Tue Oct 22 2024

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the last draft court

Thank you.

You're a great certificate, you're a representative of the traffic cell, what do you think? What do you think of course on speed?

Alright, thank you, what is your EPA to pass in with like five to zero and your EPA to the boundary of with point four zero over.

Read it with your paragraph specific. Enter into the next one. Three Point 5 to Zero.

I thought it hurts now because this is what you have to call a head.

All right, thank you. What is your course and your speed? Over.

Roger, what is your EPA for the pilot station?

So I have to take you behind that

Don't forget to subscribe, like, and turn on the notification bell.

so don't forget to paste the high above this mount and you can't tell them about this

Now, usually 3?000 pilots are one of the dressers upon the cuddle. These are very stabile pilots rather that make ship with no unit & aeronegu sleeve.

doing something about us five-then-�-three-minute MLOP

Thank you very much. One point of interest in any vote. Okay. Okay.

Sumerio leader, example of the traffic, Roger, and during the traffic lane, what is your courtham speed of a Western traffic lane?

So I'd like to thank you for marry a leader entering the left-hand traffic lane and with what would you do for zero-five to three feet, seven decimal lines, five feet, PA-2, about stations, there's me 100 called traffic on one, two, one, two, three, two, with what I would with the over.

I think the great 50-masters can serve up the traffic through the tip of the facility off to the traffic zone. The traffic zone is very tight. There is a R01-5, there is no port of traffic. On the left, the area is very wide, two-way, two-way, two-way, a conical-compsity. There are a 457-150, there is no port of traffic. In the worse, the 27.3300 of the facilities require 354. on the ground. There are three five nine degrees. Meet some of the best ones that come up with the C.A. T.A. T.A. Power Station. There are two hundred. There are one seven three. T.A. T.A. T.A. T.A. T.A. T.A.

We're gonna catch as a brother, and have a good day. We're gonna catch up.

You see, I'll take you through. How long is it to the telegraphic lens of parabirds? It's a quick vary. One, nine, one, three, seven, seven, five, five, five, five, five, five, six, eight, four, one, eight, zero, three, six, five, five, five, five, eight, eight, eight, five, zero, one, zero, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, seven, eight, zero, two, one, eight, six, three, five, six, five, five, nine, zero, five, five, five, twelve, ten, three, eight, nine, eight, five, five, two, nine, eight, nine, eight, five, five, six, one, nine, seven, six, five, seven, nine, eight, nine, eight, eight, five, nine, six, eight, nine, six, five, nine, nine, eight, nine, ten, ten, seven, three, five, five, five, five, six, seven, eleven, six, eight, eleven, five, five, five, five, five, five, seven, ten, nine, ten, ten, ten, nine, ten, ten, ten, Ten.

Go ahead and change your voice.

Physical energy, Victorian energy is playing your birds whilst choosing babies. In this round, we are now at 7 kids. specially one person who are putting vaccines on터plats, php, professional exercises. This round, we need to put my personal energy in place before the west morning, in order to tenhoen more stimulus in the next competition. So now with no schedule in this course, let's listen to some more more.

Grab your collar and do it, right? So, I said, here and you have a stitch got me to go out of the oven.

Thank you Choco

That's participants with We will play those stuff, we will play those. You see, you guys close numbers, 3, ok, close numbers 11.

Thank you very much. Thank you very much.

I guess we have orders for you to purchase your 300, 0, 3, 0.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thanks for watching!

Thank you.

I live matter two years from the War of Peace, two years.

Thank you for your call.

There may be a lot of good points. I don't know what to say. Sorry.

I do the same rule of the work. Thank you.

You're welcome. Oh no.

More than a couple is far enough, it's a good morning, please send your message.

We have orders for the purchase, 0100 pilot boarding from the official site.

Some��어 Mosa, there's zero important pause. No foot-to-tattack. There is one three-sector. On the pre-sector's spot, there's a quarter休ừng pavice. Subtassel my antiepeode. And 5 o'clock big pairs are here. No foot-to-tack fire, no foot-toothchnet, left. Madame Mosa, in hatteland the richest schlechtia being there. I'm not sure if you're hearing what's up here to greet 9.5. Could you please? Could you please? Could you please? Could you please? Could you please? Could you please? Could you please? Could you please? Could you please? Could you please?

One來到 a risk of a very one eight cents of joint problems or Labs in terms of Huawei coinciding might be extremely believable If you're not following your timing and continuing, the question in a quick spray at the point is, are you in touch? So, if you're going to have a good ride, can I have a car? Can I have a good ride? Here are one, one, five, and I have a good ride. Let's have a good ride. Cool out.

Well, catch up, Chris.

Okay, let's have a graduate that's going to be in a two-star virtual universe.

I'm glad you're here too, that's much of a zero-way. Thank you, Chuck.

Roger, Roger, and the boat is on the way. Trance, yeah.

they're actually laughing

Projects that continue here, I think you've completed a monitor 1-2, and called traffic 1-2, and took the precautionary area 1-2 over.

That kind of earth sample is the traffic, can I watch it?

I'm that Eric, I'm that Eric, I'm just the champion channel one kid.

The answer is spoken with the pilot, and your vessel and the Plamaria leader are both have here at 300 pilot arrival signs, pilot will forward your vessel number 1 and Plamaria leader number 2.

Thank you very much. We'll be out of here. We'll be out of here. We'll be out of here. We'll be out of here. Thank you.

You can contact the pilot on Channel 1-3 and the pilot on Channel 1-3 for onboarding instructions.

Strap the phone!

cause there are harsh ethics and more than ever

Thank you. Thank you for joining us. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

So, it's very difficult for you to get on the West Maintry 9, which will be 4 bountains for how useful for you greater than 6-inch growth stuff. But you're all in, you just turn the speed, and there is another way for the B&R, and down there 50 feet into the channel on the green side, in the vicinity of the lead number 3. And you have 2-5 msp-0. 18. 18. 18. 8. 9. 8. 9. 9.

Hey, copy on the ferry, we're calling on the west, thank you for

Roger, thank you, and bring two farmers to the lane. Kevin, can you talk to Tom? Very, very.

Thank you.

Thank you, Jessica.

Let's do that a full show, Roger. You're under way. Shut up, no.

Again that's my favourite

or face a cre expand with your

Hello, I'm Sonia Play at your traffic.

I'm going to take care of Voyager at train as the questioner class plane at Voyager with these two. Come to Corps 05-4 degrees. See, not necessarily, don't see. Yeah? Well, it's a total zero 400. Coal transfer 1, 2, 1, 2, reach. Difficult scenario at one foot with the over.

Haven't you?

This is United Ficcard River. The traffic service service is following the captured circumference traffic. Five-three minutes of time, there are one four-five-digit transport and matter of contrasting the number. In the end of the West Polarians, we're very sick and sick to reach your range. Ten-nine of a mile through the taxi, because the secret is going to be a four-quarter of our three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three- три-four-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-two-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-seven-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-three-two-three-three-three-three-three-three

There are 215 in the offshore production area, 1-2-3, 3-0, all of the health and attention is good. It's good to be in the home. Click the next video to get the broadcast on the YouTube channel. One two three times. It's 0-2-1-5. It's a United District of Skervids. We've had a different service tomorrow. Thank you for watching.

The traffic 2007 CMAC GMO SIRES.

27 feet, family, C.G.M.O.C.R. is traffic.

Good morning preparing at open 56 for sea deep out of 42 feet through 2 inches I'll be using the Delta Echo Span in the deep water traffic lane

People are traveling and I will be working my turn towards on 19 alpha.

We're going to need a 2-7 on ECMA, CGM, a Cyrus, and part 0.56 will be outbound for C. These draft 42-B2 inches in terms of self-tax with span of the beverage, C-border traffic light, working cuts on a 19-alpha. Sure, you're well aware, but you need a 2-5 on the merits leveling, they're turning its knitters, and it'll be inbound for 0.55, but working cuts on one-alpha. There are parts iron-bounders working the city of three-alpha from our channel. There are pretty notice to the northern end of the Oakland Bar channel, border there, over.

I copy and do they have anchor boys that I need to put wires down or anything for my transit.

I believe they're excited, although stand by, let me double check for you, break, Ironbound. They're going to see Wildcats at the traffic.

That's all we know are as no anchors. Thank you very much, Chief.

Have a chat with your husband.

I can't be thanks. I'll call when I get into it.


Over. Go over. Right there Trevor.

Roger, we're here in Van Quarking Beach.

Roger Berger, you can't wait to point to it.

All right. Vulture is here. This is how you get out of here in the future. If you like this video please treat like this too. Subscribe for more and I'll see you next week!

100 recovery crits, the moving point 3 with ease, the point 4, 0, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, and not sticky at midpoint 2 with q times 0, 2, 1, 0, q times 0, 0, q times 0, 0, 0, 4, 3, 0, before you're going to be moving point 2 with you.

traffic for nine morning

For nine, money, money, traffic, and morning.

We're in traffic, 4.9 mile in my experience, it's been picked straight out for the C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C. It's got to echo the C-water, so I'm fired up.

Part 2 to 4 9. Monty might be the grandfather Oakland 62 outbound proceed. These draft 36 feet 10 inches. Send self-acquist man to the favorite. These water traffic linens has on five alpha. You had 28 is on the Amerisk sibling turning its smithers in the end down to Oakland 55. He's working his tug on one alpha unit. Two seven on the CMA and CGM wars is ahead of you at Oakland 56 and will be outbound outbound proceed. He's working tug on 19 alpha. The draft large iron round is flooded down to the 70 if 3 alpha of the barred child. There's a northern end of the line there. In fact, carrying is pushing a barred. Less than 1600 growth sends. He used the TI in valve to the Oakland barred child. Do a barred swap with the iron round. So that's it.

Tip one on top of the shore, I can all follow two seven hours and keep five at 10 o'clock in the morning.

understand your following two seven and two five will follow you thank you break two seven two five this is traffic that you copy in a fortnight

Of course I told you've had run it!

Thank you. Ciao, ciao.

Great shot!

from traffic. I'll destroy traffic. Photographic model skill.

And that is your questions

Good morning, sir. This is Sundaiya's CR entering precautionary area over.

. . . You know, we're not a commodity, because we know that's what's well-trained sitting in law for a crush in the area over.

we'll come back to things you want for August

They're bringing them delivered to each other.

I'd show you for the report you're smart, have a safe voyage check out.

Plomerator truck.

Roger it's been a blueberry for causes of 3C PTS advice. Maybe anyone else coming out of keeping it between those guys which is well transiting enough for Gaussian conversion in area although not so many.

Traffic 27 underway.

It is United States Coast Care Episodes for traffic service services, but the following is objected to traffic advisories of times 0-2-1-5. There's no coordinate, but we're not about traffic in the north and down the west. The following is your bearing, 2-3-2-3-3-1-6-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9 -9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-6-9-9-9-9-9-9-9 esteem-ice,

Okay, I'll be next.

It's not even 4 9.

So the session goes deeply in and down from the challenge. And when you're victory, one out of crowd, as the tension goes deeply in and about. But in the next we get to broadcast on the Egyptian channel one two at a time, 0 to 4.5. This is nice, because it's grab, that's what driving service changes as well.

Very tough.

I'm very back, I copy all the traffic, I'll hold up an anchor to eight here and let the harbor clear out before me.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Aaaaaa, oahhh

Thanks for watching.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Traveling 49 underwear

royanai mau mai mini puppy on the way Holly's very special to be for be a eighteen hundred spend a few minutes amo heed that you've come to know

We're done.

for action for action


Oh no, let's get off him.

two, seven.

Good morning.


reference this part of

Everyone in My life

Congratulations to your update, of course you need to be.

San Francisco pilot reverse San Francisco pilot

I'd like you to speak for your friends at Steam Wave Point 2 with Key Report and Quartz Hero 5-6 for each you speak and not the T-8 to the pilot stations and Zero Force Meteorome. Report again on Steam Wave Point 1 with Key over.

I'm sure I'll buy a rocket is a good morning, please, I need a message. Yes, sir, a good morning, good morning. Modern vessel, historical scientific science, I'm going to say. Sir, sorry for the start of your kin eggs. Confirm please, my pilot board in time.

I think it's scheduled for 0.415, 0.415. Highly boarding a fraction of the 0.400.

Okay, I copied it, today is 0-415 and can I confirm please file a board arrangement?

Thanks for watching.

I'll be safe, pal. It's not a tool. It's from the water please. Please.

OK, sure, just now it's decided to start work site and it's already ready to meet our walk the water thank you.

That's it, that's it, thank you.

Thank you.

Covering princess mode after it's a good morning, please send your message.

I got B.G. Two hours from now, as you have worked with Euro, you'll pilot both more conventional up on the liable, please have ready a starvacite pilot leder, makeshift through mirrors, no manuals.

No matter what, that's no matter what, I don't think you can.

C'mon Lords!


Page votes, to see the reporting court sheet JUDY by FreeSpace G. envelope appears this evening, and can do other courses such as Bayon history and a meeting while moving to the Supreme Occuparsi and Division II andII by FreeSpace G. You

Listen to the next hit or broadcast on the YouTube channel and do it 10-0-315-610. It's good to go up and put private service tips to go out.

on a fight with our Prescott, thank you so much.

There you go.

Good job, sir. In an 18, on fire.

Good morning. We have been 18 awards of our T multination center for little and五-second conversation too.

Thank you.


Thank you.

What old?

Fish and slime on it.

How is this placement on the DC guys? 5-0, 9-0, 5-4. So we support the check-in and the compensation. Okay, check-in as 0-3, 0-1. Thank you.

Time to compare it up, it's very happy to do 302 x-ray, a familiar visa thinking.

That's a good maintenance case.

Thank you very much.

Well, bye.

Martin E. Hidham and Cica were known as part of April 90. Thor Haos Foster seen these drafts for the east 1980s. There are so manyooces at zombies for tramplingppo Province. tür than its names taught as $79- privileges, and that will be the prevalence of its sounds.

We're 18 as I'm a hunter.

Happy thinking

Thank you.

I mean, I'm not watching.

Thank you.

See you next time.

I'll be here.

Thank you.

publishes your

He's taking me down for an e-shape.


I have a chance to conclude office. So I got zero, three, one, three, five, two, thank you.

A holler!

Great idea. Jesus!

Roger Bray, M-D-E, on N-E, on E-R, M-E, on X-ray, on the E-R-E, on the E-R-E, on the E-R-E, on the E-R-E,

We'll have to extend that.


You heard me? I'll get you checked out on the construction. Here's three pieces. Take it. Take it.

32 when she did 3 traffic.

I'm going to have two days.

σε not attention of lay in Polannuk Hotel Partes 2016. Medical lamb��겠습니다 in Paddle Bay Nazhiaspir, Modell Polott, and the training studio from Partær on untenable Uct turn them now.

I'm gonna fire the 8-year-old, your radio is super-discorded, is it possible to call the locals on the landline please? Thank you.

oh yeah

Thank you.

Thank you.

This is United Coast Service traffic service taxi. The following is Dr. Secretary of State traffic and five series of time. 0-316. The short-forwarding matter of on-transconnecting or in-bound and on-left. Calpoint and Voyage are varying to two five-degree-shoe range. 0-5-4-316. 0-5-4-316. 0-5-4-316. The recovery principle is varying to zero-3-shoe range. 1-316. 0-5-6-316. 0-5-6-316. 0-5-6-316. 0-4-316. 0-4-316. The less contractors don't want Scotland menbent robes. atan offshore flashy area in tipless. The MuscibluiProp aquí... And if you don't see my schedule, I'm sorry, it's kind of the same point. Yeah, well, I'll...

penalty to the

Okay. I'll pour this.

I think that's the stuff it's in one.

Working here at 5.8 on the Texas Cairn Prohibition 7.8 out of 15. I think that's a good evening, there's something so challenging for it to have plenty of escalators. The panel is 0.7. The A3-2 is on the O-1-2 victory. It's just pretty good for lots of soundproofs out there. You know, X-rays on the left, from there. And we do have a particular engine panel. We have 5.6 in the up-out force in the east side. That's a lot of precision of our gross in 15.30. That's a total of eight, number of 16 and down-mounts for the O-1-4 panel.

Faster break can at 32 and 2-5-3.

You need an extra primary leader, this is traffic. Did you not be in a private age?

Don't make a joke, don't you?

Don't leave me alone

So I'm on you, I understand your wish, thank you so much.

Gotta get outta it, mare. S scary, S mah.

Thanks for your demais mystery girl!

We're all fast, you can check it out, thank you for your morning.

You want them to money? Shut up.

Cagya C strengthening trip!

Does the person's really strong? I would give him a check-and- nuovo position is three twenty dollars.

traffic while I'm staring.

Paula, let us say anything!

Try to follow M's all secure here at ARD. I'll let me to four. Thank you, checking out.

And here on 3-T.

Many of the mayors are Arctic susceptible to their toddler birthutz miles aren't yet almost submerged in ruins. As well as Please Moraballa are no�學ers. In order to National University of Dora, why need lances? I need lances to rest in the northwest of Ejae Delta. So we're just going to see blue and sample it. I'll sound for the wax. So in the process of that way, you're going to have that as well. Sounds with some scissor. Because you look how clean and wood you're in those five times. There are four, there are zero. And in the main tip, you're going to have to make your channel blue three and four. You're in the tip, you're going to make your channel blue three and four. You're in the tip, you're going to make your channel blue three and four. You're in the tip, you're in the tip, you're in the tip, you're in the tip, you're in the tip, you're in the tip, you're in the tip, you're in the tip, you're in the tip, you're in the tip, you're in the tip, you're in the tip, you're in the tip, you're in the tip, you're in the tip, you're in the tip, you're in the tip, you're in the tip, you're in the tip, you're in the tip.

That's right, they're four one signs. This is the United States Coast Guard. Some shops are separate. I'm just gonna go out.


Thanks for watching!

Thank you, no.

Hopefully it happens because you can't walk you over

And I was chatting at garage, whatting your instructors, coordinate speed. Oh, staring,

You ain't gonna believe it.

Roger and what is your speed over?

Roger, you know, one inch your ETA to wave points through a ski, exiting the VTans area over.

In Apple, it's traffic or Roger. What is your ETA to a point to find with E? And what is your ETA to a point to a point to a E with E? Overs?

Roger, and one of your ETA 2.3 was key at the end of ETA's area over.

And Apple has jumped across your Indian Russian chef separation scheme for the course 300 H degrees degrees, what's the situation? Even to above 5, 50, 10 is okay. It came with 25, one stand up with 0, play 3, 0. Reports back to the lead, 10, 18 we advance, 5 and 15 we'll get to the lower.

Can I open the strap up or is it moving?

That's what they call it right, yes.

I'd rather walk out when you let the enemy do a little shift, first walk up to C, to meet the owner now. Take care, I'm a giraffes, Roger.

Thank you very much.

out of the elevator.


The opening is the part of Clay Street Oakland for these very building overs.

So, please, let me know in the comments below. If you have any questions, please leave a comment below. I'll see you in the next video. We'll see you in the next video.


In Shaviksajaro.


Check it in.

Thank you.

You're right I don't care, you're right I don't care

Still have a glow candle in here

log head of the radio

ail traffic

I rise your video check and a pushель on my back And 30 on the Seattle Harmony. Put your Martinez stocks down down straight.

Thank you very much, Terry Elbrisco, and you're a 30-cup U.D. tug video.

Sales machine last name, periods 39 per snail. he's been abroad an opital shop-

detaining it's very good.

That's right, you

Sit right now.

Viking preparation at the ferrim domi

For Alameda Point, we're going to stop and route for A for Alameda Point.

Thank you for watching, I'll see you in the next video.

Thanks for watching!

thanks for watching

I'll take it over there to the day.

No more spirits, you've got to help it check it, but you lost them, could've been out for the layoff.

Thanks for watching!

Where is?

Sit down.


Thank you.


We're going to try to run your video, but you must have very worried if it's very nice for the layoff policy.

Thank you very much, guys.

I read your rubbish rally. I read a part of our reach from Reno for a survey. So I'll show you the light. Roger the, uh, a regulator. But you can let him in. I can't go to a regiment before. I'm going to let him down. So I'm going to take care of that. But you can be in a television light from regiment 70. To an Oscar on board, scurvy. That's not fully appropriate for reaching the mall. Okay.

Thanks for letting me acknowledge you have to hear what you're telling.

Thank you, Bradley. Great. How have you been read up there? Surveys. They have tabbed your life.

That's one of the filthy-chapers.

We'll repent to the Japanese. Check it out.

Okay! Hey there!

See ya!

Well, let's see, we're actually pushing left hand up the car channel for now for every 10 feet of the draft up until the last 18 feet of the shop, and I'll show a channel, we're out here. And, uh, 30 at the Seattle Harmony, especially when he does stuff, that was very much not good.

I'm sure.

Let's go check that out.

The ritual on there in General ten? 48 Oscar?

We use you, uh, Senator Lee Dap, you are a touch for the Polish government, isn't that correct?


Thank you.

I'll see you in the next video.

Thank you.




Just a little bit, go ahead.

See you soon, good afternoon. I want to ask about the mission to lower my live vote on the Debutore Head DJs.

I'm glad you're in the middle of the snow when your trails are complete.


I don't know if I can do it. I don't know if I can do it.

Thank you.

traffic throttle

Thank you.

We stepped clean to the Firebling over

Try to translate my link here for me.

Throw the copy, thank you.


i will check out practically the higgrading

look at your traffic doesn't work

You're right.

You're going on like that

Thank you for watching, and I'll see you in the next video, and I'll see you in the next video.

Have a nice day!

Follow my roadshot area.


You're out of here, sir. You're out of here, sir.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

King Island, I also California, will be just embarking here.

Hi Alice.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Oh, Jesse. Shawn.

That'll go!


Thanks for watching!

This is the West debut once we do that. We'll be bringing him to your vessel. What's the level your ladder beyond?

This is a study in Formula another organised website. We need all the panelists.


Thank you.

Thank you.

Stay calm, you're對了!

Did I force-

Thanks for watching!

Dr. 28, I'll speed you up a working channel for the baby 24 by chance.

There's eight to zero over.

Thank you for your attention. Thank you for your attention.

Thank you very much.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Talk, Source, We'rewatch routes, Roger,rika.

traffic 20


Thank you very much.

traffic's 28 off to the new try and get a hold of the GB 24 for us and make sure that we have a clear channel there and there's a clear

I'm glad you're on my, I'll try and pull.

help you.

Bye, right now. Bye-bye.

It's a two-way dog, you're driving.

Thanks for watching!

Thanks for watching!

Thanks for watching!

That's really not as you did, so come on the follow-up, he says there is a clear and totally beginning to go on 13.

Here we go.

It blew you a stone in traffic.

A blue soldier is ready to hit a wristwatch, but she's 17 and my Fan can do this.

Bye Becca

Good job.

Research questionnaire goes pretty great, doesn't put yourself down so you don't miss long on that matter Outстанов file, rock- positioning. That would be great for love.

Thank you.

Here you go.


Thanks for watching.

Care for spit to our future They're like不對



Thank you.

Thank you so much for your time.

And on the right, you've got any else that you'd like to have, very pretty note from the layout. Awesome.

The place is possible for our small towns in the ancient China of those in the United States. Let's get a channel. Let's get a channel. Let's get a channel. Thank you.

We have a good show tonight.

Thank you.

No, let me point to Trash Island's very much coming off outside.

Thank you.

Moved Joe

is that one 물

Traffic 7

So the driver.

Anchor's down, whiskey seven, we'll put seven on deck. I'll call you when we're done.

Thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video.

I don't even know how to equip the Bureau.

if you have a free driver who want to stay at first place will sorry fruits knowing that as for ever video pushing the Aleya and we're found bu

Not a chance.

We'll see you in the next video.

Don't be lazy

I hope you enjoy this project.

Travis, you killed one of your spirits.

So, we're sure you're here.

Albert Speerjavik


California's favorite characters.

We're all secure here if you're 40 signing off. Thanks for your help.

Traffic summer

Rolls here seven on deck and departure to be determined.

Thank you, too.

Thanks for watching!

Brokys help me in the fuckin'

Thanks for your time. Thanks for your time.

Try Big Grape. gerena

Green I had a farting on me to point to the fair book

Traffic products

Barbara Bay, do you wish your point over?


Thank you.

That's a colonster.

Now traffic is prepared at our LB to 4. For Richmond, 22, coaching M.D. Patron, or to head greater than D.D. traffic is 10 feet on the tub. I'll use Golf Hotel in the flats for the transit.

Okay, up and on the fair, we'll do the chat when we get into it.

Thank you.

I appreciate it, sir. Yeah, I'm going to wake up on 57 for the Ironbound. Over.

No, I'm not sure.

Not much ever, right? Thank you.

Thank you.

This happens and the passage we push will be moving.


Thank you so much.

You tried it in?

But as far as I checked you in, and once 40033, thank you.

TransitCon period is unweight

Thank you.

All right, that is a five-second under the Oversie Boxmill with a specific 4-2-1-8-7. You know, I don't know if I'm patient, I'll check you in at 1-4-0-8. Thank you.

Thanks for watching!


Thanks for watching!


Thanks for watching!


Thank you.

Thank you.

Thanks for watching!

Thank you.

One, two, three, go.

This is the United States Coast Guard Special Traffic Services, the following is the offshore sector bus traffic advisory, as of time, 1445, lower-ported traffic conditions, more than the western or southern continues. 112.

Grab back in the north.

It's only for a building to use the list.

Thank you.

See you next time.


Good building, you allow me to point. Copy the minimum weight of your 40.

Happy Thanksgiving!

That was a good one.

hospitals are rising, and this is about 20 percenticovers.

Don't trust me.

Mo-my I'm in the house, I'm so happy. Jackson & такие Tell Goode the content 칩 The code of the video is 뭐야

That's not true

We're going to look a little shift here from the Oakland 67 over to Alameda 4. We have a virtual empire down the half overs, you can't across tons. We'll get a 10 foot draft over.

Roger that, copy.

Stratically, we're doing more things.

I'm gonna tell everybody I know I said the train to get on the way from. Very good, it's too large for us.

traffic arena

Make sure you do that way.

Roger that.

Cause they're-

Thank you.

Thank you.

This is characteristic because total transfer service stuffs is falling in the object as a seconds of triple traffic advisory, so ten one four four five. So, workingets International of cloud driving is normally a Western Sentinel 16 set, the full mee you see. A sharing. 1611 degrees to your reach, 16 pulse and 16-foot indexes. I've operations at the object or output because they've done $1700. one, two, that time, one, five, one, five. This is United States Coast Service. I'm trying to make sure everything's fulfilled now.

That traffic, Granniff.

Okay, wait, it's a little terrible that you can copy the iron belt.

Drop, drop, drop, drop, drop.

Okay, traffic regulator, we're preparing to get underway from San Francisco, here 40, found for Richmond, for driving dogs, pushing one, margin as less than 16, and we're probably trying to get some transients of why San Halves are all Hispanic or State Bigś's. Hey!

Okay, Rachel.

Help yourself.

I'm ready.

The way it is tracked, the way it is tracked, the administration.

A re-expect, a re-expect, a matrature.

Don't watch.

I must raise you

Ow. Should I believe going at all this position?

As I remember, you've watched my friend, all of you today.

I'm doing good. I got a one person

Thank you.

Part of the delivery that I'm bringing out to you, I guess. I got one person for you and I got 10 and lift.

Yes, okay. I'll see you. So what were you come to here?

Thanks for watching!

About 20 minutes?

About 20 minutes we should be out 15 20 minutes we'll be on location drop off that one person And then we'll go ahead and take care of the cargo and after we're done with the cargo

Everybody back aboard and in bringing


Copy that, or 1, 5, 2, around 1, 5, 2, 0, you have reached here, so see you 1, 5, 2, 0.

Okay, my friend. Man, bye.

- - - * - - -