- - - * - - -
Huh... Hey, where is this guy? What, lie down here? Come on, man. I'm a spmon. Stop hitting right now. Then we'll see ya. Your freaking bitch. You look scarred just 3 minutes later. Oh, my god, that's super weird. Gonna have to be bald again. Wanna see my ass wzgleleri very ugly? Don't see me cursing you, I guess? Little lukewarm beauty. If you don't have any idea, spit that out and they are running away. Who else, would willing over the surface of me? Don't say critters.
Thank you.
Thanks for watching!
So you all here, we'll rest, of course.
We're in a win.
Thanks Rebecca
Go on.
magic habits
Thank you for your channel and self-own. Thank you. Check out.
This is now said because that's what traffic service can't be fulfilled. The following is the offshore sector that's what traffic advise you to the time 0-0-1-5 came down from the north of Mawlani, bearing 30-0-2-3-3-2-0-8-2-9-Nautical miles from the San Francisco deeply floating-quarters 1-3-3-8-3-5-9-4-6 Not EPA defined before voter 20-36 EPA examples of the San Francisco's City部分 003-3-0-Nautical Island three screws need nine knots. You need to use E00 for zero. EK samples is good. E00, 3 E00. Countdown to the west. No reported traffic to the south. No reported traffic.
This is the next hedge herb I've cast on Channel 1 tube at times 0485. Today's raj relax is effective.
Oh, it's a traffic. Good morning. What is your court system?
and our EKR for the San Francisco Steven looseents举举举举举举举举举举举举举举举举丽举丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽丽
Roger Malaño reporting at Waypoint 2 November inbound for reporting course 1 2 0 degrees true. State 9 and a half knots, EPA, San Francisco, C. Blue, zero, three, three, zero, called traffic at one. November.
Thank you so much for your traffic.
I'm your Pegasus Flager reporting inbound at Waypoint 2 with Steve reporting court 0.6 degrees through the speed. 9 decimal 5 knots. E.P. to San Francisco, C.B.U.03 is 0.0, called traffic at 1 with Steve.
To the south, listen to the next scheduled broadcast on channel 1-2 at time, 0-1-1-5. This is the end, Steve Scotsman's Special Traffic Service Services Code Health.
Alright,она, time for a N
Thanks for watching, and I'll see you in the next video.
Thank you very much.
three-way, Jesg United Shepherd
Thanks for watching guys!
Thank you.
So, if you want Jesne test any functions or crafts. Your tests can be useful since you've left on silent page. And when you awarded your Prime Onal Law, three or three, three, zero, five down. It's all available in the list. This year, three, little and so on. Potters in numbers. And that schedule will be some chronic fatigue undocumented channel.
Thank you very much.
they will be self-sounds upon making make-up channel. Sorry.
Sir, it's correct. Make your channel seven and eight away.
Good night.
That's the switch I know no.
So, 3-0, please break a strawberry ladder. 3 meters of water, no matter what.
What seeds is in.
Ever fast traffic, big morning, what is your course of speed?
Will you be coming to court for 0-0-0?
Whether what is your EPA to choose to hear us?
And what did your UK examines specifically?
Brutcher EverFast, we're putting in at way point three zero, point and point zero zero zero degrees truce, state nine to eight knots, EPA to two zero, two, three zero, EPA to famous specifically zero four, zero zero, call traffic at two CRS.
That's your shotgun.
That's all for us.
Copy zero four zero zero. Let's call one hour before boarding for ladder stretch.
You can arrive at 0.345.
To warn the Portuguese Association's
Okay, perfect. I'll get you checked out at 0-1-14. Have a safe way. We'll leave against you.
I'll forward power up.
Ever fed?
If we're fast, this regard, I was thinking to the pilot boat.
This is, you know, a spacecraft that will transfer through the San Francisco, the following is the offshore sector that's the traffic advisory as a time of 0-1-1-5, inbound if the northern traffic lane, the Mawlani variant C9-7 degrees true, range 1-9-1-5 of 0-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5- 7-7-6-7-7-5-5-6-5-5-5-3-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-3-5-5-5-7-5-6-5-5-5-8-5-5-5- 6-5-6-5-9-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-1-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-6-5-5-5-5-5-5-3C6-7-5-5-6-5-5-5-5-5-6-7-7-6-6
Thank you very much for having a great time. Have a great chat.
The course of 0.00 degrees through speed-9.08. EPA is QCR's zero-two, 3.0, EPA San Francisco's C-Bluis zero-four is zero-zero. Outbound to the South there's no reported traffic. In the mainship bar channel, I mean to pin on one and two tug until it patch you will be outbound to the South. Southbound, E-Nets are E-1 on the Jaglocatch Mainhip channel, blue's 5 and 6, outbound. Let's listen to the next scheduled broadcast on channel 1-2 at-time 0-1-4-5, this is your active postcard, that's what type of service it's going to feel.
Ever fast with the traffic.
Perifast traffic understand that you've received out there you're increasing to 10 knots in your EPA of pilot is 0-345. Also you may steer cords which is safest for your vessel over.
All right, thank you. Tuck up.
That's what marina del rea traffic.
That is correct.
I'm OREA, Mar win you're homemade.
Hekomarin and Del Rage traffic.
Yes, they're good morning. You can enter at 2 November. You still need to call traffic when you enter the VPS area. And you need to proceed with extreme caution in the mind of what looks out for fishing vessels and other vessels over.
Project No.
That's all Marina Del Rey traffic
Roger also instructions inform the master of the vessel of your intentions to enter at soon November.
All right, let's check out this.
Hi, I was gonna dress with you.
Any of these guys have a graduate saying, and if we're a record, help us with the cool, we still have to get rid of them, if they're 12 feet into each other's emotional. Uh, Roger, and that's all I'm under way over.
Sure, I can't agree.
Take off my jacket, grab a skirt, your pattern and very bright autonomy bar article. I got cast out for a 36d set. article titles only. Suite six, please go. and be a telecosplay stream draggers. Thank you. if you're going to put hell in any KoreanOT Bar channel. Okay.
Thank you. Break this call out to see each other. It's going to be the key. Over.
Thank you, Cherka.
Slow it up, just straight away.
I'm ready to quit, I'm ready to quit.
Yeah, I do have traffic.
Roger, thank you. Thank you, Martial 1-3 and 1-4. Well, I'm going to precaution your area. When you pass six whisky, co-traffic channel 1-2.
Okay what about this? What about this? How about this? I see that a new screen is going to go in for furniture. Here goes that moon and design. It is like over there. I think ajerg's screen can be gone just by morning without having a heated eye treatment, but it's a greatbuzzer range. I see a computer being going around it anyway. It was look like it's in the car. I can't get on the Occupier version. And the same picture I saw publicly again on the phone.
Eight in a minute, sapphire sapphire sapphire.
Where is your co-traffic when you enter the BTS area?
The vision on this is because Carpetal Trafts service service is still in the offshore sector of the Carpetal Trafts device we've found through a one-fourth line, and found in the north. The technology upon the launch is varying at two minutes, because the green 15-nautical models are the services because, equally, of course, one-two-third green seats, nine decimal five-on CPAs to the palpitations, zero-three-thirds, there is no ported outbound checks in the north. In that, on the last-on-trafts plane, take ship thicknesses, voyage your bearing two-two-eight degrees, ten-to-seven-nautical models from the ship, specifically on, of course, of zero-fossed degrees, these nine decimal five-on CPAs to the palpitations, zero-three-hundred, and there is no ported outbound checks in the west if that doesn't travel plain. In a ship, ever fast, there is one-to-five degrees, two-one-autical models from the ship with these three-two-eight reports. Enter is is is is is is is is it a very steepMiss?
EPA at a way point 2 is here as you're a 2-3-0-8-2-0-0-6-0-3-4-5. There is no reported outbound draft in the south and the offshore population area is second to a pinchy. Three miles south to the south to the south, take ship jade location to part in the power station outbound of the west. This is the next schedule broadcast on Channel 1-2. At time, 2-1-5 it is. And up to the south to the south to the south to the south.
traffic 2-4 in DBO California
So I have a good morning, 24, 056 for sea, deep draft 29 feet 2 inches, delta echo, deep water, and we'll just turn off the dock here. Okay.
We're at the end of two four on the MPDO California Preparing for Open 56 for the Outbound for C, these draft 29 feet two inches in terms of self-acquist fan of the beverage. People are traffic lane turning off the dock and being there for the iron bound is still in the open bar channel, open bar channel. We number one, they are, they last reported, but it's down between one and three, looks like they're closer to one right now, so our 50 feet in the channel and they're working 88 out of the one hour notice to move.
Okay, and you said there's favor in that marker one, correct?
I'm recording there, yeah, yes, yes.
Yeah, looking at the AIS, everything looks fine. Looks like we've been there working in their arms, but I believe it.
See ya on场!
Okay, yeah, everybody keep working and we'll quietly go by
Nice, thank you. Break a iron-bound traffic that you're happy to for an MPDL California.
Yep, everything got to be, thank you very much.
That's it.
HMM Sip by RC
I'd like to thank you for what is your in-depth course and speed.
Roger, thank you, what is your GPA? To answer five, what's your GPA at a positive way point? Choose the era, and what is your GPA to the pilot division?
Let's see traffic.
Roger Colette, see you in the stand. You're not going to open a 67 and you will see an anchor jade in Seoul. It helps the California coast by and you help you fill on it. Thank you.
The third thing to do is to prevent sapphire and raise a son of your affluent, at way point three, three, three, five, your degree speed, 11 decimal one, not CTF-6 here, there are three hundred CTF-6. There are four, thirty called traffic. I want you to pass with what CTF-6 here over.
Check this out!
And so I'm in traffic, you can't see the collection.
That's what I think you want to call me. Thank you.
Thank you so much.
Thank you guys.
Sir, I'm hearing you, Travis.
This is a completely new episode. It is 15名, so let's go ahead and take a closer look down. That's how it looks like. Thank you for watching.
Search here in Bishop Artholetsman's 16-hundred-gross tends to part in the morons and anchorate bound for the Oakland Bar Channel alongside the Iron Bound for Artholetsman's part. Artholetsman's part is 10-feet. Collect C is just starting moving into the Oakland Bar Channel to be semi-noticed and anchorate. We're in for Unit 2-4 in the MPVL California at Oakland's 56-ounce, who will be outbound for C and touch the Laune as Bishop Artholetsman's 16-hundred-gross tends at the Berkeley period inbound for Oakland's 67-hundred-gross-hotel.
OK, stop this now!
I've even called a couple minutes ago to prepare and then be turning off the dock until probably about 20 minutes.
Thank you.
So, I'll call it tea, so I'll try to get you a cup of either such chance.
Thank you so much.
that will never work.
but you can't participate
Try and see traffic.
uttages on общive conducts. The offshore sector component asteroids concept means response. Government on the Northeast could respond a lot with very susceptible of the velocity. Of course what is there to go to great speed behind us is about 10? 10 to 12 p.m.? Time for your asphalt valves pe anderer. Level sickness just 브� really germ. Rain chain energy is your degrees And that's one of the most important things that we have in the world that we have in the world that we have in the world that we have in the world that we have in the world that we have in the world that we have in the world that we have in the world that we have in the world that we have in the world that we have in the world that we have in the world that we have in the world that we have in the world that we have in the world that we have in the world that we have in the world that we have in the world that we have in the world that we have in the world that we have in the world that we have in the world that we have in the world that we have in the world that we have in the world that we have in the world that we have in the world that we have in the world that we have in the world that we have in the world that we have in the world that we have in the world that we have in the world that we have in the world that we have in the world that we have in we have stories that we are always going to be here where we have sections that we have in the world that we have here in the world that we have in the world that we created and we are both going to be doing this and going to be moving along the rivers that we have here that we have in the world that we have in the world that we have in the world that we have in the world that we have in the world that we have in the world that we are going to be giving you as a set of intentions to bring in discussion
You can hear each FM sapphire. There are 1.6 degrees in between ophthalmology. And if you look for it, there is a green seat. 11 S. ophthalmology. Yes? 2. Webpoint. P.S. Here is the 32. 0.30. There is an ophthalmology. So, the ophthalmology of ophthalmology of ophthalmology. The ophthalmology of ophthalmology of ophthalmology of ophthalmology. So, the ophthalmology is 1.5 degrees in between ophthalmology 2. The ophthalmology of ophthalmology is 1.5 degrees in between ophthalmology 3. The ophthalmology is 1.5. U.K. The genes of ophthalmology is 2.5 degrees in between ophthalmology and ophthalmology. The trainer in the soupology is 1.4. The 74 is 1.5 degrees in between ophthalmology and ophthalmology. On both reagents, under each 30-30 times, 188 times a higher density of ophthalmology. To between ophthalmology and ophthalmology, we use the specific officers in P.S. Helg 이용e gun to kill the samples were seen in episc Shankers.
Take this as a voyager challenges.
Thank you, Travis.
Trapping 2-4. underway.
Rager 24 underway. As such, Terry has just gone alongside the IVI and Brown, they're just on the north side of the channel, they're going to guard swap. So, on his fishing abarge, less than 1,600 growth sends a coach in the Gulf of Telphan, they're in Mount Ogun 67, they are less than 1,600 growth sends. The call it C is fishing abarge, less than 1,600 growth sends. They're stemming the tide and aim for each eight until you come out. And then, I'll be heading into 67.
Okay, copy all this.
We're on safety-techno patchy, and here is a southern traffic lane, a windwind system here. Cause when I started to breed safety-bpps on EVA Two is 0.5 ozara Two is 0.5 ozara four is 4.5, calls track on Channel 1 2 when youке springs on wheels have 0.5 ozara.
But I'd like to use that chair in Solana traffic you've got me two forwards and a way.
Peace and peace and peace
Thank you, gentlemen.
Don't hurt me, Nibb couch. Don't be because you got traffic tripod all ahead.
I'd like to thank you over first, continue to monitor one-two, and call traffic one-two, and check the precautionary area at 1 p.m. over.
Guys, look here. There's this stuff. It's a traffic.
Guys, okay. So this is traffic to치� the left right right left right right left left left left left left left right left left right left left right right left left left right right left left right left left left left left left left right left left left right left, left left left right, left left SIM el left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left. bastion is in the right left left left right right left left left left left left left left left left left left left right left left left left left left left left left left Left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left
All right. Thank you. What is your EPA to exiting the Western Trafford plane at Whip Point 5 with me?
Thank you, and I wanted your ETA to the VPS Foundry at Whistling 3 with the offer.
We have to take your 10 ship's yellowish, entering the left of capital lane. That's just a 50-core 2-3-9-3-9-3-9-3-3-3-3-3-3-0-5-3. Continue to monitor our channel 1-2-3-5-5 with the over.
Ok I interrupt you all.
Okay, perfect. Okay, check that out. There's two, 30. Okay.
Okay, perfect.
Thanks each one.
Okay, perfect. Let's get to check it out. See you soon. See you soon. See you soon.
Yeah, I see them, maybe at the end of the night there, just popping out, it's kind of stuff.
Never found, ever found something so traffic, and I want to.
I'm going to pass everything to Mr. Refugee this year, entering the precautionary area, the separation, so over.
Roger, in the studio, you're experiencing heavy roles and you're experiencing, to adjust that, so you will remain on the Eastern side of the separation zone.
Roger, sir. Just the type of telepathy is southbound in the traffic lane, so be mindful of the southbound telepathy.
traffic to force
Yeah, I guess there was a flashing light, but ship has secured that light, all systems gone.
on Elamit traffic.
I'd like to thank you, ladies and gentlemen, on my other channel, one free and channel, one full-circle, remainder of your investment. I think this is a major amount for the self-lessir policy time is 0300, and it's going to keep every fast if the self-lessir has the policy time to free 45.
Stroud, with just that locator.
I'm going to roll up your own side down here, and I'm going to check in with another one. We'll be clicking ahead of one. Plus the end tape drop that piece. Sorry, I think that's the end drop of the other piece. And we had it for now, but remember, and then you also go fan-plads and fan-ings of the brothers down from all the way to the end.
The offshore sector of Elfattrafts, the Vondorians, the TN-3, two-four-fonders, no-forders trapped in the North. There is no ported-in-fast transport in the West. The Alpondom-1, the Treppling, the Shib, the Adblocets. During two-four-forders, the Alpondom-1, the DPS-4, the TN-3, that is called the Niles, the TN-3, the TN-3, the TN-3, and the West-Compat-Winter, a 100-EP-Z-TN-3, the Alpondorians, the Alpondorians. So it is now the TN-3, the TN-3, the TN-3, the TN-3, the TN-3, the TN-3, the TN-3, and the Treppling, the Treppling, the TN-3, the TN-3, the TN-3, the TN-3, the TN-3, the Corporation of the Court yesterday is there a variety between health Unit P-8, and the Collestarium Derears Report lying. The AGMF staff are abandoned in the southern target state. There are MORE-Ts of reported-370-SEboyfriend, patties high-concomplex.
Settle over this will allow PPA to lift 0.2 CRS-300 EPA to the power station 0.30. How bound is it so that you have to lift up until a petty? There are black cats, eight nine degrees, nine decibels, seven o'clock, five o'clock, because you believe? Of course, one eight there are degrees, eight eight decibels, five non-PPA. To lift like five here, there are three two five EPA to the DPS battery 0.45. In the offshore precautionary areas, you can check if it's displayed your two miles selfless. There are 50 billion votes of positive. Look at the next picture broadcast on the channel once you add time. There are three one five and that's it. Because there's a characteristic left. Go out.
Thank you.
Thank you very much for watching.
255, thanks.
It's a pretty good move, it's just something like your social sexy shield. Alright.
HMM.set fire at temperature of aiggle-a head.
Roger, so here are four thirds to the pilot stations.
I think 8 to that sapphire of half inch wavepoint 2's era is about 4 years. There is a great speed of 11 hours. 8 to the top, 8 to the top, 8 to the top, 13 to the top. 1 to the top, 1 to the top, 1 to the top, 1 to the top. 1 to the top, 1 to the top.
Traffic Solana
We'll go and check out here open 67 and thank you Dr. Litter this morning
Good morning, good afternoon.
Copy to the placement of the negative two pull Ana injured, one one seven Pismarine one councillorьism, one of the long run sites, rage allowed to negotiate an ambulance station, I'll get you checked in at your street for sure if you're good.
If there is a complete shit now on monitor channel 1-3 for pilots and channel 1-4 for each your traffic over.
This is the Madison Couscous Special Traffes Service Services Co-Opso Service Special Traffes Designs are every time there are three one-on-one. There is no four-to-traffes in the north. There is no four-to-dend-down-traffes in the north. Outside of the Washington Traffes, Lund and Ship Jazz Location, there are two-three eight-degree 13-autical miles of tips and 50-blades, called two-three-nine-degree three-size-dethical pre-noss EPA to expedite the Western Traffes Designs Zero-Four-To-Azure EPA to the DPS Foundry Zero-Five Zero. In the band of a Southern Traffes plane-bed, ships each M.F. Sapphire, for a 17-degree 12-autical mile-to-dethical 360-blades-worth-zure is zero-to-dethical pre-noss EPA of the Hall of Station Zero-Four-To-Azure. Outbound as a Southern Traffes plane-bed, it's up until Apache variant 185-3-14-autical mile. Southern Traffes is 50-blades-worth-chord.
One is your agreed date decimal 5.0 CPA, so 1.5 here is your agreed choose 5.0 CPA to the BTS boundary 0.45. In the offshore precautionary area, the moderate lining, two miles to a plus of the census of 50 billion miles of the population, the ever-fansic miles south of the census of 50 billion miles of the population. In a 3-1 on the Texas Voyager Code team, main ship arching a lot of police 1 and 2, and about for the reach from Longworth, in a 2-4 on the M&P, BL, California passing points, the need to help out with the policy. Looks for an opportunity to broadcast them to the 1-2 at time, there is 3-4 5 and that's because they are going to have to check their tips. So out.
Magic traffic
Thank you. Step two. Pantry passed in 5-year-old. He's taking him out of course. One, eight, two, three. Spading in total 7-out. He's taking the BPS boundary here at 4-4-5. Go to have to go on 1-2-1-2. Exit the southern draft place.
I feel about the S-2-0
Set the carrying and year 31 Pegasus Voyager, this is traffic, the tug-beddy old special barge, less of 1600 growth times, prepared in a part of the lay of 17 downbound for San Francisco 32 and 10's east. Other brothers, east band Richmond San Francisco, varied to fly, silver.
Sir, chair and traffic, thank you, break.
31 biggest disappointment, your topic.
31 takes the floor to your traffic channel 1-4
31 pictures of Voyager and I think our truck out.
We won, Patrick God, this was probably for your relief when you do your pilot change. But take video, fish in a bar, do us a 16, a new growth time. Getting in away from Blay of 17 and bound for San Francisco 23.
Hey, thanks.
Sorry if you didn't help me, thank you.
Trap thank lesbians
let's see traffic
Okay, I try making sure I check it out and fix it up.
All right, your car malfunction.
I could not hear a monolani, I heard clear channel, and you're a 445, wondering if we ship close to the blue-y free 50-ish feet into the channel, and that would be, okay, but then to get me in the harbor.
Copy. When we get shifted, I'll check in with pilot and make sure we're okay, and what's pilot with my board?
a tunnel
Card is full of keyfiles on them, and we are the West, and we are the West, and we are the West, and we are the West, and we are the West.
That is worth all of us.
Thank you very much.
Okay, well, pre-order my session. It's a lot of extra money.
So just feel the FOG. 80 pounds out of 0 out of 0.45 ADuk approximately, which had nothing on the shelf so... those 20, even 24 priests eagerly have some feel for you out the craft. So we'll leave them up on some of the reliable as your coefficientındlieemo and two unison buttons are yet to meet in the possiblewhere. Once the kids switch it, we'll see a quick touch on ourkins for today to go check the page after tomorrow. Fairfathers just go south.
Thank you very much.
Let's go. We're going to go. Ray, traffic or Roger here. We're approaching the BTS area. What is your internet course with speed?
Roger, what is your e-chapes to November over?
So we're in the Delray Trust Roger year in the U.S. We're back to the VTS from that scene with 0.2 November over.
We're going to go rage after the weather, and in addition, as a reminder, as you're not following the preparations scheme, be aware of pushing levels and other small crafts over.
Thank you. Check out.
For sure, please like.
All right, fun boy!
Thank you and goodbye, our traffic manager, you're in a really off-road clutching area, shift and monitor your channel's 1314 for the remainder of your transit over.
I'll go over in a zill rate, pull it off.
I'll be doing 800, please call one hour before boarding for that instructions.
You have a towel and a fast traffic good morning, are we?
So tell us, as a graduate, you're in Mount Brooklyn, 30-30-30 feet and seven inches. You found your plane, don't let go and turn in the outer harbor. Over here, you also have, there's a fleet fleet fleet fleet. We still out, the cargo is on station, no I.S. But it is probably 750 meters from a water park. And as a B.B.I.R.Bound is moving out of the channel for unit nine monolonies, that just, that path. Make sure you can't go down the lake for over sixty-two. Over.
Thank you, and the brick, you know, my morning and the air vouchers did you copy you the hotel ever fast, no rest
I'm sorry about that.
Thank you, Draco.
If you've been in traffic, ride your pass on 1.5 lift gear, I don't want to get your updated courses to be eatovers.
Roger, I wanted your exchange point through with the exiting of these gas area over.
Mr. momentum and jump run, passing by from 5, with the F-zone, when it comes to a port 2-2 degrees troops, the NANDF-1-1-1. Question, 9-0-5-0. Question, 9-0-5-0. Question, 9-0-5-0. Question, 9-0-5-0. Question, 9-0-5-0.
Thank you so much.
I'll be 58, thank you.
We're going to check out this interview.
Please don't win for free!
Thank you.
OK, I think some partisotphaes have been spun support pickup decades, and they are uploading things in northeering, there is no fortress in thought contract granted in between even northern and western Trump separation scheme and weakening to aegause range nada 3lee, 2retyear and 9 form degrees c1 0% yield scaling upon the equal abundance ofischer period, 3 golds of susceptibility ratioнения, deter år, and integration So, it's been a very long time since I've been here for a long time since I've been here since I've been here for a long time since I've been here for a long time since I've been here since I've been here for a long time since I've been here for a long time since I've been here for a long time since I've been here for a long time since I've been here for a long time since I've been here for a long time since I've been here for a long time since I've been here for a long time since I've been here for a long time since I've been here for a long time since I've been here for a long time since I've been here for a long time since I've been here for a long time since I've been here for a long time since I've been here for a long time since I've been here for a long time since I've been here for a long time since I've been there for a long time since I've been here for a long time since I've been here for a long time since I've been here for a long time
Some tips, so sweetly, each of them set higher tow stuff on its side sent here for 3' and a 7600 rearнаf Model, no 760 bar okay people in P.D.L. could help orange out the house so when in that 4,000 scale Bluetooth 7 ing, 7 ing punk Flexin shock, You don't still wanna mess around the machine. There's 4 or 4 times that you'd see not even save so far so straightforward. Let's go outside. So stress okay, thanks, Vanessa. So, bye.
I did it! I did it!
Try to take a picture for you there again. It's six seven and it's six zero.
Thanks for watching!
Thank you.
25, thank you.
Between PDF and deactivated houses.
If you do health on your job if you're out your year for a team of clients that lift you up, what did your intended courses see over?
Thanks for watching!
Tomorrow I'll meet you in the next episode!
In TVL, California traffic roger, what will be your intended court once you've entered the lecture traffic separation scheme over?
All right, you're in one of your ETA's with point 3 with the exiting the BTS area over.
Yep, it's time for a cup.
50-L, California, Georgia, and Brazil, and 1-1. Let's see how some of the potential of course of 53-6-3-6-3-6-3-9-4-0. If you take the lead point, five with the time, there's the form 0. 1-0, you take the width, 1-2 with the time 0-0, some 0-0 will fall back to the lead. Yes, some past and way point, five with the over.
Thanks for watching, and I'll see you again in the next one.
You are serious.
So, the fact that you each have projects that move on for a year and if they're working at service, what? And say, boy, it's just kind of a morning noise.
So, these are Yannards that deliver those are kind of suprited next to them. So, you know, if they're trying to use aggravating volume. So, what do you think? So, there is no birldoing too, but if you claim to control the limit then that costs about one frequency. So, what do you think, you know, if your received a bit of Tik Tok Tok Tok, then they're withdrawing calls either – no Secularity. If this system just goes like like that, they can never pay the attention to this chuncouble You know, but there's a thousand things in the mind. That sounds that look like very difficult for the creation and case of not a clown, and particularly for putting a court, it's a good creation, B9-1-1. Question. B9-1-5-1. B9-1. B9-1. B9-1. B9-1. B9-1. B9-1. B9-1. B9-1. B9-1. B9-1. B9-1. B9-1. B9-1. B9-1. B9-1. B9-1. B9-1. B9-1. B9-1.
I'm going to make a channel that you share with us in the 24th, between staff fire and those in the next year, but in the channel, I want to do a web time to have a song that you know, it's a song that you know, it's a song that you know, it's a song that you know, it's a song that you know, it's a song.
If you're going to go right into a garage or you're passing with one, you don't remember it in the sound. What if you're upstair to court through speed over speed?
Come on in the door and check if we're at your passing was going to the ramp on 40 coming to a quarter one to zero, three should be none of them. You can check out the specifically time to meet zero or four steps in the evening, yes, and pass, and with one of the members entering the off-road cautioning area of it.
Thank you.
Thank you.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
San Francisco's traffic, this is just the name of electric plane, but money man, please go ahead.
You can just give me a moment a little bit of wind speed and a little bit of wind speed and a little bit.
and leaned. and I'll go see you in the next question
Yes, my wing speed is 5 knots and wing direction is not worth it.
Thank you.
I was wrong.
Good evening Wanda.
That will okay, it's traffic, quite a few years, that's my point to the CLP. I'm gonna go there for a few minutes, there's a point, how the day's going, it's been a bit morning and awake.
Thank you
I'll see you again, man.
Yes, we'll fall asleep
Traffic through four boats automatically.
I heard about it before.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I don't want it, but, uh, excuse me, it sounds like I'm gonna be okay with it.
Facialized exit process I'm going to put people in according to the order to be fixed. You can read your statement as important as you can to its point. If I let you down here, it becomes zero. You can move on to your list. If you down here, it's zero. Here's what you know for the checklist. If it's connected, you can turn on channel 1. If you do that, you can turn on channel 5. If it's connected, you can click on the card. If it's connected, you can turn on channel 5.
Scrafix river cat
Good morning traffic, a river cat preparing. I'll be the point for the Sossolito. We can head one barge, a 1600 deep straffed 7 feet. Tending for a boat chart.
Last one, 1600.
I believe it.
The traffic river can't send her away.
So scary.
Good morning. All in need of one, two, three.
Thank you, thank you.
There is now Internet behavior system that says I don't know if you don't know if you don't know if you don't know if you don't know if you don't know if you don't know if you don't know if you don't know if you don't know if you don't know if you don't know if you don't know if you don't know if you don't know if you don't know if you don't know if you don't know if you don't know if you don't know if you don't know if you don't know if you don't know if you don't know if you don't know if you don't know if you don't know if you don't know if you don't know if you don't know if you don't know if you don't know if you don't know if you don't know if you don't know if you don't know if you don't know if you don't know if you don't know if you don't know if you don't know if you don't know if you don't know if you don't know if you don't don't know if you don't know if you don't know if you don't know yourAHON
So Travelin'—I'm off to the search network now.
that is emerging
Traffic close-me.
traffic traffic I've already got away from the prison $16-070 but we won't Rio
And traffic deep through our built streets.
Thank you.
Traffic is coming
You are a sexy, this is it.
Okay, perfect. I'll get you checked out at 0.5. Thank you. Thank you.
Rob's being idley.
We are just like everyone. I'm in a point for all grundsley.
Thank you.
That's it, that's it, that's it, that's it.
Thank you.
It's also so wet.
Roger, there's 21 runs manufacturing rockets and teenagers are open to the Pir tank number of free Ash and Engel strings and them blue trading help also in their collection. ano retail family and twelve I'm a little bit hungry. Sounds like you'll call our channel. Thanks for watching. See you in the brother. Mid of them wake and play temp all over.
Thank you.
Thank you very much. See you next week. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you Tom a.k.
Thanks for watching!
If I just can't walk you over a position line and grab that, I'm fixing that tight car earlier.
Thank you for watching.
I leave the door.
first covered
Good afternoon with the partying out of new points for what point.
I swear I'd rather check him.
Thank you.
Project Chic Lane is very building, project.
Black terrific.
Roger the lockbook. As the Choiceguard from Bair. Take a subscribe to remind me ofród. Comment here. And click the like button. Thank you. Thank you. Hope the cards. Zoaxe Har rumors. Hope this all is useful. Thank you.
You want legislation for me?
Thanks for the positive failure, building close to you tonight in the future.
Bravo champion!
But, for ever static.
Roger, thank you, Jack.
Grab it, grab it, grab it, grab it.
That's the end J.
Roger, I got you!
in channel prefig
I don't know how it is dressed
Traffic cases.
Captain Bila. Aren't on the right door. They're going to be so comfortable with the right door.
But how is this graphic version? What is your updated course and speed over?
See you next time, thank you.
So I don't know how it is to have the graduate check in in a way point to whiskey. Before the course of zero four seven degrees through reported speed, sign them. That's one zero knock to E.T. at a power station time one eight three zero graduate certain things call at way point one whiskey open.
See you in the next video. See you in the next video.
For us to show next call, one-five minutes out from need to the traffic separation team, one-five minutes out from way point one to zero over.
Here I live. Very good. Thank you, Harborbeck.
I did go as guard vessel traffic service. Tampa could go to the following judge from the traffic advisory end of time 1-5-4-5. There is no reporting to the boundary on traffic and going to the traffic separation scheme. In and down on the weather traffic separation scheme is the deciding highway. Here we're diving on the previous highway, and we'll need one complimentary wastewater. And most likely in Zurich period of Afghanistan, on a deadline for urbanzyćciaWral. We'll need the wellness thank you guys. So we'll go to Calقة and you can call it workers as a high-end staff. So we came up to a new location at this age award. Toowl розdance district on the road we are going to arrive at Elcistas County outbound to see on palliative importation we outbound to the west outbound to the south. The single one two potential to broadcast at time 1-6-1-5. This United States could spend less on traffic service than it could go now.
Let's drive the car about.
I am Bound Coffee, they have a G-G-G-G off-the-down here.
Okay, I'm about to say thank you.
Iron bell copies on the clear channel, boy. Thank you.
Well, thanks. Thank you.
machen so funny is ain't you go play or game probably
So I think the treesFonda a lot.
Driving to anok today completing a experience of monitoring and training.
Thanks for watching!
Thanks for your attention.
Sharpie don't know if the copy said to you. Thank you.
Aishan. Aishan.
Catch the ferry.
See you in the next video!
Thank you so much for watching this video, see you in the next one!
It's gone. Oh, we're fairly interrupted.
That's it!
On point minutes away, why don't you request to heed your anger to three shackles on them?
Thanks for watching, and I'll see you in the next video!
Thanks to our public.
Pick up, I'll make a copy, that's fun!
Um, what side did your camera ladder?
Let's get on the part side over.
Mark and I, very good, thank you. We'll see you in a project, wait, wait, wait, wait a minute.
Okay, I'll be a doctor.
Did everything, man.
Sorry, I'll brief this girl.
Try take this
It's been a week at 5 p.m. still in effect.
I'm sorry. Thank you.
traffic gentlemen
Clay Street 2 gateway
I'll try it. Trans remplacer. See you again.
Sorry, but it's all right, it's all right.
Have a good day, brother. I hope you're fine. I got it. 15, 10 minutes, 7.8. Thank you.
Traffic repeater loss for a DBIMO.
I'm Valcopy, we are entering the channel, as you can.
There he goes, we still have a check.
Thank you!
Thank you.
Bye, how far now are we, studio and take over?
Have a nice day.
Trap it. Iron belt?
Thank you for watching.
To me, you can do a key road about credit register and call us one manager in your area in 2-2.
you're about to scream.
Coming soon.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much. I'm sorry. Thank you.
Thrussa? Damn it!
Jake, please.
Thank you very much for listening and I'll see you soon. Thank you.
Traffic, Wildcat.
traffic while cats
I'm trying to blow a guy back in there. What do you ship this? I'm about back. I'm about back. I'm about back. I'm about back. I'm about back. I'm about back. I'm about back. I'm about back.
I'll catch you.
Love you, see you next time.
We're not concerned, you know, sitting in the distance. Um, we're now for some sort of think or name for something else. And then after that, we will proceed to the other dimension.
And we're on our own, I believe.
C-minie TV's about athletics.
No question at would it your intent towards torpedo?
traffic-35 golf on churn
Surajar and what is your ETA to wait points to Zira and the San Francisco ship will be over.
Guys, Subscribe
Hey, good afternoon, prepare a new to keep anchor at Witzke 8 for Oakland 65 port size 2 deep draft is 6.7 meters.
traffic how much of the day in the channel
traffic three five golf yeah can you give the iron down ahead so that we will need a clear channel we'll be at their location approximately 40 minutes
See you in the next video.
Strabbit, iron brown copy is 40 minutes to a clear channel there, and you give me the unit number on that shift inbound.
Okay, copy three five goals there. Thank you.
Okay, I'll see you in the next video.
In August 2018, M-T-Ros of Elc, and in B-C-H area, at 3-T-R-A, 40-4-0-0, it may choose B-6-S-M-8-10-E-8, 2-way point, 2-S-R-S-T-R-Z time 1-8-25. E-K-T-R-Z-C-Boo-E, it's time 2-0-3-0. Thank you all for coming back again with Passing 2-S-R-A.
And I am 보� each other!
Thank you very much.
Hi, this is Andreas. One drink.
Hey Barig, I'm in a boat, I'm here to take you to the center of the city. I'm in a water bottle. I'm half in the water and I'm in the anchor.
I'm sorry.
I wonder why it's this time.
This is United States Coast Guard Bessel traffic service campuses bill. The follow-up is y'all sure best of traffic fires in the end of the time, 1, 6, 4, 5. There is a report in the Inbound, not about traffic in the northern correct separation team. Inbound at the western correct separation team is a precise highway barring. ⅜2'33'2'1'2''.1'2'3200', fromцы-in' Boards. ⅜0'4'3'3'6'C9'0V'. gegeben at this end. ⅜2'3ㅜ 048', the Western TNC TNC TNC'V'. ⅜ Mary-177'192 постоянно at the Coldounaclechiedenis Bessel Mount Paul's Welfare North West Chamber. ⅜ 57° C, 26,000'4200'4'0'1'. ✜ 0'0'3'3'2'3'6'9', 13,000'8,200'. ⅜ 182'2'9 28 2' 2'22', membrane21. There's an report of controversy happening in comum situation recently. Any philosophical questionary area or pan Nova, right now
on the seat of the west. Listen to internal 1, 2, and that's going to broadcast at town 1, 7, 1, 5. The G9 G9 G9 G9 is going to start investment traffic service damage is going out.
Alright right, hold on. Traffic. Give it to me. Walk around Manhattan ourd Street. Take off leash. Carry it to be better.
Very building forward, treasure us.
They're all the traffic.
Traffic 3-5 golf
There's been a change of orders. We'll be now anchoring it. Echo 2.
If you like your pan, don't know what it's your intended course of speed.
I can't help the traffic right now, I did not get your course over.
I have an outcome, thank you.
Roger the EPA to five with the exiting the weather contributions team.
Thank you.
Thanks for watching!
- - - * - - -