Thu Aug 8 2024

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For real, I saw the fuck myself. Thanks a lot.

It's melting up really pretty much but on the other side…

Good job.

This is their 480.

You gotta catch it, you gotta catch it.

Pay me a little bit, look, I might be using cable to get notification if you haven't done that.

Traveler 32. Traveler 42 is a one-off. 2-8 Argent Sun Run. Good morning, traffic units 28 here for the Argent Sun Run. We're even anchored. Anchor J. South preparing the ship to Martinez 8. Deep Trapped is 31 feet even. They dealt that go. Westman, Richmond, Sarah Feldbridge, Non-Ansporous Transit. 2-8.

Q8 Argentinian rise underway

Thank you for being here. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you.

Job occurred to you. I'm a C-Million. And Job third to a target plate. Have number 55.

Its done and we're done.

I'm going to show you a pile up how close they're going to be, how close they're on 4.45. It's rig a lead side ladder, 2 meters above the water. Hell can't believe it. Roger.

Drive a good two at my steamer lean. Shout a good two all fast to defy checking out how we got more.

1 9, never fun, traffic, 1 9, ever fun, you have a good morning, 1 9, ever fun, Oakland 35 straight out for seats, keep your app before you want to see what you use Delta Echoes, and keep our traffic light. Hope you're on a thank you now for all of us. Thank you. I'll call one other way.

One nine hundred.

Thank you so much.

That's a great point. We're gonna get this. We're gonna get this. We're gonna get this.

All right up in the counter.

Good job, sorry.

Yeah, we'll call you out tonight in the next 15 minutes, it's been by our bridge boat already died Ok, there are our bunker sample ready, you can come I think come on, fortite

The road is at the point. The road is at the point. The road is at the point. The road is at the point. The road is at the point. The road is at the point. The road is at the point. The road is at the point. The road is at the point. The road is at the point. The road is at the point. The road is at the point. The road is at the point. The road is at the point. The road is at the point. The road is at the point. The road stays. If you like how to make, if you like how to make, if you. So when you are in grade 4, you also see

Don't you guys want me to go through the rock bands幹le. Here you go. Together we're going through the rock bands幹le. Clap to it. Well, here's all the rock bands do. Let's just go.

I'll be back in a little way to get out of the church. I'll get three four in a plane. In cool, I'll have three minutes. Here's a good way to get out of the church. I'll be back in a little bit to get out of the church. I'll be back in a little bit to get out of the church. Or...

Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger.

I'd like to ask you for a scan. It's very remote. You can go real quick. It's not much better. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan. I'd like to ask you for a scan.

So, we're going to talk about what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to how we came in from with the platforms, what we're going to speak about, what we're doing, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to says, what we were planning to talk about, what we were going to call it, what we were going to talk about, what we are going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about and what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're doing, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're going to talk about, what we're

Ten hundred tons of technical violence and technical violence moves 3040 40 He left only just normal idence thank you

Lets go for trouble. ... ... yep it's done! ... 31 30 30 30 40 40 Well you're Thank you

Let's go, pirate, let's go, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate pirate, pirate, pirate pirate, pirate pirate, pirate pirate, pirate pirate, pirate pirate, pirate pirate pirate, pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate, pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate ée Re categories pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirates pirate pirate pirate pirate, pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate twist backpack pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirates pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirates pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate piratepack pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate

The traffic is the end of the traffic. When you're barred down on real points, there's no way ahead of the people. You're talking about the joy of the traffic. How's it going? The traffic. Rocker, clean nature. That's all. The traffic is the 27th. Thank you. The traffic. I could be kind of doing it. And you're about to look at it in the bottom of the fence. It's just a part of it. It's out for the traffic. And it's flat. It's over. The traffic. And you can't even only get very point over. The traffic is going. The traffic is going. I mean, the traffic will be a little bit less. The traffic is going. The traffic is going. They're working in all your profits. The traffic is here. One. I think it's. I think it's.

Over here is five, five, four, five, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, seven, nine, seven, six, seven, six, six, six, eight, nine, seven, seven, seven, six, seven, six, six, six, six, six, five, six, six, six, six, six, six, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, nine, nine, seven, seven, six, five, seven, eight, seven, five, seven, eight, seven, seven, nine, ten, seven, eight, seven, seven, seven, seven, four, six, seven, seven, five, six, seven, nine, nine, nine, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, nine, eight, nine, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, nine, seven, seven, seven, nine, nine, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, eight, seven, seven, eighteen, eight, nine, seven, nine, seven, seven, seven, seven, ten, seven, eight, eight, seven, seven, seven I have to go. Copy. Thank you for your time. Copy. Copy. Copy. Copy. Copy. Over. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Copy. Over. Copy. Copy. Copy.

Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. 35. That's real better than 35. Can you go back over? Can you do it? The rocker. Can you check out? Great, epic. The rocker. That's what they did. Really? Can you go back to 35? That's real better than 35. Can you go back? That's real great. Great, epic. That rocker. Thank you. You got to be a five-day rocker. That's what they did. That's what they did. The rocker. The rocker. That's what they did. That rocker. Great, epic. Great, epic. That rocker. Keep going, petty. Thank you. You go over his way.

Feel the traffic. Roger the list. You might be in a real life field. Not that difficult. It's good to wait for about 4 o'clock. 35. And he goes to echo. That's probably the only one left. That's the point. That's the point. That's the point. That's the point. That's the point. That's the point. And that's the point. And that's the point. That's the point. But that's the point. But that's the point. But that's the point. That's the point. That's the point. That's the point. Awesome. I love playing that train too. Ok, can you hear what I'm playing? That's what I'm playing. Paul and Peter. Peter and Paul. That's the point. I reply to threatens concrete Thank you, guys. The Red Girl's photocetzt posters The Red Girl's photocetzt製裝ss That's all I thought about you in the Processor with the carrots

Its traveling i dream I think we are going to work a trade business

Okay, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let Let's go this goes, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go,

Huang Jun cheers off. Broker Go, go. Kehyeongwahumeee huby huby. Broker Go, leshanuan cru buckle up and push him onto the daikovsk Council tonight right now. Broker Go ok, go to the backs of Eastlenters and have plays depending on who he呢. With the добda party, go back and forth, ch ceremony of Leigh See we're this work time

If you have any questions, please leave a comment below if you have any questions, please leave a comment below if you have any questions, please leave a comment below if you have any questions, please leave a comment below if you have any questions, please leave a comment below if you have any questions, please leave a comment below if you have any questions, please leave a comment below if you have any questions, please leave a comment below if you have any questions, please leave a comment below if you have any questions, please leave a comment below if you have any questions, please leave a comment below if you have any questions, please leave a comment below if you have any questions, please leave a comment below if you have any questions, please leave a comment below if you have any questions, please leave a comment below if you have any questions, please leave a comment below if you have any questions, please leave a comment below if you have any questions, please leave a comment below if you have any questions, please leave a comment below if you have any questions, please leave a comment below if you have any questions, please leave a comment below if you have any questions, please leave a comment below if you have any questions, please leave a comment below if you have any questions, please leave comments below if you have any questions, please leave a comment below if you have any questions, please leave a comment below if you have any questions, please leave a comment below if you have any questions, please leave a comment below if you have any questions, please leave a comment below if you have any questions, please leave a comment below if you have any questions, please leave a comment below if you have any questions, please leave a comment below if you have any questions, please leave a comment below if you haven't any questions, please leave a comment below if you have any questions, please leave a comment below if you have anything else, please leave a comment below if you have any questions, please leave a comment below if you have any questions, please leave a comment below if you haven't any questions, please leave a comment below if you haven't Linda or in the comments below if you have any

Thanks for watching!

You can hold one, one, one, and three, four, the only thing you have to do, that's what you need. I don't know if you can hold the left and closed, that'll be stuck in it. But you don't have to hurry. Over. Thank you, David. We're out. That's what you need. We're out of the kitchen. That's what you need. That's what you need. That's what you need. That's what you need. That's what you need. That's what you need. That's what you need. That's what you need. That's what you need. That's what you need. That's what you need to do. That's what you need to do to keep at skilled number. I have to get to do this. That's what you need. You have to keep my dial out. Be careful when you're doing loads of�. That's what you need for your dial out to pull off that. That's what you're going to do with your Tokyo business journey. Dad we must see that next. We have a couple... Yeah we have. Six hundred fifty thousand. Now we have! But we have to go out to have a check right now, right now. We have a 100m mile. That's what you need. So the.

I'm right here in the FHG and I'm going to let you know that the FHG is not perfect for your FHG. I'm going to show you something in the FHG. I'm excited to see this. I'm going to turn it apart from Jack Lauder Square to the ferry building copy of the FHG. I'm going to let you know that the FHG is not perfect for your FHG. I'm going to let you know that the FHG is not perfect for your FHG. Thank you. Thank you.

California temple

Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger Hayas, the local countries. And, uh, cricket three, four. Still don't, chairman! Chair, senator!

Traffic hydrists, the brand can be planned to enforce very good hydrists copy thank you

Okay, we have to get right here. So driving 3-5. Hard to drive. I don't know if they can want to get prepared. That's a good sign. Yeah. Please, don't let go. I'm going to drop a lane up. And drive again on the 3-5. And I can help you. I can help you. I can help you. I can help you. I can help you. I can help you. I can help you. I can help you. I can help you. I can help you. Or what's your lane when you're gonna use? That's your road to reach that if you've seen your goal, what's out? We've got the three-5, then you're on a housing. That's your road to reach that if you've seen your goal, and your goal. Good luck. Good luck. You're a drafted brother. That's your 3-5, that's your road to reach that if you've seen your goal, and your goal. You're a jack on the cliff, but it's just a gravel field. Oh, you're off the cliff, but you're off the cliff, but you're off the cliff. You're off the cliff, but you're off the cliff. You're off the cliff.

So it's a unseren CLTP above our chair. Enter framework and have about three five archers. The door favorite, theater, or anything like that. But look a bit different.

Sorry, now for all your colleagues, let's check this up.

that would be our defitis now so, Five-x Trinity is probably going to get into what's happening. The drop here. Read beef sides, take that.

Thank you for coming. Thank you, go to the traffic road street, and we look around in a halfway, so that person is here physically hidden. He's perfectly Cble, it's NLP, He was here, especially Cble's here in underground fees, and it's right beside Rockwell del Faca, und $1.00V. Yes, sir huge drag group.

Pressing three, four, three, four and seven minutes later. Heat by break, week and jab. Lizard flashing. I hope you're delighted. Thank you. I'm sorry. ister trick, Jake problem felt late today.

We'll prepare to depart from Jacqueline and Square to the ferry building CopyOcle 56.

Okay, you're going to try to create a draft path, and then we can first push it through to the end. But you'll have to not try to try to pull it up a little. Then we'll get to that 3.3. So I had to pull it up. So I had to pull it up. So I had to pull it up. So I had to pull it up.

traffic jigs here yeah good morning we are preparing to depart Alameda 4 will be getting underway for rodeo 5 greater than keeping draft 14 feet and I will plan on the delta echo span wet fan airache standing up days out from the shares are darting and copy that we will go on logical for each jump for the

Thank you. I'll be back in the morning. I'll be back. I'll be back in the morning.

We are under way, thank you.

Thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next video.

I'm sure there's a lot of traffic, but I can't figure out what traffic is. I had a lot of traffic. I'm sure there's a lot of traffic. I'm sure there's a lot of traffic. I'm sure there's a lot of traffic.

Okay, let's try it right here.

We've got to have a good place to be disabled and copy a lot of stuff you did when we get to the station. We're going to be looking at it. We're on our field. I'm trying to take you here. That's it. So, from the morning, it's now through a geophile, getting built at home. See you in the morning. Take cover.

Gravit Stetus! Here a ring Mr. Dieterck, some seed play music in the terminal to repair it, building copyright taxes. Cause the club pedal prices varied a bit…

I'll be back. Thanks. Thanks. Thank you.

Try to do it. It's very, it's a park place. It's very, very beautiful. It's very beautiful. It's very beautiful.

Oh, I've been in the car for quite a while. Yeah, that's it. That's it. That's it. That's it. That's it. That's it. That's it. It's the last time before this. That's it. That's it. That's it. That's it.

Traffic hydrists. Hi, just traffic. Prepare and clay street for the trade with the government. We'll make Oakland 50 today. Damn traffic, damn vibrate. Hi, just traffic. Roger off. Damn. Break. Take this, traffic. Damn traffic. Damn Roger at the H-U-E. Kick here, passing by. He's a court point. The Alportail 5. Lesbans. They're just having a good bridge. So we're... ...ceiling our income. Generating traffic, Roger. In English town, 12.25. So we're... ...a bad day to go. He's laying to the table.

traffic in Europe. Thubbing enemy's southerncer. Good morning. We'll be above all the rounds that it's pretty great to repeat about you after some 14 minutes. And I'll be happy the middle of lecture 39. I will be going to you on to upper ball when it's at amount of percent

Good evening guys, see you in the next video! Thanks for watching!

Right that's it Okay, OK, OK... Okay, OK, OK... Here is 30 size at theYeah Glutistics here's 30 size at the Yeah Glutistics there's 60 size at the yeah Glutistics Look here here here here, again sometimes Is it OK? tick tick tick appears

I'm going to take a break, I'm going to take a quick break, I'm going to take a quick break, I'm going to take a quick break, I'm going to take a quick break, I'm going to take a quick break, I'm going to take a quick break, I'm going to take a quick break, I'm going to take a quick break, I'm going to take a quick break, I'm going to take a quick break, I'm going to take a quick break, I'm going to take a quick break, I'm going to take a quick break, I'm going to take a quick break, I'm going to take a quick break, I'm going to take a quick break, I'm going to take a quick break, I'm going to take a quick break, I'm going to take a quick break, I'm going to take a quick break, I'm going to take a quick break, I'm going to take a quick break, I'm going to take a quick break, I'm going to take a quick break The armtheon psixtone spin down a little bit when changing your° eyelinates, cutting as shown... So tie it to the bottom, and you'll definitely get one, I'm going to take a quick break, I'm going to take a quick break, I'm going to take a quick break, do the same difference need, just moving to the same thing, leaving it one by one, into the other right here right here in here using all the screws, cutting the makeup work in and such.

I'm going to go on the road. I'm going to go on the road. I'm going to go on the road. One topic to go to check me in. I'm going to go to the road.

There you go. Thank you, and far away I'll be back. Thank you. I'm sure you'll bring the car a little longer. I'll bring it a little longer. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much.

Shut up, you can't do this. Prepare and keep playing with you before the parade blows. I just got this, thank you. I've exceeded this. I've carried it apart from Jack one of the square due to parade building. God be okay. I'll be okay.

Drop it, fall in, it's very, drop it, fall in, it's very, we're going to be doing a bar gym and I'll let me up for pushing the head, pulling the bar into the head and keep dropping 13 feet, I'll be coming off to the bottom of the bar, spinning, going back to the bottom of the floor That's the main time of the week in 15 minutes, one five minutes

Thank you.

That's a pretty good way out on the upper plate field, I don't know if you're going to go away, but you can have it. Try to get back. The traffic is coming. The traffic is coming. The traffic is coming. The traffic is coming. The traffic is coming. The traffic is coming.

That's the part of the key. I hope it will take a lot of space and a 12-30, thank you.

What can I do?

I've got pain. I've got a bar, Clay Chidoclin, for these ferry boat, and cotton, and then like 50.

Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much.

From now on, for us, conquerure our curse, either you know what we're going to say,

Thank you very much.

So glad to see you there. Here we are playing another story. We're going to get COVID-19. We're going to get COVID-19. We're going to let you know that life was lowering. It's completed. We're going to take care of that.

You should be show that it about 10 minutes For sure

I'll be the point to the third building.

I'm going on track. Hello, Travis. We're here to the auto. I'm just very cold blue traffic. That's the topic. I'm excited to see you. Good afternoon. Good afternoon. Thanks for your attention. I'm very excited to have you day, Jeff. Good afternoon. Good afternoon. Thank you, Jeff. Good afternoon. Good afternoon.

Kooro, you'd buy out on the approx. 650 hand-winged shirt slides. 8,000 inά $22. I hope you will take a one answer for the third place India.

We're preparing a place to eat, we'll be about for gay women. We're on our way to Africa. We're on our way to Africa. We're on our way to Africa. We're on our way to Africa. We're on our way to Africa. We're on our way to Africa. We're on our way to Africa. We're on our way to Africa. We're on our way to Africa. We're on our way to Africa. We're on our way to Africa. We're on our way to Africa. We're on our way to Africa. We're on our way to Africa. We're on our way to Africa. We're on our way to Africa. We're on our way to Africa. We're on our way to Africa. We're on our way to Africa. We're on our way to Africa. We're on our way to Africa. We're on our way to Africa. We're on our way to Africa. We're on our way to Africa.

I'm going to try to help the rocker and catch up. Follow every rocker and catch up. The rocker and catch up. The rocker and catch up. The rocker and catch up. The rocker and catch up. The rocker and catch up. The rocker and catch up. The rocker and catch up. The rocker and catch up. The rocker and catch up. The rocker and catch up. The rocker and catch up. The rocker and catch up. The rocker and catch up. The rocker and catch up. The rocker and catch up. The rocker and catch up. The rocker and catch up. The rocker and catch up. The rocker and catch up. The rocker and catch up. The rocker and catch up. The rocker and catch up. The rocker and catch up. The rocker and catch up. The rocker and catch up.

See you later. See you later. See you later.

Oh my God, this guy is giving me a fuck, he's!? quote

Traveasmal Additional Traveasmal Other Surred Calv resilience You can start driving Traveasmal можно 犬 is in More Traveasmal To welcome you! Traveasmal Traveasmal

Thank you and have a good time, subscribe to left hand. Look out, look at Active maybe it looked around the middle. It looked around the middle which has significantly affected most of the vegetation. There's another little one that is being cut into. Up and on. A little butter card border up to here about 35 degrees covered, finally a 4 foot 항 interpreted area.

Okay, very fine, let's go ahead and let's go through the bridge right down the street, down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the the track, right down the track, left down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right up the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the railway track, right up the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right below the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down the track, right down and we're going to bring it up to the front of the front. Thank you. Up. And then the back of the front of the front. Okay, thank you very much. We'll give it a try. I'll give it a try. Thank you.

So those first options off this one, one of two dates on up here, right? You can see the other side. You can see the other side. You can see the other side. You can see the other side. You can see the other side. You can see the other side. You can see the other side. You can see the other side. You can see the other side. You can see the other side. You can see the other side. You can see the other side. You can see the other side. You can see the other side. You can see the other side. You can see the other side. You can see in the back. That tree block has 3. It has 3. and 3. You can see the other side. It float the trap. You can see it. Pinglish.

it's 02, 23, and there's a lot of sand on that sign here.

So there you can see the

I'm a good player. Is there any people playing against us?

The one on which is I thank your information. Bye, my dear. Till then punish yourself. 1 après 18. 1 8 3 4 4 4 After conservation.

So, I'm going to take a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of Yeah, let's go, let's try and do it right out and be sure that you have been talking little bit of a little bit of a little bit of how you do it the road, you need to keep on the way very slow which we could be so sure if we have a little bit of быть of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of your tendon and it improve a little bit of a little bit of an excellent wrist time, but I want you so far,

Here we go over to the trap, so I really need to know what to do. So we go over to the trap, give me through what's happening. So what's the number? So we go up to the left about the trap. There's the critical trigger. The critical trigger at the right hand is the critical trigger. About two, one is the critical trigger. So we go up to the left of the trap. So we go up to the left of the trap. We go up to the right of the trap. So we go up to the left of the trap. So we go up to the left of the trap. So we go up to the right of the trap. So we go up to the right.

We're going to have it up to the little trekking in, trying to have it up to the little trekking in.

Let's go! That should not be tragic result That would be not tragic Had not shown expected, that their concept of design would still not be as crisis foremon If they had seen a dog That could not be as terrible in the area That would be a tragic result That would be a tragic result each other does it today That is currently the crucial

I'm going to show you how to grab the doctorate first. I'm going to try to make a clear cuff. I'm going to show you how to make a clear cuff. I'm going to show you how to grab the doctorate first. I'm going to show you how to grab the doctorate first. I'm going to show you how to grab the doctorate first. I'm going to show you how to grab the doctorate first. I'm going to show you how to grab the doctorate first. I'm going to show you how to grab the doctorate first. I'm going to show you how to grab the doctorate first. I'm going to show you how to grab the doctorate first. I'm going to show you how to grab the doctorate first. I'm going to show you how to grab the doctorate first. I'm going to show you how to grab the doctorate first. I'm going to show you how to grab the doctorate first. I'm going to show you how to grab the doctorate first. I'm going to show you how to grab the doctorate first. I'm going to show you how to grab the doctorate first. I'm going to show you how to grab the doctorate first. I'm going to show you how to grab the doctorate first. I'm going to show you how to grab the doctorate first. I'm going to show you how to grab the doctorate first. I'm going to show you how to grab the doctorate first. I'm going to show you how to grab the doctorate first. I'm going to show you how to grab the doctorate first. I'm going to show you how to grab the doctorate first. I'm going to show you how to grab the doctorate first. I'm going to show you how to grab the doctorate first.

Let's go to the Dr. Rick, let's go to the Dr. Rick, let's go to the Dr. Rick, let's go to the Dr. Rick, let's go to the Dr. Rick, let's go to the Dr. Rick, let's go to the Dr. Rick, let's go to the Dr. Rick, let's go to the Dr. Rick, let's go to the Dr. Rick, let's go to the Dr. Rick, let's go to the Dr. Rick, let's go to the Dr. Rick, let's go to the Dr. Rick, let's go to the Dr. Rick, let's go to the Dr. Rick, let's go to the Dr. Rick, let's go to the Dr. Rick, let's go to the Dr. Rick, let's go to the Dr. Rick, let's go to the Dr. Rick, let's go to the Dr. Rick, let's go to the Dr. Rick, let's go to the Dr. Rick, let's go to the Dr. Rick, let's go to the Dr. Rick, let's go to the Dr. Rick, let's go to the Dr. Mr. Rick, let's go to the Dr. Rick, let's go to the Dr. Rick, I hope that you have a pleasure to do a little bit of fuel for your driver. I'll keep our truck flat out about the sea. It can be very similar to North Korea, but North Korea is not traffic light. That's your drink, little leader. Let's say it's very similar to North Korea. All right. If you get traffic, if you get that fuel to North Korea, you're not in your aircraft out. And if you've got a lane, all of that ain't to be very similar to North Korea. That's your drink, little leader. I'll keep your drink, little leader. West End, I'll be the West End, I'll be the West End. I'll be the West End, I'll be the West End. Dr. Red Bush, so much good. I'm going to go to the North Korea, but you're going to take the flat. So I'll put you great best. Yeah, you throw you from the left, and in the flat. Oh, that's not my type of truck. Very kind of joke. I just dropped a quarter. Check out.

Hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello,, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, all hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, Hi, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, all hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, Hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hi, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, Hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello,

So, let's go to the left side of the left side of the left side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the that stand on the wall of the right side of the right along the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the right side of the left side of the right

traffic fixes party clay street 4 gateway

Perfect. I do it. Keep playing through the ferry building over there.

Dr. Chepka, Lord Chepka, we have a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, another doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, you want some medicine to make my doctorae better?

I'll take you back. Thank you back. Thank you. Thank you, thank you. Thank you. Thank you, thank you. That's me. Thank you.

We've got a lot of work to do. We've got a lot of work to do. We've got a lot of work to do. We've got a lot of work to do. We've got a lot of work to do. We've got a lot of work to do. We've got a lot of work to do. We've got a lot of work to do. We've got a lot of work to do. We've got a lot of work to do. We've got a lot of work to do. We've got a lot of work to do. We've got a lot of work to do. We have a lot of work to do. We'll be right back on our tour. Traffic, Toronto. I can't wait to have a meeting. To the oyster point. Top of the Fairka.

You'll break your legs. You'll break your legs. You'll break your legs.

I'll get you out of the driveway. Traffic 4 9, Lion and welcome. Good morning and traffic 4 9, Lion and welcome. Preparing in 0.57. So I'll take you up and proceed. Keep traffic 43 feet zero inches. Delta echo deep water. Talk from 08. Or not. See you all soon.

I hope you will check you out as it includes 35, thank you.

Crank, bxk

David Delphine, the parent of the park. Place you'd Oakland for the San Francisco Fairbolo. Be clear.

I just keep playing to the ferry building, clock 8.

That would be safe.

49 under west

I think it's worth it. Thank you for gateway. I think you've opened for gateway. I'll correct you next. Thank you. Thank you for your attention.

Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, operate, Rought to you, Rought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you, Drought to you,

Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger Roger, Roger, Roger,

And that's how that area is going to determine straight to camp up. There are literally terrific kind of lights though. Which is good pretty pretty, they'll want to over.

Good job at gilping. That's what we're preparing to the park. Clay Street Open for Gateway Alimeo. Jack, come over to the car. Traffic, Chigatee. Underway, just correct. Okay, right there.

It's on the way, it's on the way, it's on the way, it's on the way.

Trapping my low cover on the way.

Okay, we'll go to mid-on-centred blind. Okay, 10 minutes, 4th side, okay, 4th side. Okay, 10 minutes.

We're getting underway, gateway on the lead up there. Since we just departed the district.

Okay, keep the vision powered up, copy 200, we've got one hour before the boarding for a minute. Okay, run.

Okay, strawberries are strong, but I'm ready to feed me your dog right now. Okay, okay.

I think we all need to... ...so that might be... ...that is... ...thank you. Traffic Malokometer. Traffic Malokometer light 8-2 train station.

Thank you.

Thank you for the cute fix.

That's a perfect joint arena in general one-for-of-a-all. I don't think I'll get four tickets out, thanks.

Copy the ridge well. Place 2 men's credentials over the middle.

You may again jamad as you can call it up. We can start with ladder, three meters up the water, no mandrel. Roger.

I'll go ahead and rest. I'll go up.

Trapped at Calzburg on board. This is what you're talking about. We'll be about for 3-3. Copy that, take care.

What do you want for that thing?

Okay, I keep the heat-laying from the surface. Traffic, we'll come up. Traffic, we're a little commoner. We're all secured. I'll meet you seven. We're checking out. Have a good night.

Keep laying down the points, check out them this way.

Thank you.

You have to do the same thing, you have to do the same thing, you have to do the same thing, you have to do the same thing.

3x170 1-203

He will add it a little bit. To put it three copies of this plate, but set it for one, three, one. The added track band has it once, so I'll get it checked and add one. One, two, three, four. Thank you.

I'm going up the broke up again, please. Family God 2330, pilot boards, happen out early, up before 2330. Correct. Thank you.

I don't want 15-3 weeks!

I think we can't do this again. We can't do this again. We can't do this again.

Only a few minutes. Just over here. Just over here. Just over here. Just over here. Just over here. Probably, I think, three or four, four, four, four, four, three, four, five, six, six, six, six, seven, eight, six. Yeah. Probably, six, six, six, six, six, seven.

traffic, D-M-A-T-G-N-G-A-Man, and we're on side, you can check it out in the system, thanks for your help.

Thank you, fix it, fix it.

- - - * - - -