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Little three things. Three things, little three things. Thanks for watching!
I'll get you checked in at 0-1-2-8.
We're hearing a 59 radio. 59 copy of this leaflet. Call 78905. Going to active 9. The house is due to check-in at this location. The house is due to check-in at 0216.
Pilot Office, back to the left for calling. You see Enterprise Pilot Office, 0800. This is called a one hour before boarding for ladder instructions. Roger.
Fifty-five. Thanks.
Roger, thanks for the call.
It's burning pile it up. It's burning pile it up. Negative.
Missy Enterprise, pilot office. Good morning, please send your message. Missy Enterprise, pilot office. Copier ETA to the pilot station, 0800. Please already starboard side ladder, 3 meters from the water. No man ropes. That is correct. Without man ropes, please. No man ropes. Speed will be 9 knots at the time of boarding. 3, please. 3 meters. Thank you, pilot office.
Agree Kingsville Pilot Office. Good morning, please send your message. Agree Kingsville Pilot will board between 0830 and 0845. Actually, he'll board closer to 0845. That is correct. Thank you, Pilot Office F.
I don't have this copy.
Maybe I'm not learning to sing? Talk it out there and I'll answer you as well. Thank you.
California, I'm reading change. Good morning sir, that is current development.
Christine Elizabeth Polar Endeavor. Yeah, it's Polar Endeavor. We were expecting a piece of mail come on board this morning I'll see it work. You guys sent it up. Yeah, it should have been a letter um, I Think was gonna come out on that first launch. No, we have no one scheduled to come in on that 1230, but uh, that letter is very important so We haven't seen anything come up. Okay cop
re-express dispatch for endeavor you guys did have that letter still okay I'll let the captain know thank you very much much appreciated thank you very much
Turn it off, it's copy. Thank you. Thanks, copy. Thank you.
I'll try that off the copy. Thank you.
1-9 rain exchange. Third money. Copy displacement 90588 from St. Andrews. Checking rain at 10.47 and the valet has check-in on its on-station basis.
Maureen Exchange, Admiral Callaghan, radio check. How do you read me over? I read you loud and clear, Admiral Callaghan. Maureen Exchange, Admiral Callaghan, I understand you read me loud and clear. I read you sane. Out.
Unit 5-1, Marines Cain. Copy displacement 1-2-3-3-5. We'll check the line at 1,200 from Anchorage, Wisconsin 10-11. The Delta Yannet has checked in. Thank you. Copy.
Pilot Office copy, thanks Dave. Change copy, thank you. Copy that, 12.55, thank you.
Pilot will board approximately 1,400. Thank you, pilot's office out.
Call it up, it's copy. Thank you.
I've had office copies, thank you.
Pirate boat. Pirate boat California Pirate Office. Can I get a weather update please? Thank you.
Fair enough, Escapi. Thank you.
1741, thanks.
Dr. Ray, Dr. Ray, Tanker, California. Can you switch to channel 6-8 please, 6-8?
and get the whole pilot up. Pilot board tapping hour early, pilot board 1-9-0-0. Correct. Please rig a lee side ladder, two meters above the water. Two meters above the water. Lee side ladder, two meters above the water. If you have a gangway, that will work. Roger.
Alright, this is the Sequoy, you're coming in a little faint, so you get a picture of that.
Green exchange 55 on the Navigate Gull. Green exchange 55, Navigate Gull. Green exchange 55, Channel 10.
Great Cosmos power-ups. Copy, two, three, three, zero. We call one hour before boarding for ladder instructions. Roger.
Rachel Ellman, I'm in. Okay, perfect. I'll get you checked in at 20-27. Good evening. I'm proud of you, too.
I'll get you checked in at 2035. Thank you.
We're going to do 59, 9, 6, 5, 5, 1, 3, 8, 1, go on to exercise. The rate trial has just ended. I have good motivation. I'll just check in at 2042. Thank you.
258, thanks. Marine exchange, marine exchange, Utah Voyager. Marine exchange. Marine exchange, Utah Voyager, good evening. Preparing to get underway from Anchorage 9 for Richmond Long Wharf, birth 2. Draft is 29 feet 4 inches. Dead weight is 350 through 4 long tons. Escort tug is Lisa Florence on 7-Alpha. Backup channel is 1-3 and we are in compliance. 3-5-0-3-4 Thank you.
Aurora, Utah Voyager, Unit 67. Aurora, Utah Voyager, Channel 13. And I'm trying to get a hold of the Aurora ATV. Aurora, Utah Voyager. Good evening, Captain. I see you guys are just getting underway. We are the tanker. That's a stern of view. We're leaving here anchored to 9. We intend to Delta Echo. Are you guys going to come up to speed pretty quickly here, or do you want to follow us out? We're six knots now. We're coming up to 10. We're here, Stinky Cotton. Utah Voyager.
San Joaquin River, Utah Voyager channel 1-3. Stephen Connery River, good evening. We're going to follow you through Delta Echo stand. We're going to slow down a little bit here. What's your intentions after you go through Delta Echo? OK, Roger, Utah Voyager, thank you. 5967, good evening. 5967, port support, buoys 1 and 2, thank you.
Yeah, we're slowing down here and both slow down all the time in the channel. We're going to the Long Wharf tonight.
the ocean power up correct lee side ladder two meters above the water roger
321, thanks.
23.53, thanks.
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