bay. Over. Second, Victor Romeo Papa Juliet III. This is traffic on 14. Over. Good afternoon. Tekken. This is traffic. Contact a bunker bar on 13. Over. Shall we land this is traffic? Thank you. And what is your new draft? Over. Touch shall we land and push in a bar, slash than with a new draft of 60. Departing to disposal at 11 and returning to Richardson Bay. Traffic out. Terial Briscoe. This is traffic. Good afternoon. Thank you, Terial. And what is your emotional channel attention? Over. Roger is south of the channel, south of the social channel. Over. Thank you.

Terrell Briscoe, Portional 2 of Greater Than and Trapped at 12 feet prepared at a part that's far up one, chamophon quarry for real vista, intending south of the social channel. The Tuxelana continues work with the Derek Barge KVC1. There's a budget down, 800 pressure correction, 1860 yards west of Rodeo 3 with anchors deployed to anchors or center of the channel, the other two anchors are spread east and west of the Rodeo. There working channel 7-1 requesting two hours now to smooth. Over. Thank you Terrell Briscoe. Great Solana, did you copy Terrell Briscoe? Terrell Felto, Rio Vista. Over. Thank you, though. Terrell Briscoe. How could you have a fire traffic? Terrell Briscoe. Terrell Briscoe. Terrell Briscoe. Terrell Briscoe. Terrell. Terrell. Terrell Briscoe. Terrell Briscoe. Terrell Briscoe. Terrell Briscoe. Terrell Briscoe. Terrell Briscoe. Terrell Briscoe. Terrell Briscoe. Terrell Briscoe. Terrell Briscoe. Terrell Briscoe. Terrell Briscoe. Terrell Briscoe. Terrell Briscoe. Terrell Briscoe. Terrell Briscoe. Terrell Briscoe. Fuck! Incoe. Comments. Terrell Briscoe. I was going to cut off. What happened? Terrell Briscoe. Terrell Briscoe. Terrell Briscoe. Torrell Briscoe. Terrell Briscoe. Terrell Briscoe. Terrell Briscoe. Great, because I'm keen, I have to get rid of the two traps. Dr. Ray's pushing up a trillion bars, creator then. There's low bell, and hunters point, opt for anchor 9, trolley 8.

Hi, Josh Shuffin. 17 Navigate gratitude. Clearing San Francisco of 332 for Anchor's 9 Charlie 7. Okay. And Dr. Ray Traffin. 17 aboard the Navigate gratitude. Approaching San Francisco 50 for Anchor's 9 Charlie 7. Over. To bathe on our traffic. Charlie Lynn is pushing the barge less than. Approaching raccoon straight one for Richardson Day. Over. Merin Traffin. Thank you, Merin. Traffin. Over. Over. Traffin. Roger out.

River Cat traffic, good afternoon. Roger, tug river cat, push in the bars, let's send him with the draft of 9 feet, prepare to depart. Anchorage 9, Charlie 8, for San Francisco 50. Dr. Ray's pushing the petroleum bars greater than there would be him under his plate. So, for Anchorage 9, Charlie 8, 17, important map gate, gratitude. The beam San Francisco 70, for Anchorage 9, Charlie 7. Call one under way. Dr. Ray 17, map gate, gratitude. So, you got B2 River Cat, River Cat. River Cat, push in the bars, let's send, prepare to depart Anchorage 9, Charlie 8, for San Francisco 50. Thank you, both. Junk Go. Travel, Scorpio. Scorpio traffic. Scorpio, play street to the gateway. Roger, thank you, River Cat, under way. Junk Go. 4-7-4-the-Archen Cabera, outbound clearing Southampton, Seoul 3-4-4-C, intending deep water traffic light. Chile and Irene pushing up a Chilean barge greater than a pushing Berkeley Pier for a day-o, intending each fan. Minimum Lincoln San Francisco 15. Minimum Lincoln San Francisco 15. 4-7-4-D-Archen Cabera, approaching Southampton Seoul 1-2, outbound clearing Southampton Seoul 3-4-C, intending deep water traffic light. Chile and Irene pushing up a Chilean barge greater than a pushing Berkeley Pier for a day-o, intending each fan. Minimum Lincoln San Francisco 15.

So, no much traffic. Roger out. There are other traffic. There can't push the bar's left then. Approaching on this point for San Francisco 50. Over. Gary Elbrusco, try. Gary Elbrusco, traffic 14. Real Vista Bridge, you're quiet for hour notice the lift. Over. You're welcome. Drop down. Vice-use truck. 17. At board the map gate. Grab the 2. A beam hunter is played. Or anchor 9. Charlie 7. Atticate. Push the bars greater than. Approaching on. Approaching on.

the I'm going to transfer your traffic. 47 of worthy arching Gopera, unfortunately, I'm fully perceived in counting keyborder traffic length over. Bealer traffic. Thank you, Pila. Minimum will get sent from Cisco 15. July 9, July 9, Reen, pushing the petroleum barge greater than. Clearing Berkeley Pier for Odeo, and counting e-span. Androids just he-on. I'm going to send the approachman marker number three, getting ready to start charging along over one month worth. Over. That's the answer. Thank you. Chile and I Reen is pushing a petroleum barge greater than. They're clearing the Berkeley Pier for Odeo, and counting flat e-span. Over. You're welcome. Right. Chile and I Reen, traffic. Did you copy S-y-on? Over. Just S-y-on. Currently in the Richmond R&A, they've commenced their charging operation. Over. Out for traffic. Cleaver traffic. Thank you, Clipper. Traffic. Traffic. Adventure can't do traffic. Thank you, Adventure can't do.

47 aboard the Arjun Gopera is rounding point 1 for sea, intending deep water traffic light. Over. Light road traffic. Killie Irene is pushing up a trillion bars greater than. Approaching to a channel 6 for a dayo, intending east pass. Minowen might get San Francisco 15. Over. Silly wind traffic. Roger. Golden Gate traffic. Thank you Golden Gate. Killie and Irene is pushing up a trillion bars greater than. Approaching to a channel 8. Approaching to a channel 6 for a dayo, 5. Intending east pass. Over. Traffic will be up. We'll be up. We'll be up. We'll be up. Roger. Roger.

Jim and I trumpet, and Chile and Irene is pushing up her trollium barge, greater than clearing North Channel 6 for Rodeo, intending each band. Tritles and Giants, those resumed judging in the vicinity of Brisbane, onward. Oh. Delphine and trumpet. Roger off. Terrain the traffic. Thank you, creative. Tritles and Giants. We have a team that gave gratitude to Tritles. Thank you, six shots. Tritles and Giants. Farber Queen, Tritles. 47 aboard the Archen Gopera. Clearing Harding Rock for C. Intending D.

Why are you talking to me? Over.

Gillian Irene traffic and Gillian Irene traffic fortune traffic copy your passing arrangements with the S.E.A.S., are you attending to stay wet? So, I'll come to Seoul 5 and 7 to stay out of the RNA. Roger, thank you, Gillian Irene pushing up a trillion bars less than clearing a Southampton Seoul number two, bound for rodeo, intense flu, and our anchorage to avoid RNA conflict with S.E.A.S., is traffic on. 4.7 hours in Cabrera, is traffic on the bar, so thank you sir. Thank you, Dr. Ray, is traffic on. So, that's my traffic. We don't make it San Francisco 15. Over. 17 Navigate, gratitude traffic. You're welcome. E.K.D., tomorrow evening. Traffic on. S.E.S., traffic. Copy, thank you S.E.A.S., and what are your intentions of the brothers and your new drafts? Over. Roger, thank you. Trades S.E.A.S., completed, judging in the Southampton Seoul RNA of the long were. departing for a disposal flight 10, the new draft of 20 feet, six inches, attending east and west of the brothers. And you copy, Gillian Irene. Break, Gillian Irene traffic. Could you copy S.E.A.S.? Roger, thank you. Trades S.E.A.S. The Dorado traffic. Rivercat, push in the bar. S.E.S., clearing San Francisco 70 for San Francisco 50. So, let me change traffic. Roger off.

Don't blow a trumpet. Thank you going to bear. Trunk out. Let me get a trumpet. Roger out. Kitty can't track it. You're welcome. Trunk out. We're in traffic. We're in traffic. Thank you. We're in traffic. I've been in my traffic. Thank you. Just look at the traffic.

Daniel Cabo. Wow, you're just about to step up Vegas. Your journey with a brilliant arena is pushing one patrolling parts whenni's coming.


Okay, you can check. I see you, shrimp can. Hey, shrimp, come on. Come on, shrimp can. Shrimp and river can't solve fast. Check it out. There we have it. Thank you. Trifco. Trap. Trifco. There we go. There we go. Here we go. Come on. Head of your group position. On your star recide. Taking three feet on the water station. And the current. It's similar to that.

They'll be in the future. Hearing, gay, well, I'll meet up with these families. It's going very good in those days. You got to hear a thing, you got to go. We'll try. I'll be there, we'll be there. We'll be there.

I thank you, the Gillian Irene, pushing up early in March, greater than 2,000 percent of British North North Korea, a couple of years ago. The majority of the year is approaching this bullseye 10. There is nearly a year ago, boy. And once you complete this bullseye, we've found for the British a lot more. The Terrell Briscoe, pushing two barges, greater than 2,000 percent of British and also a channel worker 15, a couple of years ago. And I'm going to wait for the part of Solana. I think Diabob, just off of rodeo number three. Traffic Center is a good spirit. Let's be a captain. Traffic spirit. I'm going to get in a way. There are three. Two hour 15 minutes before our first wave point. We'll be the Golden Gate Bridge. We turn time back to in 20, 45 hours. We're just a spirit. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I think you. Thank you. I just think you. So we'll go to have a captain.

We have nothing left in, no more intervention, so let's get it mariled at this time before. Queen of Drift. Upcare is again. Whatever. We should know what thank you. There's a data reported definitively point one, second three feet on the water. Open the water. Open the thank you. Try again. Thank you. Thank you. Try again. Try. Clip drift. Happy F-light. Thank you.

Thank you

Accidentally times continued to suppose scene menu as full site, returning it to a virtual offer for virtual graduation date. Perhaps this 24 office isn't according to the festive weather. They're秒 that's okay. Thank you pandemicside 1, 4. Sure. Congrats. nawet is cute.

Driving attempts to go spare one o'clock in the morning. We'll be back in 10 minutes. We'll be taking a bit of a week for the Sloan working type operations throughout New York. West of Rhode Island No. 3. The top tarryl goes pushing two barges. Greater than passing Rhode Island No. 3. About 4 Rio Vista. Join her ring, pushing a petroleum barge. Greater than passing the roll point. About 4 rodeo. Transseen South of the National Shultia.

Okay, that's it, do you want it? Not on traffic? Very building too hard for me. If you're out of thinking, I'll see you in the traffic. We'll see you in the city. We'll see you in the city. We'll see you in the city. We'll see you in the city. We'll see you in the city. Traffic. Same here. Okay, traffic. Very building floor. That's right. I'll see you in the city.

I'm gonna go on. We're gonna take you to the camp. Okay. You're gonna go to the camp. You know the camp. You've been to the camp.

That's the knowledge of the official figures. Chiefrov, are you up? Okay, thank you. Yes, Your lovers go. Thank you. Thank you. Thanks.

Thank you, Minowak, and thank you for your support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support and support Thank you.

When you have to drive. You have to drive the computer thinking, traffic connection. than you have to. You have to drive the computer, commit it from your computer thinking.

bandharp, theo clip hit that cannon. They can't take a cap. Pull the baychevik. You hold the bay. Haven't put them here. You don't have to be on that pinkish. That sure take it out because you know. So greenish, good luck. A jappropicate, go the top. No, just group herrings have come.

if they take them to wake temperature close. Golden geat traffic. Happy Golden geat thinking. Turn you on to a race day. This is trashcore. Maria, ready? Who knows what it's completely. Thank you. We'll check you out.

traffic. Take your note. Come. Sorry, I've been the C-note traffic. But the C-note things. The physical sprayer. Come, be that kind of thing. Put your... Happy that old blue thing. Come, come.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Very building for safer distance goes here for you. Ready? Okay. Thank you. Good job. Thank you.

They're very difficult. Yeah, they're very difficult. They're very difficult. They're going to make you a great deviance conducting operations just off of their Richmond loans before.

Keep it up, keep it up, keep it up, keep it up.

Okay, services go by in office. Final part of your vessel has 2200. Please have leeside ladder two meters from the water. That is correct, Captain. Thank you. That is correct, Captain.

traffic signature temperature scope gate44 to dryỎ i Branding White

Why don't you have a second?

All right, we're going to try and drive it in. Travel, Travel, Travel, Travel, Travel, Travel, Travel, Travel. We have continued to have a little bit of a little bit of a comment about. Back to El Robo. And secure and free and we'll call once again. So I bet that's your problem. We're going to have a free one.

The traffic is damaged.. Very good other travel

Traffic, Scorpio. Scorpio, keep playing to the ferry, but over.

Rafay, Karina. Play a seat for your way. Here you go.

Thank you.

Cappé, our go, we're going to be the way to check that, have a good night.

Check it, this will be off. We'll be off here on this point. Check it out.

Traffic Gemini I think Gemini Beach Range are going to the point when we return on the floor Thank you and have a good night traffic

Grape hay, Karina Play sweet for Japanese

Thank you.

I'm going to go between Joe and Charlie, port to port okay?

The last step. You're bound for us. There are photos of her. You're allowed to push in one grade of inspection across town. Prepare to park deck or island moorings. Down 4th year for a rock-worthy craft is 5 feet. Thank you. The Terrell Briscoe is pushing two barges. Greater the inspection across town. They're approached to your position. They're bound for you, Vista. The unit 554, the set will island is approaching the UP bridge of Belfour Stockton. Over. Class and up pushing two. Thank you. Go squad away. The Terrell Briscoe and unit 554, the set will island is approaching the UP bridge of Belfour Stockton.

I'm driving now at Gompys. I've already got the ship worked up to full speed. Here's a possible, again, the deviation to go up, outbound, south, south, across. Give them the minimum weight. I'm driving 9. I understand deviation, Grand. Thank you. Thank you. 54. Our genium is a good flingar anchor in this position. I'll take shots on. I'll call you back one first up.

And look at that.

This is the floor you're standing in. Right, this is the floor. Check your inhalation for your animals. That's one degree, thirty-nine.

B9, Felke, Wes Bond, Bohr., thank you.

It's a random old sentence. Guys, you run them up. You have to get out of bound for Oregon. The police is going to get your headquarters. They'll set you down at 2350.

- - - * - - -