Thu Jun 27 2024

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Please check in one hour prior to arrival for boarding instruction. Please check in one hour prior to arrival for boarding instruction.

Spot on the scrappy, thank you.

Please prepare a starboard ladder, 3 meters from the water. No man ropes. No man ropes. Take a free board this morning.

That's your free board this morning, Captain. That whole ladder only is fine. Thank you. This is, uh... I'm surprising first, and I hope you decide to follow.

Police is going for it. Okay, perfect. I'll get you checked in at 0530. Thank you.

That's copy text. The reading exchange copy, thank you. This is Reem, reading exchange. Good morning, copy displacement 36958 from the Longworth OCC. I'll check you in at 557 on the lease of Lawrence has checked in. Thank you.

Yes, copy. Thank you. Thanks, copy. Thank you.

Rachel Allen, Rain Exchange. Copy that 0717, thank you. So do you, Rain Exchange. Good morning, Copy that 0720, check in, thank you.

American fleet and pilot office, send your message. I copy 1-1-1-5, please call back one hour prior to arrival for pilot letter instructions. Over.

Yes, copy that. Yes, copy that.

MSC Lily, pilot offer, send your message. Send your message.

MSC Lily, pilot officer, send your message. Negative, arrive at 1-4-0-0, 1-4-0-0 at the pilot station, check your email. Negative, arrive at the pilot station at 1-4-0-0, please check your email. Yes, 1-4-0-0 at pilot station. Correct.

...coachies or anything? Copy that, 0907. I'll be right back.

Give us one more turn." The SC-23 crashed, and the injured injured, the injured injured, hit the exit online and left the airport and returned to the Sang Hen Arrival to collect the water. In the emergency room building, we not only just across the airport, as well as in the Sang Arinamondu Dam. We only wanted one or two wheels. You heard the peopleesse. Let's go! Yeah, we already complained. Shut up. Don't worry. You are having a... How's it going? How's it going? How's it going? How's it going?

I don't know about this. I don't know about it. Is it in Vietnam? Vietnam is equipped with a lot of gold. I don't think there is any gold in Vietnam. There is no gold in Vietnam. We don't have it. Maybe it's because of the equipment. It requires a lot of gold. But I think Vietnam is not equipped with gold. There is no gold. Maybe it's because of the gold. It's not good. It's not good for the future.


Valorary case. Copy that. 1049, thank you.

Copy that, 11 o'clock.

San Francisco pilot, San Francisco pilot, this is motor tank Gaha Nia Jaguar, calling you. Come and see. Half Nia Jaguar, pilot office repair, we board 1500, lee side, two meters above the water. 1500, lee side, two meters above the water. Pilot half Nia Jaguar, San Francisco pilot, half Nia Jaguar, calling you. Pilot office. Also, is the subject side, the pilot ladder okay for you? Is that the lee side? The lee side, two meters above the water.

And subscribe thank you.

Thank you, Maria. Thank you. Good morning. Copy displacement 40434. I'll check you in at 1135, and the Mallard has checked in at the on-state. Thank you.

I got 1-3. I read your 1-4.

Alright, go ahead and mess with us, y'all, we're blind.

Marine exchange, Lisa Florence. Marine exchange, Lisa Florence. That was captain San.

green exchange 28 tango half knee a jaguar 28 tango green exchange good afternoon 28 tango checking in half knee a jaguar preparing to depart anchorage 9 with escort Lisa Florence using channel 17 alpha and I'll get your displacement here in just a second and displacement of 46186 copy displacement 46186 on the half knee a jaguar from anchorage to rhodale I'll check you in at 1509 and the Lisa Florence 10 checked in thank you excellent thank you 28 tango


All right, I'll just copy. Thank you. Okay, copy. Thank you.

Do you need a 54 or anything? Good afternoon, copy displacement 41812 on the overseas Boston from Martinez to Anchorage 7. I'll check in here at 1611 and the Delta Linda head check-in. Thank you. So I'll remember you saying you got it 1611 off the track. Thank you.

Great job on a great day. God be with you from the end of the day.

42, Marina Chang, sleep repeat captain. Copy displacement 1, 1, 2, 07, from C to the Longworth. We'll check you in at 1708 if the Rachel Allen has checked in and is on station. Thank you. I'll have a copy, thank you.


Now that I'm ready to stay, I'm about to get a 70% chance.

Roger Valor, we'll check you in on space today. 18-18 on City Change. Roger, ATB, got the team. Uh, got you going into Anchors 8 with the Valor on Space. I'm going to check you in on 18-22. 18-22, check-in time, Cap. Got it, Cap. 63 and 6. Roger, 63 and 4. I killed our reporter in 18-23.

San Francisco pilot, San Francisco pilot, motor vessel ST-9, Victor 7 Alpha, 5174, call in. I don't know what's back at the station, Collie. Agudinian, this is ST-9, Victor 7 Alpha, 5174. Please confirm my pilot boarding time, 2200, 2200 local time. Captain, pilot board your vessel at 20, excuse me, 2130. Please have lead side ladder, two meters from the water. Okay, pilot boarding time 2100, pilot side 2 meter, correct? Yes, thank you. Okay, thank you.

Raise your album if you can. Roger, raise your album. We'll check you when the clearance words are out in 1947.

The air intercepts go by at 8.30, please check in one hour prior to arrival for morning instruction.

Marine exchange, marine exchange, set dollars and one marine exchange, set dollars and one zero.

That's fine. Copy. Thank you.

with the Monterey Bay. We'll check you in here at 2241. This is Lawrence Beard. This is Lawrence Exchange. Roger this is Lawrence. On station 2241.

Hey Joe, you got a radio? Joe, you on this radio?

That was Captain Sverige, thankyou Thanks captain

Pond's got you, thank you. Hey, Scottie. Rachel Allen Exchange. Roger, Rachel Allen. And being with Alcatraz at 23, 31, 32, 23, 33 in Robertson. Roger, Captain.

California change. Yes, sir, it is going to be the Rachel Allen. Got it.

Roger, Rachel Adams, on station 2348.

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