Wed Sep 4 2024

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Grab again about what's here. I'll tell you what I'm thinking. That's okay. Nothing to do now.

Drop it go ahead. I'm sorry to be dead, please. I got it. That's a permanent break. We're just, uh, you know, I didn't want it to be part of it right now. Drop it, pretty cool. We're all fetched up. Eat to eat for rich man, I'll be today at noon.

Hey, morning, I'm still high, let me know if any of those over there. Hey. Hey, I got a cup of coffee. Thank you.

Travis, let's see, we are underway.

2, 7, 10, good morning.

traffic, well, let's check it out.

Drive it wild, yeah. And wait. Headed on for a bar to do it. Keep me cold, gentlemen.

You're like your eye to a pilot office. Good morning, please send your message. Roger that, we have you on the driving at the pilot station 0500. I'll report on arrival. We call back one hour prior to arrival for part pilot boarding instruction. Thank you, pilot officer. Thank you, sir. Good morning, please send your message. Please have a ready service, pilot. Can you reach the pilot? No man looks without man up, please. Then, correct. Once you enter the precautionary zone, please switch to channel 1-3 for the pilot boat California. Thank you and good morning pilot, up and up.

A traffic 35. I know. A turn complete. Head it back to the first.

Thank you for your follow me.

San Francisco Follett and Mercedes are Monterey. San Francisco Follett and Mercedes are Monterey. In the T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T. Good morning. We are expecting our cargo fishing to complete between 0 to 3,0 to 0,0 to 0,0. Just wanted to confirm the Follett will be boarding from a shoreside or seaside. The pilot will put approximately 0 to 3,0 to 0. Short side. Roger 0 to 3,0 to 0,0 to 0 to 0 to thank you. Thank you, pilot, for seeing us.

60% pilot office, good morning, please send your message. The folks in pilot office, yes, that is correct. We have you arriving at the pilot station 040. pilot report on arrival. Please call that one hour prior to arrival for pilot matter instructions. Thank you, pilot office staff.

Drop big 35 men on a check-in-out hero

Yeah, I'm on the valve please. That can hear me.

I don't know what's happening, thank you.

traffic laughs good

traffic but see yeah you're going to take it out over here

volume 1, 2, 3, 6, 1, 8, 7, 6, 7, 8, 11, 6, 8, 6, 7, 6, 5, 8, 6, 6, 9, 7, 9, 10, 6, 105, 750, 750, 150, 5, 7, 7, 9, 10, 7, 29, 500, 7, 6, 9, 70, 10, 7, 9, 1000, 100, 1000, all 86, 12, 31, 110, and realize, 10, 20,, 10, and 78. it was 15, really, that's all full, how is it, 10, which resulted inichen and increase 12 when you can be boosted, eight main characters, over eight, 450, 59, 500, unit five, 9 is 3, 6, optimistic.

That traffic, one-nine President Reagan, traffic, good morning, one-nine President Reagan, Oakland 55, straight out for seat, deep draft, 11 meters, we use Delta Echo and the deep water traffic lane. My touch is on 08 over, and can you repeat that last, for the traffic, please, one-nine copies off all one under way.

Be a copy, and eat in college. Be a copy, very good.

I will have a copy. Thank you.

Trapping, laughing, checking out.

Traffic Unit 3, MSC, just L. The traffic is good morning. Prepare an open 59 straight out for sea. The deep traffic is 36.5. Delta echo deep water. Should be north on the marcher. We're working 3-0. We're aware of 49 imbalances. We have one 9-0 on it. Okay, good deal. Traffic in, we've got the bridge. We're working the bar channel there. It's still 100 feet inside. We've got this all. Thanks for having us. We're on the way. One 9-0 copy. Thank you.

Thank you very much.

That's traffic in a 3-0. 3-0. 3-0.

It will be in my key in Ragell Truff. You might key Ragell Truff. Ragell Truff is no drips in the lower room, but there's a peak in the area where you're taking silver. Ragell is good copy. It's no drips in the lower room. What pin is this area? What all you're in taking silver? Ragell you can exit into the west end and re-enter. Ragell is great. Ragell is good copy.

Chevroletenario barbarism and departing how I am going to point forward-liner that Annie likes and it turns into a couple tuck-out well I hope that'd be good I'll tell you I hope you have another solbas bye!

available in a great way. Thank you very much. The report for the commitment is the Indiana and the Valerie. Actually, a lot. No, I'm sorry. The Indiana is the head court. I apologize.

I hope you'll find a part of this trend this morning. I can't be so if you're a 6-year-old, 19, thank you.

traffic traffic good morning just get underway how many to point for traffic 49 turn complete at the back to open 59 the 49 copies he's going to wait for him on the outside

Good luck.

Thanks a lot for watching and I'll see you in the next one.

I would camp on your hard of stretch Roman.

Try to exceed us. Prepare and see what I'm doing for the fair building. See this copy, thank you.

traffic carina. We just departed from Obland Clay Street for Ferry Bill and we got base logo at 56 and a unit 49. We got it and negative got it. I beg hyders, traffic hyders. Good morning, for parents to be far out of me a point facility to see my illegal general traffic for it.

lokal they had a complot we're getting here they are up coming back Ok hydros it gonna be plane the goud and germ at all right now ленigopions, admitted to my computer

Follow me on your part and I'll be trying to help you. You'll think 5-0, 3-0, 3-0, commitment. Thank you.

One here we had to track the traffic. Traffic is used. Get underway. Very brilliant. Of course, people have to do it. We can thank them. Get involved, that's a rabbit. Grab a tiger. Turned any part. Seepling the new terminal. To an apparent building. Let me thank you. Traffic is 49. A lot of nice checking out the one.

Traffic, really, like 3-0 on one path. You have to be a mimic from the mountains. What are you talking about? Make it to the mountain lake. You bet you. Well, man. Thank you. Please don't do that. Just get in. Let's get in. You grab this one. Thank you. There's no way we're around. From 3 to 3. And we are departing from ferry building for Grand Clays Street. We've got this roll ball at the 56th and unit for 9th. Thank you. Thank you.

Shut the door. Shut the door. Tell me that I would win. Fixed your girlfriend. Shut the window. Shut the window.

I'll pass it down here for a while. Before you come back here, can you? Well, you make a plan, Michael.

traffic delmart traffic delmart depending on the ferry building for parking for copy minimum at 35 and the sound cane river delmart copy, thank you

Traffic 17 turned around shinithers, presenting to birth 55. Traffic, see this? Prepare and see blame on going forward for your bulletin. See this copy, thank you.

gear is 3S, the fire office is good morning, please send your message to you. I can't be here. If you are 9-3-0, where is your free box over? Roger that, 11.3, please have ready a combination ladder on your starboard side. I did ladder 3-0 from the water and gangway minimum 6 meters from the water with no man now. When 2L pirated on 11th there are 2G opposes to play 1-3S and implying the precaution area will be approximately 9-0. Thank you for your call. Welcome to Hammond Sitzko, by the way, I'll be standing by a channel 1-0, I'll see you.

traffic carina and we are departing from Ogon Clay Street for very well and we got this logo at the 56 and I think it was a unit 17 that John Edmary we got it thank you

I think that's what I think. I think that's what I think. I think that's what I think. I think that's what I think. I think that's what I think. I think that's what I think. I think that's what I think. I think that's what I think. I think that's what I think. I think that's what I think. I think that's what I think. I think that's what I think. I think that's what I think. I think that's what I think. I think that's what I think. I think that's what I think. I think that's what I think. I think that's what I think. I think that's what I think. Traffic hydros. Here at any bar jack on this square, to a fair building. We copy here at 17, Oclim 50 six and the drag.

San Francisco traffic, plug-clet C. Yeah, traffic preparing to depart, 0.67, deep draft and less than 1600 growth tons are going to be pushing empty scow out to the Iron Bound. A traffic good and come back on the last step, please. Okay, good copy, thank you. Traffic getting at 17 a long side, checking out, good morning.

We've got to change the plans we're going to be standing by here.

One, I need you a three pound of this morning to send you a message. I can't believe we have the orders for your arrival, so one, five, three view of that is correct. Welcome, thank you for your call, I don't know. I would jump on your part of it. In the morning, I got to be transferred. Thanks for the help.

Traffic, excuse us. The parents, you plan to go in for the fair building.

Good morning!

We've got some

traffic carine are we are departing from Obland Clay Street for Ferry Bell and it's always global at 56 are we going to be stretching

oh they stopped with their trouble

get on moving forward feel his carp Holocaust

...the first part is in the middle of the room. All the M is ready. All the M is ready. It's ready. Let's go. All the M is ready. All the M is ready. I'm learning the steam and the demo. All the M is ready. All the M is ready. All the M is ready.

elbow tape. I get an upset with dad and S enhances their ankle.

Traffic eyeglasses, a pair of nitty-barked goggles and it's square to the very building copy of Glenn 56 and the Dredg. Hey, but hey, let's show them. So, first of all, wait.

Traveling over there. I'm departing down here in Mount A for where you come from. Copy on the follow-up. Traffic, excuse me. Preparing to see playing the good and for the very building. See you just copy, thank you.

have a California spirit. Good morning. We are preparing here at the airport and you can get underway. Running light, first way point will be ready for the arena and then we are trying to get ready for it. Negative I expect you to take us as we can do our research direction. Thank you very much. Thank you very much.

I'm glad to have come over a couple and I'm sitting at zero nine to four, thank you. I'm a little calmer again, thank you. I'm glad that, of course, the disease is hollow and there aren't things.

One, three, good evening. We have discussions.

Captain, were parents in the park from the пережaling to. Steve sale looking mental in termロ, istry traffic 13-1-0-p-b-chico-day. Job is good morning. 30-2-2, Bravo and TV-chico-day darn, read drinkers, including 8-Charles- 사람� to see. The graph is 66 feet, 10-ement yelled маленьer's graduate technician and 6- McLaren 23-2-2- definitivирован falters.

but if you don't say any powerover price, I got the zero export one unit inside here 55 gear 3000

traffic, that's just a problem. traffic that's just a problem. traffic that's just a problem.

For the I-95, I can have a look at the P-8-1-3 thing, I'll follow the link in the description. I'll check you in at 09-4-8-8-8. Also, you can have a P-5-2-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-1-3 thing.

I can't think you guys are making trouble. I'm making trouble.

traffic on boar hybrid New York traffic New York we are amending our plan we're going to be heading to here 33

You have to do a classic pilot office good morning, please send a message. You have to do a classic, yes, of course, a pilot office don't want you a comment, please. You have to do a classic pilot office good morning, please send your message. I think you have to do one, two, one, five. You start with a three, just from the word, no man wrote, pilot on the rival over. You're so good, I say pilot office, did you copy my last transmission? Diaboodside, diaboodside, three, just from the word, no man wrote. You are, can thank you for your call.

grab a rider, prepare a new depart from C-plane, a good terminal to the ferry building. Traveling, Argo. Nice heat to the ferry building. We'll copy him in a moment. Traveling, Wildcat, we're all fast, checking out.

Guys, what's wrong with this guy? He's coming out right now.

I'm not a guard. I'm a guard. I'm a guard. I'm a guard. I'm a guard.

So I have a curler. A very clean pack of curler. I'll use it. Close to the way.

Wow. Blow it away. That was a very pigmented shovel, right? Grape at the bottom of the watching.

Traffic! Traffic Streeters!

Prepare and clay sheet for the fire building couple of metal wigs.

don't you think so?

Thanks for watching my video.

One, I am 803, a pilot office, good morning, please send your message. I see an email from your agent. It looks like your birth is occupied, and he resets your schedule to arrive at 1-9 years. Your 1-9 years. Please check your email so contact your agent over.

He is not fully able, I am getting him to go to green side, copy that, I'm giving it an eye on it.

I'm on the 35th. Truck today. Truck building.

one tanker key so pilot office sir good morning please send your message where are you shooting at 1245 by is warning a production at least 1230 or 151230 least I'll pilot that at 2 meters from the water that's the perimeter thank you for your call thank you sir key sir good head yes sir thank you thank you

I think it's just... Traffic, my low Commodore. Traffic, my low good morning, comparing out of me to seven for a central bay cruise, return time, 1445. First, we point light eight over. Traffic, my low Roger out.

Traffic, excuse me, preparing to see plan will go on for the free building. Traffic, my locomotor is underway over. Traffic, hi, Bruce. Apparently, Park, Jackland and Square to the very building, Copy to Wildcat and Oakham, 56. Copy, thanks.

Thank you for your attention. Remember that. I'll kick you on the patient's mouth. And one, two, one. Thank you.

Now do a Oakland 67 here with the Iron Bound and we'll be conducting local ships for about the next hour. No, no need for a minimum weight anymore. The rapid malachina ever got. Traffic, you're a little broken there, can you repeat that? How's this going to be better? Very good, guys. The rocket that turned wild, yeah. Of course, you need to be ironed round to save both of these things. That's because we can done these local ships for about the next hour. Okay, traffic now turns out to be cute and very curious how much I've tried. I'll run your anti-toucher over here. You'll look at six here, about time. It turns out to be the total disposal of my life. It's just now that I'm trying to balance it. This will be your cover. We'll run your anti-toucher over here. We'll run your anti-toucher over here. We'll run your anti-toucher over here, about time. It's fine, but the way you can use it. We can just fix three and six seven. I'll be fine, do I? Yes, do I? I'll be fine.

Well, if I would get a boner boner boner, I'd be 12 A.G. in 3-2, here's our course. Thank you. I enjoyed the review.

I'm sure you have one, two, three, three, two, one, and another. Here it is. You've got another way for it now. You've got to be happy.

I have my low cometer, the power of the low, the light 6 now for out the Bravo, and copy 6-3-Ord. Traffic, 49-Ordscript, 58-Ordscript, sorry. Traffic, 58-Ordscript, 14-key, though. Do you have an update on visibility and Richmond in and Harbour? There we go. Thank you very much.

We've tried to trickle this. We've tried to trickle this. We've tried to trickle this. We've tried to trickle this. I copy all. You had a lot of static in the background. Trump is unit 58 Oscar. It's a key to the chapter right. Trump is a 58 Oscar. It's a fair and important anchorage. 8th South. With 4 Richmond, 17, 13 service side 2. Deep draft 29 feet, 10 inches. The Delta Echo Span and the South Panther Show. I'll give you the headquarters of the channel later. I'm a unit 58 Oscar. On board the K&P. It's a fair and important anchorage. South South America. The K&P. The K&P. South America. South America. The K&P. The unit 563. On the MOLO boyager. It's a fair and important anchorage. South America. Copy 63. Thank you. We've tried to trickle this. We've tried to trickle this. In the meantime, we've tried to trickle this. We've tried to trickle this. We've tried to trickle this. We've tried to trickle this. And then if you can, we've tried to trickle this. We've tried to trickle this. We've tried to trickle this. We've tried to trickle this. We've tried to trickle this. We've tried to trickle this. We've tried to trickle this. We've tried to trickle this. We've tried to trickle this. We've tried to trickle this. We've tried to trickle this. We've tried to trickle this. We've tried to trickle this.

shortly Traffic 58. Accio Interstate Traffic 36. Honorable meet For the Control 22, Fortside 2, Deep Draft is 36 feet, 0.5 inches, going 10, Delta Echo's fan, and it's turn of trail back in.

Okay, understood, minimum weight, sorry. Good seat, doctor. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Well, I was prepared for you.

Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Here we can count 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, test out. We didn't really jump across. But there's only a veto code to see pushing the bar. It's worth the 16-year-old stunts. Just pass. It's also a marker 8 to the rubbed out from our island. And it makes up on the social channel. And veto doctorate. But you can deploy a bar. It's 16-year-old stunts. It is the factor of our groups with 17-year-old stunts. It's a 14-year-old stunts. So we take a flash. There's been a way to add to very point. And you need to find a veto doctorate on the veto approach. You want to block a drop down for over 70. Part of the over 80. I hope I can take it. Traffic. Thank you very much.

C plane to the ferry building. Copy, thank you. Chumman.

traffic, traffic, tug wildcat complete with our ship. Also here at Oakland Desert.

Six minutes, believe in the top of the problem. Traffic. I've just been departing from C-plane lagoon terminal. We're headed to Alameda Point facility. We're also running late.

There's a lot of people here. There's a lot of people here. There's a lot of people here. There's a lot of people here. There's a lot of people here. There's a lot of people here. There's a lot of people here.

San Francisco traffic service, this is Cowsker Coderman Roe, Alien Channel 1-4 over. Traffic Monroe is planned outbound to see from Coast Guard Island at 1345. We are Delta Echo Span and Westbound Channel, I'll copy over. Traffic Monroe, can you say again you're last over? Traffic Monroe, we will be outbound via the Delta Echo Span and then outbound via Westbound Channel, I'll copy over. Traffic Monroe, trapped is 30 feet, 3-0 feet. Traffic Monroe, good copy, will turn on the AIS, 100 away. So here's got a Marron, can't stand by, channels 1-3-1-4-1-6 out.

Robert Cviders. Here in fact for a day. Thank you. System. Street. Now for a gateway over.

I'm gonna see you on the Feechup. John Feechup, I'm just gonna show it up here. I'm gonna load a rate. Alright, good. You can turn it right here. Copy to the Cone Sea or you can turn it right here. I'll play you by the rate. And pretty sure. I'd like to thank you for today. I'm gonna see you Robo Cone. Thank you Robo. Roger, Tim, I'm gonna see you on the Feechup.

Traffic phenomena, very building for England, copy the minimum weight in the traffic.

Traffic comments very Traffic comments very Preparing I'll meet a four-bound frame tonight with the one bucket push net so in bar go to the end Drop 13 feet Drop in the hall Driving my low comador Shut up my little lighty Clever my little Roger. Thank you.

And run, and run, hit co-pilot, sometimes hit co-pilot, Motovito, and the co-pilot.

Thanks for watching, stay safe, stay free, we're over with you on, we're gonna let you out of the car with us.

563, or off set with confidence set are to quarter down. 2830 10. traffic terminal out. Driving braking a loaded scound less than deep rear nine feet from 67 to verse 10.

Thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next video.

Traffic so wild can't under way

That's a wild cat, this is Bill Gerrard Monroe, and we need you on channel 1-4 over. Crafting Monroe good. Crafting Monroe. Roger out.

Traffic to Athena Purchasing gateway for the ferry coping Punch

San Francisco Puylo, San Francisco Puylo, this is CMA, CGM, Christophe Colombe, how do you read me over? Good afternoon, San Francisco Puylo, do you have any update for Puylo's boarding time, over? Copy that one, eight, three, zero, short, tight, Puylo, thank you, out.

traffic, a gentleman. H six eighthway copy doctor rate.

traffic. Jim and I. Gateway to

Allemeter 7, 4 South Beach, 40, night boat, top track, Merlot Commodore underway.

or a locomotor underway.

I'm just checking the zoom to a little bit of good traffic tug while catching. I'm taking up to the Dredge Ironbound. I'm going to be less than deep grab six feet. Head it out to the channel around the Marker 2A outside the channel, but down. We're shifting the Ironbound out to the channel to Alfa. Yes, sir.

You take flowers.

traffic to a while can't underway. The traffic's three fixed aboard the genie-free. Good afternoon for pairing at Oakland vs. 55. Starboard size 2 bound for C. Keep draft 31 feet zero, six inches. Just echo deep water. Tugs on one alpha. Take in the first one please. The loud chat got him guys. Thanks for coming into it. Yes, coming.

San Francisco pilot, San Francisco pilot, TMA TGM, Fristof Colombe, 9 hotel alpha 5397, TMA TGM, Fristof Colombe.

the traffic 36 underway now

Trafford, damn it. Trafford, California won't blow his under way.

36th anniversary traffic, 36 traffic bay are just north of Graciefields and it seems actually has zero three kayakers and there are thousand yorks eethes of equal to eep bridge. Roger, thank you and southbound on pilot departure, to be visions about from the northwest, southbound time 1900 and one high eight zero three's inbound, southbound time at least through theiningovan 12 point reduction. That's what the traffic vapines did, but to be f mensen and coming up Nick by nature. Thank you so much Z by어도 com.

Stratically, I'll need to put it on top of it. It's like for traffic, when you build it, put it outside the Berkeley Marine over. Traffic, tug, wildcat. I'm just getting in at 67. I'm just going to put one on a bar greater than a deep drop on the top of seven feet to get out to the higher ground.

up, that's it. You can try to put a coin tell this is Oh! Try to have a gun chain on one foot

traffic don't walk out of the way traffic don't walk out stay in the way and we'll be following 5-8-8-8 traffic, 5-8-8 6-8-8-8

We'll see you there, we'll see you there.


Chatech, you know what I come to, go ahead. Traffic 34, we're going to take you to the center. Traffic 34, right, right, we're going to the center.

With that for a few minutes we'll find his equipment.

...don't knock on the block.

San Francisco pilot, San Francisco pilot, Srisha Polo Voyager, good evening, this is Apollo Voyager, just confirming our pilot boarding time 2, 2, 3, 0, well copied, ladder lead side 2 meters above the water, and boarding time come 2, 2, 3, 0. Thank you.

traffic, 2-3, turn, complete, itch knitsers, 2-3 copies, 2-3.

great speed for drippling

Traffic 2-3, alongside Oakland 57, checking out good evening.

Traffic follows very often straight out on the floor checking out

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