Thu Nov 14 12:00:00 AM PST 2024

- - - * - - -

I'll see you.

Thank you.

But it's all happening.

Good luck.

Connect permitted to a meteorite for €156.5 with non-wh below the castle. most of the seven years have already started the first group of awards. Each of the two degrees will go from the center to the center so this fragile group of eight degrees has to intercept up the stage with address and unreliable events and the most span of three 320 miles to 4, horizon and some of the panels Coreech.

We're on the roads to South Blackhatt and East safe, east you're risking to have to pick you up with on theari.

For Dropcrabbing using a hot-to-lactic channel life floor

Douglas and traffic tower 1-4.

Tell us last thing, nothing hurts. Break some lunatic, do you copy the down down traffic plus the arts in Brisco?

Thanks for watching!

Thank you.

traffic, such an area.

That's the day, Javik.

Here's my album.

Change the plans you want to do.

Thank you for joining us. Thank you for joining us. Thank you.

We'll see you all next time.

I'd like to stand the salmon by the morning, boy, thank you.

Nice good traffic red out!

SurН rhizdearatescus Same as ourpertorising This causes sneeze to tend to do 0") You don't worry less than self-zuropelling sympathetic Honor Nothing you want to talk about slightly, I have a minute Call me again. I get so much sleep This is important two slides They are carrying more shit with a doctor Okay? Okay.

Thanks for watching!

Thank you.

Thank you.

I think it's like that.

We'll see you in the next video.

A-Wие E engulfed on the speaker. This radio is יחed by the electronic sound of a sound call sign. This radio is wrong, but it's not very comes in.

49, and D8 team worker is the fastest in the computer office.



Thanks for watching!

Thank you.

before natural.

Thanks for watching!

Thanks for watching!

All right, let's get us to your second topic.

You're a 7-ounce.

Tell me your highway, traffic, roads, you're entering, you're entering, you're crossing, what is your unintended course and speed over?

But you're what is your E.K. to a point five list? E and your E.K. to a point three list key over.

At another one or subscription come to aine at highway Imagine your in election settings accessibility and voucher if you for approaching cost you tonight is going listen to. 8 to 8 Auto ID

This is United States of when the gorgeous 23.98 universities, it all became because at the end of 2002, we lost a couple of points of view of fine and the start of the tower and the congress, and the front in the vacant end. Do what covered in the new from 11 to 15. Sinceogrndanny cheaper. So it was fun. We can see an component of 2.600 would for 13 to 15. So it was fun and that was okay. So the field was far gone and everything was struck there. They did not have another cost.

Jonathan. Don't get it.


Let's hear it, let's hear it.

Thirdly, The court is very nice, very generous to be nice. There's a lot of things to eat with, but some of them looks different here. Thank you so much for listening to me. I'm the Sousers, you know, to travel, but you can actually drop in. Do you know what? They're one of them. We'll put it on. Thank you. Thank you.

That's not it.

Sure, thank you.

Thank you!

I'm going in this position. Echo 3, 6 shots on deck.

Our group audio is shampooed and it is nice. We will got done. Can't prove it to me.

Have a pleasant day!

Take off.

Hey, go, jokebaby.


We have a

job reciteleners

Thank you.


Please, I'll drive it.

Thanks for watching!

Find your copy, EPD, tomorrow's 1300, and Gino is going out to see.

That's correct. That's a mistake.

Brad, thank you, have a good morning.

Good morning, thanks.

49 Julia, and Jack broke her dreams, y'all.

Have a good morning.

The and I know many of you may have mouse controls, and they are not senior ones at death. Now for a period of year, you have all heard since that book, but when you get particular features, there's not a six and other stuff that says that this has to tell what they have. And rule ten is that they are a fifth or six. All the elements are the other ones. And then who is the six not hatch notification métry, today we wereon n purposely What Geme-that's..? Oh my God! Episodes?

And that's your job, of course.

Now atLA hardique it is a good morning, you prepare and attend year prep time for treatment, 24 enclons so you get into nutrition trophies, your skin depends on your mind, you know one track 40 best

Try out the triggerassum? oh, here she comes to me. If that's good for this.

I'm gonna ask a child for a damn good morning, a child for a damn good morning, a child for a damn good morning.

Shrav yurge el asterus

That was a good start. Good morning, David. We are preparing to get underway, Sam. Let's go.

Thank you.

The bedlash and child gradually dead and more than your free unit, which is a facility of bound for a pillow and a little bit younger than your petal feet. A full brow bow, a bow, a bow, a bow. And only for you 24 minutes or point and a bow bow.

That's exactly what I'm saying. You will call it another way.

traveling side of courier

This's your entrance escort.

His family had to iron round to do a forest walk.

Okay, here you can cast a corolla, you're a mark you under way, call, play near the mark, you're right.

Thank you very much.

That's it, sure, of course.

Thank you.

Okay, I hope you're still trapped.


Thanks for watching!


that's a scam.

You may have to push the diagonal to the spin system which is showing up to get長 episodes Get ready for the turn to the midfield to lift the rest of this slide. There you go, I designed a red color based on midfield disc ... Now if I'm just going to slide it up and just slide your legs, when it is going to slide, feel your nosevaration starts to slide ... The treble Lectures are monitored outside, three and three, straight to zero does support onto the mouth. Succeedly, Of course two three nine degrees for your participation. Thank you very much.

Thank you so much for watching! See ya!

and a traffic life.


We're going to back to the barge out of here, 70, and we'll actually get in this drain. We're going to just, so we're going to put the barge around just outside of here, definitely.

We're out here. Thank you.

I can't afford you, I can't afford you, I can't afford you.

Alright, thank you and what did you up here to outbound Corey Sam Speeds.

I'm sorry to thank you for being able to carry a california wire so that I'm going to watch your traffic lane at waypoint 5 with PS5 for you two three nine agreed to be on that's a five-month CTA and two two three zero-five. Thank you called traffic on channel one two one two three two three with the over.

These two are exactly the Japanese.

All right, I think you wanted your inbound court game to be over.

Roger, what are you looking at here to your seat, too?

Part of the Q. What is your EPA? Entering the left or left line, and with point with the Q. And also, what is your EPA? To the final destination.

Roger, so as you can to the western trap planes that correct.

They're the ThinkEng고 Seek-Hoooper, entering the VPS area very hands two, three, one, to green. 2008, not a었습니다 durante the 50's with qualified VOSi sophisticage ofmeter. Enter the one entire CF portfolio and go, interact with your experiences, 1958, PAL and Europe has Medicaid policies on the CFR. It allows people to hold the price of the large.


Travel, glass, and ship complete underway

I have to try the Corridor, just click here now, Troy. Thank you, Togga.

the so A file on the left that comes with a high library between 903, 2.5 and 5.5. I'm a services developer or 2.9 degree speed, 905.5. VPN, 2.5 and 3.5. There is no foot-attractor itself. Look at the limit of the digital broadcast. On-channel working, at time 0-315, I think, because there are a couple chapters. So, hello.

Have a good one. Have a good one.

Did you like it?

Or are you just going to hear you, or are you still thinking you're telling or?

Alright, we are still pushing.

God bless you. Thank you. Terrible.

That's so cool, I am happy to see the traffic.

Roger Copy 15 minutes call traps again on channel 1, 2, 1, 2, 1 to enter the Southern Traffic Lane and 3 here over.


Shut up if you think that this area

Just stay standing here and have a great day.

Down your way from open Marshenon. Captain of the council. You can definitely jump out and harp, wait until the construction ends. Thank you.

Thank you!

Now it's an old soob...

Cross out and cover in front of the whole Moonbark Hill and have to take the back sign to the center of reinforcement zar embarrassing myself and was aficionate of the superman

Thanks for watching!

You can keep the floor, but the feet are not closed, but the feet are not closed. The floor is not closed, but the feet are not closed.

�τα me sorry �τα me

Thank you.


I don't want to bother you. This is what I just need to believe. OK. Hold on. Wait a minute. I have to wait a moment. Well, it couldn't be better than you but it was so short that it could've been good. There could've been a lot more free? It was a fun experience. Okay. That'S a good opportunity photograph on what it looks like. Master's understanding

that bird's for a favorite water

Good for you!


Thank you.

Thank you all so much.

Thanks for watching!

Thank you so much for your time.

Thank you.

Thank you.

All right.

Thank you very much.

Thank you.

Very well.

That's it, that's it.

Thanks, and have fun.

We'll see you next time.



Thank you so much for watching.

Thank you.

Yeah, we're special.

Thank you.


Thank you.

Thank you.

We'll see you in the next video.

Thank you both for coming.

Traffic Route-Refrigerable-oundly.

Thank you very much.

The morning traffic, we are preparing to depart through 30 to conduct trawling operations with a vicinity of the Southampton Shoal Lake, and we will be wrapping that up at 1130 returning to Dr. Square, 100. We intend to take the Alpha Brothers fan, so it's coming into the line.

It is time for our accountability før altatil of all of us, too, to represent our love to contribute more with us a 2022 event of our Familien Islands placement.

Good copy on the switch finally. Thank you.

navigate the North

I, I think in this early minute I've left this many fourustic fleaal jeans, are off the infoccal. Happily my name is Wesversham.

Thank you very much.


Thanks for watching.

This is making five months at the maximum cost stop by torcralale, 6 years off.

and you have to stop you in the far and far, and you have to stop you in the far and far.


Thank you.

Yeah, that's a visual of what's now inside of the robot's house, so it trips into what's the house.

There's nothing you can do to log it up, but...

Thanks for watching.

This is great, where I started to study

Give up.

Now, be careful, I just accept all of that. Thank you so much for having us with something important. Thank you very much for being here tonight.

Thank you very much.



And then, thank you so much for coming back. Thank you for coming back. Thank you so much. Thank you. Good luck.


It's very building for large number of companies in Illinois.

Thank you.

Thanks for watching!

Thanks for watching!

Thanks for watching!

Thanks for watching!

Thanks for watching!

Thank you.



Thanks for watching!

Thanks for watching!


God, thank you.

Rabbit flies inside.


Prepare to depart, if y'all are clung to the square to be a very building, we copy, low bell and 58, I believe now, and the direct.

Thank you very much.

Thanks for watching!

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Okay, thanks.

So have a good evening.

Thank you.

Take away two clasher

Thank you.

I'm not afraid.


Don't try to say it.

Thanks for watching!

Thanks for watching!

Thank you.

They are still lolong. So I can help these people help them.

Thank you.

Thanks for watching!

Thank you.

That's it. I'll show you another one too. Wait, wait, wait. That's it. That's it.

For Aston


I'm looking forward to your, I'm looking forward to your.

Sick of worry platin


Thanks for watching!

Thanks for all featured nggakin

We are departing from Peribillan for Obran Glace Street, with the Iron Pound and with the Schlobel at the 60s.




Thanks for watching!


Well, I'll pick you up.

Traveler Spy to the Road

I love all the time with you.

Thank you.

Thank you so much for your trip.



to any property.

Yeah, just declare by that. I don't have it done 15 yet, but there is no global at all at 57 either


Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.


Alright, thank you.

Thanks for watching!

Thanks for watching. If you enjoyed the video, don't forget to hit the subscribe button and click the bell icon. I hope you enjoyed the video. Thanks for watching.

Thank you so much for your projects, and once you study up on out, I'll pause for you for the snow.

I don't know if I can go or he's dead. He's dead. I don't know if I can go.

Right, right. Post of me before listen outside for some moments, I'll tell you late, but not just us, but you switched off and that was really good.

Have a nice morning. Good afternoon.

Thanks for watching

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thanks for watching!

Thanks for watching.

Thank you.

I'm happy to see you again. I'm very close to all this before I see you.

That's all I've got to tell you, that's all I've got to tell you.

Goodbye, sir. I'm going to wait for a second.

We're going to the hospital. We're going to the hospital.

Thanks for watching!

Thanks for watching. Thanks for watching.

Thank you.

Thank you. I'm sorry. Thank you.



Thanks for watching!

Thank you.


It's very early though, it's very early. It's very early, it's very early.

I am the public, but you're right. They're coming up with what's left there, and they're coming up with what's left there. They're going to go all. Yeah. They're going to go all the way.

That's where I ought to have both. I ought to have both. One, two, three, four.

That's what you're talking about.

Don't think this is worth it, Council.

San Francisco traffic, San Francisco traffic station, strange.

Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you very much.

Go on, go on, go on, go on.

yet it's a station strength, calling you asking for the permission to lower down the live modes to the water and then he will open it.

Can you repeat your message please?

I'm perfect, sir. You guys, we're ready.

Honestly, thank you.

I'm talking to an agent right now, actually it has been now reset to 1800, you will hear it, you will get a message from your agent, new ET, one ET, your geo, and I copy you'll be drifting until returning to the seaboeuvre.

Thanks for watching.

oooooh ooooh

Thanks for watching!

Thank you.

What the hell is this?


Thank you all for watching.

Thanks everyone.

describe it everyone

Thank you.

Same on our preparing at the fair building for Richmond Overs.

Thank you very much for joining us on the trip. We'll work for you in the next one. Thank you very much.

Okay, uh, copy that. Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Don't worry about that by any chance.

Thank you.

Did you guys think that's good about the structure? It's there for them to be combined with the structure. Thanks for the checkup. That's your E.15. Don't put it on. Get down, Chester. It's your number of trouble. It's your E.15. It's your E.15. It's your E.15. It's your E.15.

Thank you so much.

traffic, you just

What of course do that in Greece? It was two of us, the TA-5's number times zero, 18, two of us, not 18, nine, three, six.

Thanks for watching!

Friends, you play my good and for the very buildup.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thanks for watching.

I think we're going to get in the first part of the floor. We're going to get in the first part of the floor. The same thing, we're going to get away.

If valve valve was grabbed by a secretary wants to have a nav couple of complaints, therefore, it is clear that there difference. The I'm telling you that the

Well, right here.

Dad, you're trying to drive around your doctor. I'm about for three or three weeks. With regard to day a nine, or two, go to the other Front City of Winter

Could that be civil, perhaps, too? No, thanks Mermings. I'll let you be in advance. I wish you're even though the 보통 16âu long action on the舒kest.

Check, check, check, check.

That's it. That's it.


Join the State Council for our effort to hold Avenue 1 to 0 to 4 million yen.


Don't run away England from England, won't get your own bit.

Horse job

Thanks for watching!

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

we'll be three Hoyers лет at 9 HomegefilW. We'll be three Hoyers лет at 9 HomegefilW.

Yeah, I think it's for three or four times.

Be nice, I do feel this practice started very well like this. Thank you for the help andA loved you.

Thanks for watching

Thank you.

Thank you.


And you'll start around in two points. Yep, you'll start around in two points.

Drop it, drop it, drop it, drop it.


Close your doors, your boy.

Help us.

God damning Go!

What's this because there are real

That's it, that's it.

It's part of that very building for the left. This is a cup of it.


Thank you very much.

Thank you.

That's a very good thing to catch her up.

Try to upgrade your Tabs!

Okay, if you don't like to wear it, start it.

Chapter 13, let go of Anchor's position with 7 in the water.

It's a quarter, it's a quarter, it's a quarter.



Thank you.

Thank you.

Thanks for watching.


Thank you for reading.

So that's the way to get out there by now. That's all I've been doing. It's not working for you. That's it. That's all I've been doing.

Thanks for watching!


Thank you.

with us.

Yeah, I'm on my way.

We have a lot of time with you, Rod. We'll wait for you in your personal business.

Karate, I don't think this one thing

Thank you.

Thank you.



Talks out there, please!

Thank you.

Thanks for watching!


Thank you.

What's the...


I didn't see.

Thanks for watching!

I'll just load up. Thanks.

Thank you very much.

I'm glad you're all over the way. I think you're great.

The station is going to be less common, please.

Thanks for watching!

One more fight!

I don't want to.

Number one, one.

Everyone want free bush

If you live, come on in again. I only live this, uh, approximately five minutes.

Thank you.

That's one.

There they are four years, one part of it, and I got a few supplies and provisions.

9. 5 worth.

Okay, copy that.

What's inside of your gang with you?

That's the one moment.

but yeah, friendship kept me at all, started late

Okay, good job. Either. Pick five, pick.

Thank you, Peter.

Thank you.


Don't worry about it, don't worry about it, don't worry about it.

Thank you.

Thanks for watching!

Agh, please, have me.

Thanks for watching.

I'm going to be on the right side of the office. I'm going to be here in 35 weeks. I'm going to be on the right side of the office. I'm going to come home. Right.

Apparently, it's hard from the very building to Jack London Square. Copy to Greg.

Thanks for your help.

Thank you.

I'm sorry, yeah, never mind, yeah, of course, I'm sorry, yeah.

So that has too much fun on this one.

Try to do that without the fuck score

3, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4.

As I'm going to offset stuff, it's true it's you, some of the more of an ADD is tomorrow morning for six.

Thanks for watching, take care, see you in the next one.


никаer picks me up.

Well, careful bro, I'm ready to prove my design.


Drap between the apples.


Thank you.

Thanks for watching!

Thank you.

It's different.

Good job, friends.

That's traffic. Hello guys.

Well, thank you, everybody.

Let's check it out at the end, man.

See you ready up!


Now you're not a jerk.

Fine I missed pretty well

the manager

I'm sure you're pushing less than I'm preparing them out for our channel, and you don't jump so I'll show you some these slides to go off the tail. Roger, in the hard spruce go, pushing less than I'm pushing up, don't boycourke straight to the center of the rock quarry, don't boycourke, don't boycourge, don't boycourge, don't boycourge.

Okay, so now it's very good to go to the search area.

I ain't why I'm Mr.

ン 2Lbb� 55.5'. shit Half weight 27.44' 140 18'. 30' 9.2' and 1.4' 4.3' 200' You don't need to eat all of us. Okay.


Thank you.

I'll be talking to you for a short show, and 90 minutes hour and a half, you can't do that location. Thanks for a good judge, Iron Balance, you can't be fighting, why I'm wishing.

If I'm on copy, five eight, what are your locations? All right, ETA's your location.

That's 90 minutes, hour and a half, it's just checked out of its palpitations box. Copy that, 90 minutes will be clear. Thank you so much.

Thanks for having us. I'm glad you're here. Thanks for watching. Thanks for watching. Thanks for watching. Thanks for watching. Thanks for watching.

Thank you.

Let's see a standby break in, I'm looking at the camera, I can see a profit gold game. Little foggy issues in the such way, so far, or...

That's what I'm saying, isn't that cool at feature?

Okay, we're going to be getting underway with one on the floor and some left-hand. 10 foot your ass. Be good. It's also a child. You're going to take a flat. Stand around PLE and stand. Be used to the brothers. I've been all. And you're going up there and after a living.

Oh, that's a fan of my channel 12, go ahead.

Collect any traffic, Roger, and what's your destination?

and that's a temper Robert

I'm a fair commander in the traffic.

Here's the idea of marijuana. I'll just wait for it.


Roger ship channel 1-4 for the rescue transit end for Bethlehem traffic service, and if you need to, you can contact the pilot of those town 4-year on channel 1-3 over.

That's a little failing about the Pegasus Voyager, Pegasus Voyager had a change of power time, and they were cheating outbound, not using the traffic lanes. I'm sure about what traffic's not channel 12, channel 12, channel 12, you can reach the Pegasus Voyager, channel 12, or channel 13.

Thank you, Trevor.

Making break and not going to feature us in what your destination.

Thank you!

Always wait for it, never wait for it.

Let's be right to push the left hand, I'll march out from where I'll attempt to be the drop golf self-flat to the left, I'm flat to east and east, thanks for all the various push-pill marks created then, first golf will tell for anchor 9, I'll touch along with pushing left to east and other spring now, I'll down now for Oakland, to the yard bound, to any flat over.

That's right.

or spare-intox-logged-up collection

Thank you very much.

That's all for this clip, see you pushing it left in, if there are bounds, out for a barrel, it's tick off itself.

Copy & erase.

Thank you very much.

It's got this.

Thank you very much.

This has divided from organ clay street for very fillets, this will be slower for iron pound.

We're in a Roger. Yep. All of us here are pushing up. So, I'm actually going to put you couple of tell-for-acts tonight. Let's see if we should lift that part in here and bounce for another golf stuff.

Make all the things.

Take care.


Thank you.

Okay, that's a lot of traffic.

You gotta be at 5-8 while I'm waiting for our station for real, but in a hurry.

There we go.

You got things to eat.

It's you.

Sorry. Very slowly. I'm going to do my deal.

The DSGF threads are as small as a module on the gulf of the telph distance,

Thanks for watching

Okay, Jeff.


Have a great year!

Thanks for watching!

One more minute Allez

Thank you.

Thank you.

Good job.

It's loud and clear.

What's in here?

Let's see his underwear right now.

traffic and omg


Travis, you know I'm not preparing it. It's very building for Chevron Cup in a minimum way compared to 27

- - - * - - -