Sun Jun 30 2024

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Thank you

Office copies, thank you. Thank you, thank you. C.I. Marvel's have a Cisco Pied Office. We'll bring your vessel at 030 Captain. Lead side ladder, two meters. Alright, thank you.

This is a Kennedy San Francisco flight office. This is a track captain. Please check in one hour prior to arrival for port instruction.

for the shapes. Roger, I'll take you on off. I can try to zero, three, zero, five. Thank you.

Thank you.

Okay, Roger that. I will check you on location 01 at 0323. Thank you.

I will check you in at time 0430. Thank you.

One of those copies, thank you.

I'll fire a plan to scope out of this morning day if I copy it, 05, 22, 58, CSO, frontier, thank you. I'll fire a plan, copy.

I'm fine with challenges, go pilot office B by copy the 3G on the evermast 0536, thank you.

Thank you very much.

Unit 590, change, good morning. Unit 590 on American Freedom, I copy 31676, you got the baller checked in on station and we'll get you checked in here. We'll call it 655, thank you.

Oh, pilot, go and get pilot ops. Ah, unit 25 is over at 55, not 30. That was a typo earlier. Can you go around to 55, grab him there please. Now that we've spoiled your pilot office, good morning, please send your message. I copy, Tier zero nine three zero. Please have ready a starboard combination ladder. Starboard side, three meters from the water. Gangway minimum six meters from the water. Again on the starboard side, no man ropes. Pilot on arrival. Speed will be approximately nine knots at the time of pilot boarding. Once you enter the Krakashni area, Captain, please switch in mind that channel 13, the pilot boat San Francisco will advise course at the time of boarding over. Thank you for your call. Welcome back to San Francisco. Pilot office is standing right channel one zero.

Thanks for watching!

Unit 28, exchange, good morning. Unit 28 on the Ohio Copy 37416, you got Delta DNA checked in on the vision of your escort, and we'll get you checked in here at 8-12. Thank you.

We shall all in exchange for money. I copy. We'll take you, uh, south of Alcatraz at 8.30.

Please perform a change. Okay, we'll check you out, and we'll get you checked in on the clip sheets at 837, 837.

I copy. We'll go ahead and check you in here at 0848. Thank you. Good morning. Push on the key. I copy. We'll check you in on station at 851. Thank you.

Well, five or ten, just go for it, I'll just keep my copy, nine, uh, thirty-two, thirty-three Artemis words, I think you're free. Exchange copies, thank you.

Unit 33, exchange, good morning. Unit 33 on the heart of Miss Forger, copy 101-001. You can reach the island check-in on the station and we'll get you checked in here at 09-40.

CMA, CGM, Abram, LinkedIn pilot office, good morning, please send your message. ICOP-ET 1130, please have ready a starboard-side pilot ladder, three meters from the water with no man ropes, again starboard pilot ladder, three meters, no man ropes, pilot on the right one. That's correct, and once you enter the precautionary area, a beam buoy one Sierra, please switch and monitor channel 13, channel 13, inside the precautionary area, boarding speed will be approximately nine knots. Yes, you will communicate with the pilot built on channel 13, channel 13. Thank you for your call, welcome to San Francisco, pilot office standing by channel 10.

GG, boys, don't leave. Fortsite. Thank you, sir.

Five on time, Cisco pilot office, Steve, I copy, 1108, 590, thank you. Exchange copies, thank you.

I have attempt to file an office T by copy to 113459 CMA CGM Abram Lincoln. Thank you. Change copies, please.

And I'm finally about time to just go by at office, 11.40.25, see you here, thank you.

Something seems to have changed, and it seems to be a change. Roger, we'll take you out at 1230, and have a good afternoon.

What a visual grand vision pilot office. Good afternoon, please send your message. I copy your ET1600. Your pilot will board your vessel upon arrival. Please call us back one hour before your arrival for pilot letter and boarding instructions. You're welcome. Thank you first of all.

station calling Marigold. Okay Gappy, uh, stores coming or approaching from our starboard side, correct? All right, thank you. I will confirm this from Madison Lynn, Marigold. Yes sir, you're going to approach in our starboard side. Yes, that's correct, we'll be using our half-crate. There we go, just about, uh, I think it's probably better to go starboard to starboard. It feels like just in the corner here, we're gonna hang out on the open side until 4-8 turns around.

Hey, you want me to send 3-9 down there with the E-Pilot gear for you?

Go ahead. One more.

See you here, I believe so, yes sir, we'll be on six nine and one three.


Hello, Grand Vision pilot officer, good afternoon, please send a message. I got BT1600, please have ready a starboard pilot ladder, midships, three meters from the water, no man ropes, pilot on arrival. You're welcome. Once you have been buoy one whisky, please switch and monitor channel 13 inside the precautionary area, boarding speed nine knots. Thank you for your call. Welcome to San Francisco, pilot office standing by channel 10.

I'm going to hand this to pilot officer Dave Graffitian, 1605, Unit 5, Grand Vision. Thank you. Change topics. Thank you.

Richard, I'm an exchange. I copy. We'll check you in at 1711. Thank you. 48 Golden Gate. Okay, very good. Thank you. See you there at 36.

We're in exchange, unit 36 Tango on the Ohio. Unit 36 Tango, exchange. Hey, I'm in exchange, 36 Tango. Good afternoon. Just checked in with an escort for the Ohio to Ritz-Longworth. Thank you, 822 Ritz-Longworth. Displacement of 37416 and escort channel of 77. Unit 36 Tango on the Ohio I copy 37416. You've got Delta Deanna checked in on station. It will be your escort. Everything appears to be good. Order on our hand. We'll get you checked in here. We'll call it 1720. Thank you. 1720, thank you. 36 Tango. Captain and general pilot officer, good afternoon. Please send your message.

Thanks for watching!

The pilot should be boarding shortly from the shore side. The pilot should be boarding shortly from the shore side. 4-8, baller. Surely.

This is Kurt, there's Kurt, there's all of them. Margaret, we're going to be one of the concerned chapters, and I'm agreed to see you.

Thank you

Thank you

Thank you

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