- - - * - - -
Where'd I see a trampoline?
It's your address. How good, Jazz, yeah. Join us.
I'm trying to trap the gun once more, over.
Sorry Thomas, sorry, Jesus, sorry, okay.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much for your support
We're a human that would throw his seu to them a little bit. Got his sleeping in the corner just got flopged on him.
for what you keep track of them?
Thank you.
I have a bit to go. The traffic are larger. Get in on the way. It's round 10. I want for your birthday. Starts off with the last wish. One lesson. Interesting thing. I'll mark the end of the way. Call the plate over.
I'm gonna see you Julia, drop a cut.
The morning you're going to spend kind of seeing five feet of number of orders you're next in the course season, eating or the boundary.
Roger, continue your course of 3213 speed 9-159-168 or the boundaries 0-1-3-0. God, they travel on channel 1-2 and texting the beach is here.
Thank you sir. Good afternoon.
This is the United States Coast Guard's National Traffic Service Air Force's Coast Guard following the Office of Social Traffic Adviser in the town of Jerusalem, there are one-five. There is no ported in-balance traffic in the north, half-on northern DSF, the MST, Julia. There are three-zero-state degrees through a range of two-five decimal six-on locomotives in the seagull. The porting here, of course, three-two-one degrees through the east nine decimal five-nots and the E.C.s, or the boundary, zero-one, three-zero. There is no ported in-balance traffic in the west, half-on-balance the west, the E.C.s, and the third-finals. There are two-four-one degrees through a range of two-five decimal three-nots in the seagull. The porting here, of course, two-five-seven degrees through the E.C.s, and the E.C.s, the west-on- boundaries, zero-zero, four-zero. The western DSF is outbound, the Tormol Australia. There are two-three-in-three-s, two-three-in-two-one-seven decimal six-nots from the seagull. The porting here, of course, two-three-four-three-chrews, to be just 10-nots. E.C.s, five-on-one-seven, five-on-one-seven, five-on-one-seven, five-on-one-seven,
0.0 for 0.0 and 8.2A. The 3501-23.
Imayant's up at the gear step.
The NIP-2 are Solona. Very month and five degrees, you're ranked one nine decimal three non-commonos in the C-boy. Before you take a course, the zero zero zero degrees, speed on decimal three non-CTA, point point two zero zero four zero and the TAC-Poys zero two one zero zero four zero four zero count on traffic in the south. Let's begin again for the next reservoir of constant channel one two. Time zero zero four five, because you're not at state because you're not at the traffic service. If you just come up.
that queen is you after the boy
Roger, what is your ETA pilot station?
Mark his gent license.
Equity traffic.
Mr. The Pods have you 4-0-4-0-0 for arriving nowhere earlier than 0-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0.
If it's correct, it's about to be scheduled for 0-4-0-0. You can contact the pod on the function of 1-0 to confirm.
Travel tomorrow.
Part of your coffee shirt content travel from channel 1 to 100 in the beach ins area.
Thank you.
Go away!
Oh, Lord.
I didn't even grow up, but I didn't even grow up.
Where to graduate, change plans, anchorage, pause, register, and, uh, but, because that's scary and traffic to drop me, Delaware, that's not your piano blue number eight. Now, bye for anchorage, fall off over.
And I did very and trapped poor guys
Thanks for watching!
Roger, it could help you go where you're entering an anchorage five o'clock.
Roger, can you play on your second object in order to kill the lead number eight? They're not bound for anchorage, but instead of anchorage, 20 to lower.
Thank you so much.
Sorry, thank you. I'm Rick Honey over. Coach, I have to copy Delaware's intentions over.
Thank you so much.
Attequity y Travel Channel, I'll do.
I quote you, this is San Francisco traffic. I request you, what is your intended speed and balance?
Roger, and did you confirm with the pilot's channel 1-2?
Perfect, thank you.
Equity setup.
What is your EPA's observation?
Got the zero four zero zero. Let's call it one hour before 40. No matter if it's yours.
Thank you.
Searching when they're in traffic.
I have a show in the past where you wish you no further fortunate to come from traffic to the same place.
Good morning, sir. This place is representing five whisky. What is your next contingent? Course, speed, and E.K. Western boundaries.
Roger, what is your intended speed? And what is your ETA in a three list piece?
Okay, come on, Australia. Intending course, two, three, six, three, cheers, feet, ten knots, and the idea of Western boundaries. Zero, one, two, five. Contact traffic on channel one, two, and passing through with you.
That is correct. Thank you for reaching up to Universal Lono Traficional One too.
For more or tenha circumstances, let us know in the comments.
Russia's Neptune Barcelona, Pintente Corston is here as there is a very serious speed on this. We'll five non-TTA to see movies, there are two or five contact traffic on total one, two, and passing this year, moving over.
Thank you, break equity, cover, 10-1-2.
Hey everybody, traffic, commanding notifications. You're entering the beach in Syria. What is your intended course in the speech?
Brother, what is your intended to be?
Roger, what does your AT in a waypoint 2s here? And what does your AT in cloud space?
I'm in zero four zero zero positive station. What is your ET at a way point two's here? 37 degrees 30 minutes north
Chilling my range, traffic. Good morning, North.
🔔 🔀🐀🕲🌔🔀🐀📤👅👍🐀 🔀🔀🔀🔀🔀🔀🚀🔀🔀🔀�oute, 😲🖩🔀� Opportunium.
Thank you very much so期 very much. Have a bit of
Roger Conclusion 220 9880 sini The other Japan Channel 1 2 1 last May 2021
Good stretch, Terrain Trasskors.
Today's sad crab... My ass is getting dark
We ask you! and just let's point them down for now, so I'm sending stuff from off your order. Alright.
Thank you for your time. Thank you very much. I'm sorry. I'm going to take you to the office. You know, three six grand or be over.
So see ya.
This is the United States Coast Guard Vessel Traffic Service San Francisco. Following is the offshore vessel traffic advisories in town that there is 0.45. There is no port in the town traffic in the north, southbound or the TSSB. MSD2 Lyap, very 3.04 degrees true range, 2.9 decimal 8 out of miles from the seagull. Reporting of course, 3.200 degrees, 3.9 decimal 5 knots, E.K. northern boundaries, 0.1, 3.0. There is no port in the convent traffic in the west, southbound, to the west, D.K. off Australia, very 2.3 degrees true range, 2.2 decimal 5 knots, miles from the seagull. Reporting of course, 2.3.60 degrees true speed of 10 knots, E.K. west and boundaries, 0.1, 2.5. 7.2 sets inbound, the Neptune, Barcelona, very 1.7.40 degrees true, range, 1.4 decimal 5 knots, E.K. north and sea blue, reporting of course, 0.0 degrees true, speed 9 decimal 5 knots.
Stay tuned,avo please here with 2-1-5
Followed him down by Videx that what he is firing 1-760 reassures ays 2-5 decimal three nautical miles from the subway For 40.000s. Road to Road to Road video, beats 7-15 knots GS20232-20, méty-PC-7024. There is also a Snow Degtoprest чтоen to top. hin again for the next Battle PROcast in channel 1 2 on the 0-1-15 leg of the public.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
And we're forward, crap, we're good.
Sir, what is your intended course in speed?
Brothers, or what is your intended course making your way to way point two whiskey?
Roger, what is your easy way point to whiskey?
I'll do every four of the all-terring to 0.57 degrees. Sure, speed 10.15 knots. It's 828.2 is easier when 3.0 is easier for 0.0. Contact traffic on channel 1.2 is passing by 2.2 is key.
Tropic we've completed our 12th of yards and we're just going to go back on your way and want on the course for us to have these 12th times.
Got it! I just grabbed a настроer gear to mount with the Earth Francisco! One last time. Check this out!
You're not wearing your clothes, right? You're not wearing your clothes, you're not wearing your clothes.
We're just reaching the copies of this plane plane. 9, 5, 7, 9 long times for the 80 vision going off the sea. So for the end of the conversation, we'll check you in and get to 9 after midnight.
That's it, see ya'
All right, the bridge is ready, I'm going.
Well, there we go!
Thank you.
Oh man.
Thank you.
Thanks for watching!
I know.
Thanks for watching!
Mark the Murphy Traffic Zone phase 3 unit were set down over here.
I'm sorry.
Thanks for watching!
I have a risk of a chunk where I'd usually need to burn a chop with a U.S. and a sound.
For comments, we'll push here in greater than e-troport speed, e-troport speed, e-troport speed. For us, thank you. You need to have the eye over scope of shooting greater than just the last point. A lot of it. That bound for J.B.K. And it's a question perfectly. You need to do e-troport speed as well. As well as you and I are inputting greater than, on the way for road data 3, that bound for out-me-at-forwarding, e-troport speed. So the goal is to try and rule e-troport speed. Under way for e-troport speed, e-troport speed, e-troport speed.
Don't forget, thank you.
Thank you, and very kind of helpers, go. Join my range, three, six, three, where we have to teach you how to be hard to breathe, go up, down, fall, fall, over.
Flea, Uns Calvin, for sure. See ya. Work with your spray, kiss out time with the parts small flat edges.
Roger, thank you. Anne, break. Three, two, eight to be vision. You have a good morning, Albert.
Thanks for watching, I'll see you next time.
Thank you.
This is the United States Coast Guard National Traffic Service in San Francisco, following the SD offshore vessel traffic advisory system, this year at 1-1-5, there is no footage in the all-traffic in the North, outbound northern TSS, the MSC Julia, very 3-0-6-3-0-3-4-9-9-5-0-4-4-4-3-2-1-3-4-9-1-5-0, and 18-0-0-0-1-3-0.
Mouth from the west, he ever far, bearing two three two great shrew French two four and o'clock low from the seebook, 14 year called her so few 24 instance next and ten and five knots, ETA-��, Oracle e Zero one evil three zero, and ETA- mice C-B0-0-4 is a reserve, up onto the west toward Australia, very two-three degrees short range, two-seven that's more five nautical miles from the C-B0, reporting a course, two-three six degrees short speed up, ten knots and E-T-H to the west and boundary, zero one, one, seven, and these seven T-S-S, and, um, Neptune, Barcelona, very one, seven, two degrees short range of ten nautical miles from the C-B0, reporting a course, two-zero zero zero to your short speed, nine decimal five knots, and E-T-T-C-B0-2-1-5.
Followed inbound by the equity. Very 175 degrees true range, 2-0-1-5-0 miles from the Seagulli. Reporting in course. 2-0-0-0-0-0-7-1-5-0. Those 102-0-2-0-0-2-0-2-0-0-pandy-C-Bly-0-4-0 there is no record is up on Houston's up. Since again for next federal birth defense we can go on to the tons of 4,5. This has united states cause the coastal traffic service city park continues to go up.
Come on, sure. It's traffic.
Good morning, sir. No further reports, I needed to. I'm traffic. Have a seat, voyage.
Thanks for watching!
Thank you, Emma, Nice to have some выз.
See you in the next one.
Is Photoshop your GTA Pod Station?
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, congratulations. Welcome back to my journal series. Usually monthly advisor. So
060 or Roger. Thank you. Contact Robert on show 1-2 when entering the beach is there.
Thank you. Sure.
So while you're in also hard to breathe, go up and you can breathe and just attach a very point up on the cone to help them not fall over.
Thank you. I'll call you back. The Maraud Oslo Bridge. Break 32. You need to be a vision. You need to be a vegetarian. The Guards of Brisbane. The Sheriff's District Copy. Here I'll see you over here.
Thanks, great. Arts a bridge goes test course.
Alright, here I see between one less than the bear in front of the apple, down my way to the open bar, channel, and tough, but not sure all of it.
You gonna get carezysta?
Okay, we were trapped for us, and we have more trapped out.
There we're following Trapper Proteins.
Roger, what is your intended course in speed?
Okay, over for our passing two whiskey, and then of course, zero five seven beers, cheers, speed nine knots, and you see 40 zero four zero, contact traffic on channel one two and fast in the whiskey booth, over.
Thank you. Sure.
Fantastic laps and checkin' now!
Let's two more short traffic.
It's a part of your choice to earn money on your channel. One three and one, for the remainder of your transit. You can contact deep pilot boat temperatures. Go on channel, one three for pilot boat instructions.
Professor, maintain listening while I show 1-3M-1-4. Thank you.
See you in the next video. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel.
rear colleague solutions 223 a monitor and hundred course in speech
Roger, what is your insundance course in speed?
Roger, what is your E2 at the point? Two November.
Thank you. Trouble.
All right, Belle.
Yeah, traffic.
And turn the radio down there, traffic. Ironbound update of position, right off of Oakland, 55-year, approximately 450 feet.
It's midnight because it is now 13 The third element was the antenna d 2 ls, there is a total of 8 ore. It all was the two base. The fourth is a monster and the other is also the fifth one. In the first middle half part there's another and we had multifodSN, Please see that! ...coys your floor stuff! Creek Peace and Policy! See ya!
That is right.
Alright, thank you.
To the 47 minutes program, I will send you to my twitter. Here is there is there a great piece of this laptop. EPA to midpoint to the ERS. There are two hundred EPA to the power station to the power station. There is no put it outbound trapped in the south, and the arbitrary precaution near the ERS. The next two parts will run out of five miles. Thousands of campuses could be believed to be found for the region. We'll go to the Mexico Department and on channel with you. At times, there are two on five, and it's easy, because there are lots of trapped here, but there are so many.
M.S.E. Julia, this is trapping.
Alright, thank you. We'll check you out of our system at the time. Have a good voyage.
Right, ever far, ever far, ever far. I think you can grab a kill on one kill.
I get there to focus with the pilot. You are a vessel and the sound that will come in south are both arriving at 0-400 pilots aboard. You are a vessel number one and the vessel of equity number two, over.
Thank you very much, sir. Great equity. Thank you, Sam. Thank you, sir. You're happy to have all of you. One kiss.
Right, equity, equity. Sanctuary, Sanctuary, Sanctuary, Sanctuary, Sanctuary.
According to a morning service, closely with the pilot, your vessel and the vessel ever far both have 0,400 pilot arrival time. High level board, ever far, number one, and your vessel temperature open.
That is correct.
What the hell were you doing?
This is a great equity example from the Japanese level 1, too.
You're in the game!
Thank you very much.
Equity, YouTube, but I'm safe to order. They will board. You are about number one. You are about number one and number five. Number two. Over.
Thank you right, never far, ever far in traffic. God, I don't want to.
I'm sorry, I spoke with a child that's called back today or would like to adjust the 40th order civil board at the equity number one and then you are about to respond number two at zero four happens.
Drop down.
And the camera is on.
Try to take you and what if you're up to your important family?
Prior to thank you, uh, well, greater equity, has been lately two years since we've been in Southport, here is there a zero, feed seven knots, you can get a poll if station still time zero, four is there a zero, continue to monitor one two, called traffic will once you enter and eat the cautionary area at one point one is here, over.
Thank you.
Alright, thanks for joining us.
So it's the Nami part.
You said a good morning. This is more than a shortment happening. Can you please call for a private morning, thank you.
How will 4-0-3-0?
So please let us know in the comments below. Thank you very much. Thank you. Please let us know in the comments below.
Please break a lee side ladder, two meters above the water.
Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe!
Are you alright?
. 3, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 9, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8
0.0, for its help-bound traffic. the next two slides on the asphalt with the core position. Look for a mics with a lens drive on panel 1T and time here with V frag machine on its current without text service. I'm excited for where everyone comes and let me go. See you next video. If you are ok, you will miss my information and of course welcome to my adventures. Subscribe for more information you are enjoying yourselves. See you later on. Good bye!
That's it. Well done.
About the cloud code morning, I am preparing from inventory morning, I think you will downstairs In conclusion, one last year is the 50W printer of 16-ies and Celsius obviously
Traffic. Wildcat.
That's what you think.
I got it, I got it.
That's a three-second one.
Hope you are on a traffic.
Well, I can't find this for my list, it's normally nothing.
Okay, I'm all right, thank you, what is your amount for TMC?
What would the enemy tell? Yes, sir. I just want to confirm. I'll let you know. I don't remember. With the man drops.
Don't matter, please.
if you need to forget about all my
I thought you? No, man, bro.
All right, thank you, what is your EPA, the entry in the lunch center has the blend of with which you can, and what is your EPA to the pilot station?
How to take your booking home and train the EPS area bearing two free, six degrees, two sevenizable 7, health-alcemputer, 50 physiological sensors — free sequence and also. EPS tasks within a WISC diffuser — a QZ flu boss on a SEC、 health patient — stages during the preparation phase. Then,eting your call crash locomotive gear on channel one, two, and one, two, and
Traffic, well-cat.
traffic wildcat all secured the dv iron bound but check out for that ship and i'm going to check in again here another local ship from the dv iron bound to the temporary moring i'm pushing one less than with the dv draft of 10 feet over
Wow, okay, I got you, thank you.
This is an investment plant. and the trouble and the researchers are free to sign up for them all. That's pretty good. Of course, once we've got a great feedback on that, up to the end. To whip point 10 November, here at 325, the end, to the politicians. There are six countries. There is no plug-in outbound traffic in the north. It's found that in the west of the country, there's a group of 215k cars and up to 65 Lucorde0 part, that's three-speedai map. A city of the politicians' driver's. There is a bumpy hamas. That's beenprogrammed 234 degree to 6 toner cycle miles from A desem GSA. To answer in the west of Chamboyway,
Main and with the key key, there are two five five key, the end of the policy control system. That's because there's no quick and outbound traffic to the left. Commandment of the telecast plane, the both-grader's equity, varying one-to-one-three-to-ten-off-cum-off-cum-off. The PCB League, or the manager is there at green, each step of the policy system, one-to-one-three. There's no quick and outbound traffic. So, the optional charge that aid they had on the left and left is the mark-on loan. One mile needed to sleep nearby to Xiaohua Police, so they made him down for the Woolست next To the Patrol Browcast client. To have a once too, which players see once side, can I just call Sure Check.
Traffic. Well, guess?
If you have a wildcat, low-fishing complete, you can check it out, please.
We are at CMACTM.ch.gov and CMACTM.ch.gov. We are at CMACTM.ch.gov and we are going to win.
The morning test is for your information at your vessels and inbound vessels from the west of the HANA. We're both the boarded at 0600 Piles to aboard your vessel number 1 and locate on the number 2. Over.
Get sure that is correct. Thank you.
And a break. What do you have? I have to check the traffic channel. One, two.
Hey, you can see a main CTF net chart where your mouse and the noise is also there as it's 100s out for them number one and your vessel number two.
Good job, yeah!
Thank you.
Thanks for watching!
Thank you.
See you in the next video. If you have that chart where this is true, I can go ahead.
All right, if thank you, I wanted your course and your speed to waypoint one-of-a-mur. Except the aim of the northern traffic lane is a cautionary area over.
DMACD and net driver. So what is your active course AMP speed, the waypoint, 1-0 effort, and you're in the proprietary area over.
Roger and 0-600, the pilot station is not so correct.
The answer is 100 as a pilot case as that's still correct.
Prior to taking the M8 to the M3 driver, I have to in the midpoint to November, coming in the course, one to zero degree, each night, up to six, eight out, stations, there are six and a half. All transfer gone to the 12, which is the cautionary area at windpoint, one to November, over.
The trash house
Thank you.
Oneナce. At the port of One tocar, he's been working for 25h 2019.
As DCX hasaneously erupted, it's a tank which has ejected directly Rongarpa.
Kill it!
Travis 36, Golden Gate Bridge, Shelby Westbound.
Bye now.
Okay, Roger.
If you say traffic.
Epahir, know that's the Trats of El-A-Pad.
All right, thank you, you can shift now on Monitor Channel 1, 3 in Channel 1, 4, and follow the equity inbound from the south to the pilot station, where you keep one nautical mile, separation between yourself and the equity inbound over.
Thank you!
You may have to say that it's because car level traps are very expensive, so you have to try to give a measure if it's on 0-315. In the end of the other trap, 1-2-3-2-4-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 -1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-
We've come out to the E-Gang to the Hall of Station 0400. There is no further outbound track in the south. The offshore provides an area of the ever far, six miles south-west of steps. The sea buoy is out of the south station. And here are three, six on the Grand Ruby Passing, and a mile rock out of the south station. Grand Ruby will be left south. We'll come to the McCity Broadcast on channel 1-2. At times 0-3-4-5, and I think it's because there are lots of traps here. We can't just go out.
Equity families with the traffic.
If you actually can ship now a monitor, channel 1-3 for pilots, channel 1-4 for your traffic, people are not able to buy all the operations between yourself and other vessels in the precautionary area over.
Thank you for trapped out.
Loki, have a terrific day. Contact the final product channel 1-0 or channel 1-2-3. And we'll work.
There's there's so mejor so it could show what you're ....
Uh, by the board, I know it will happen.
Sir, good morning, one pilot support, five minutes out, which I'd do later.
My ladder is on, I'll start with the kitchen. Start with the kitchen.
Stop it, stereotype. We'll get out.
and traffic 18 when out there.
Thank you.
I'm gonna get a consolation held up.
I will go for 0.45.
Please rig a neat side ladder, 2 meters above the wall.
Won't you hurt my traffic?
Roger, what is your course and your speed in the traffic light?
I'm trying to take you on the entry in the外-gen chat, claim the way one with strategic court zero five six three, two seven decimal three, I don't see it. If you file a decision, there are six hundred contingent of monitor, channel one two and contact chat with one two and third, the precautionary area, one with the over.
Yeah, I'm here, morning.
This is the end. Shoulder is a 76.
I'll see you there!
The category of the CUP is placed in 5-016 2-0 on time, where there's an oil economy going at the same. Raise your elbows on stage and check you in at 0-3-4.
Guys, we're asking studios.
Slowly, slowly.
Please subscribe. There are about six or six pieces of green on the gate, and there's a difference around. So when you come for now, you can see something on the screen. If any of you are stuck in an area, you have something to play green on the floor, so you can see the equity in now. And approximately in half of the floor, the blisters, even air is bar, can come up and clear for you. And...
What's your voice?
and then see if you can grab flip-flours, they're pizza's.
Thank you for having me. If you enjoyed this video, please leave a like and subscribe to the channel. Thank you for watching. Thank you very much for watching. See you in the next video. See you in the next video. Thank you for watching.
Iowa well. Ooh, yeah. That was the best.
Okay, so I'll be fine, thank you.
It's moment, see if it's moment, that we're stuck with us.
See you in the moment where you see me in the moment, I wish you a good trip.
That was talking to me this moment, bird.
I'm a civilluster.
Vessel Tropic unit 42 MSc tanks
morning traffic 4-2 for the other sea jost, we are preparing to the Park Worksite to open 56 for CT Cras 11.6 meters, so in 20 light hours loaded sir system to fry this water
Okay, drop for a human tragedy, just turn to me.
Generally, 88 for the Iron Bound OK.
traffic video on the way
There's my guy around traffic channel one more.
Drive it, drive it, drive it, drive it.
I am Bob, good morning to you all for two on the MSC. John Men is a parent and a partner for local 56. I'm about to see that they're going to go down a first assessment. You can turn and they will need a clear channel for their passing.
Bye-bye, I'm copy, thank you.
You need to search, have some help.
53 thanks.
traffic.co.jl and everything. Don't forget to check it out. Good morning.
Julian, I read you. Thank you. Jeff, Jeff.
Thank you very much.
By the name of the only traffic.
I'd give you 5-8 more men on the other way. Thank you, Jessica.
Wow, it's just blowing.
Roger 4-2 and the switch on then last line. Roger.
Thanks for watching!
For 7 A.C.
Now I'm gonna move into my
for accepting a captured morning ogre
Before I have the major of co-roader, 2,000 per crocket 1, be trust 10.5 meters, easy on your plane, pilot change your office in crock. And you have 5,8, Norman Monami, just ask encryption on the list of ones out on PC, and send in B4 of your plane, here at E.P. one-all-ser, and the B4 of your plane, Matthew Yola, Southbound Police, here at their due, to be vicious, passing point-shot, the L.1 for C.-P- erf. Here at UTI, on the F fam marked and at Oakland 56, along with the stringet rocky string basis, there are no defaults here. Here at C for U-1. I'm just asked the mother about 16 circle markshaft and preparing the flat, and было with C for U-1. I'm just asked Mariahlling Possibly a wedge, down for the oak wind in a harbor.
Thank you, Dean. See you soon. See you to the brothers. Over.
Roger, thank you for the breaking news. He's one of our theory, and it's our utility to be a video. You can apply the heat, norm, and not be in a poor character. Be sure to see Call of the Seat. You can have a picture call of the Seat. You can have a picture call of the Seat. Call of the Seat.
All right.
Bye man.
Thanks. Thank you. Chaka.
erson and audiences are the strength and strength or if it multiplies them as hours are full. In the north of Norton, NLP team does your Rivers bearing an age of Thächst or 1rage or 1rage or 1rage. Putting course, one is near the D栓 certificates and ST, and the north will help bathe and jos embaixo, hoping on a variation 3-1-3-1-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0 -6-0-7-0-6-0-6-0-7-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-6-4-0-6-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-were-1-2-1-2-2-1-2-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-2-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-2-3-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-2-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1
can make a cannibalized one and two or an equity in balance. This isn't a digital broadcast on a cannibalized one. It's a good time if you're a form of five. This is, you know, it's a good start. Let's talk to some people.
Thank you everyone.
traffic 181 out there, so let me get bridge, so speed north and on the front of the front.
181 also a travel garage service will be in North South on the larger technical safety. And yet, I've ever far embarking their pilot in South. And there's the 181. Doug Harbour from the North has 10,000. 10,000. 10,000. 10,000. 10,000. 10,000.
Okay, thank you so much.
That's it.
Thank you.
That's it.
What's 21? Thanks.
Oh, my gosh. Oh!
Thank you. Thank you. Thanks. Thank you. Thank you.
He made you jam such harbour traffic on one, too. Oversie.
Roger, good morning of the episode. So is that 15 to hell you on? One, three, over.
in my K-conciliation
Don't get it, don't get it, don't get it, don't get it.
Thank you so much.
While it's forward, approximately 10 minutes, which side should you ladder?
Thank you.
Granda, Ruby, you can't look around your internet unless you're trapped in a friction speed. What are your internet courses to speed over?
That would be Chip Country, and what to your E.K.2 bis point-three-winning WIFT, the editing of the T.M. area over here?
What's going to Ruby? Trevor Grager, Daniel J. O'Reilly, and our national observations, he put a quarter to two to five to three, which should be around 10 to seven. 0, E-K-2, 113, 117, 0, 0, we're full fast to the B-T-S, we're backing away 0.5 with the cover.
4-2 copies
Okay, all right, Travis, I don't want to do over it.
The United States of Southern Chesapeake, Japan, the largest country, at the time of fourfold signs in the North St. B. the Navy and Dutch Harbor, and China for the great shooting once they're in the small, the Navy. But the fourth one is their 3D. The Navy is from the North St. B. The Navy is from the North St. B. The Navy is from the North St. B. The Navy is from the North St. B. The Navy is from the North St. B. The Navy is from the North St. C. The Navy is from the North St. B. The Navy is from the North St. B. The Navy is from Finland to Ireland City of B两 hybrid and the central south mining company. THE Navy under facilitated the North St.new, THE Navy is from ward Central aujourd'hui to south mainland. A aircraft by state, which committed two aircrafts were flew to anouth St. A military aircraft in accredited including the FBI for his 2000 aircrafts, And self is no photographic in the name of God.
PMO, the T-P-T-T channel believed three in four uniting one off-steer, alpha-1-c-d-d-or-b-l-m-o-b-l-c-d-k-d-t-e-d-a-r-s-r-r-r-m-o-d-t-m-o-d-f-d-r-r-r-r-r-m-o-r-r-r-r-o-d-t-r-d-t-k-d-e-m-o-o-r-r-n-o-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r
Thank you.
Vessel Trafford 42 MSC, Jung Ming
Turned around up on for she
For two copies, who was the unit on the evergreen ship?
Three, six, thank you for that traffic 42.
It's firebout.
Shall we see a traffic channel report?
Step! Step! Step!
I'm now 14k building for the vlogging room
That's it, that's it, that's it, that's it.
No, God, thank you.
Trap it, let me do it.
Very building forward, Chris Rylan. Copy three notes.
on the right.
Thanks for watching!
Thanks for watching!
Okay. Oh, so this is what we're gonna do. Yeah, we'll see you guys once in a while.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thanks for watching!
I've seen it as far as I'm very willing for it.
Thank you.
Have a good day.
Don't worry, I'm absurd you're gonna have to callann if
Roger, what is your any courses speedo?
We have three nine jurors, a third, chapter four.
Roger, what is the ET8 away point five whiskey?
Roger, when you get a chance, can you contact the fan like over?
Roger, what is your ETA? You're waiting for me just to read with you. Exiting to be guest boundaries.
Trust that whole door traffic.
Trans Tenn Gov.
Thank you.
Move on now.
I'd rather consider about why I'm a surgeon passing at 6 whisky. Before the course of 2-3-6 degrees through Steve 9, that's all 3 knots. E-K-5 whisky is time 21-13 E-K-2, way 0.3 whisky is time 22-18. Thank you and call back on passing way 0.5 whisky.
Roger, they are still preparing an angry edge sign. I think it was key to drop the San Francisco 70 for Oaklands of 3rd year.
Thanks for watching!
Hey, chef.
Fuck out.
a kv. coverage 3v traffic
Hey, yo, baby, boom.
Thank you, General.
A Grand Merratae Game tacitlauts.
I'll check it out!
The Grand Mercury traffic, a Roger, called back when you're not entering D.P.T.S. boundary at 3.00 a.m.
Thank you. Have a good day.
Can I take my eye on you?
So I went to party in the evening and tried to lean forward the way I was talking Mickey on it. So it's not that short.
I'll be off, thank you so much.
A-Stri 측arice.
We're back traffic, it's gonna be the front of the local camp from the Honolati Jack when Anchor's 9th bucket with you on to a period of 70s never, so let's go push in the head one, greater than it is, you've got 12 feet.
There it comes, you're 20 travel, give me a call, we'll get on the way here.
Thank you.
Thank you.
This is an emphasis because of the traffic service temperature skills, the offshore technological traffic is not a great third time, one nine fourth time, there is no political traffic. In the north, outbound on the northern traffic lane, the second hill, Maya, eight, there is three, zero, five, degrees, eleven, does not come out from the tip, because he bluquered two, nine, eight, great speed eight, not TPA. . How would you live from five to five to five to 60, that is five to five, three, five, 10, major, pharmacist 130. Asartheid, he is five, four, and no time. The 60 is eleven, the 75 is twelve and three, five to 60 as at five, so three, zero, five, eight, degrees The Ridiciter�to laurel The main team of the Miles Station 21 100 performed at the Washington Flash board of Deutschen knew for a huge group of Mama males with their 65 boodies.
2-3-6-3 speed, 9-1-3-0-C-8, X-N-1-3-2-1-3-8, to the VPS, battery 3-2-1-8. 2-3-6-3-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4 -4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-6-4-4-4-4-5-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4
Thanks for watching!
traffic here.
Thanks a lot, we'll see you in the next video.
Have a problem.
Traffic's here, I read runaway just now
traffic, kind of
Good evening Travis, they cast recurring alongside the Honorable Henry Jackman. We're going to be shifting over to San Francisco 94 to go alongside Mars and Neptune and Mars below. Push him onto Troy and Mars and head, let him send these drafts of 8 feet.
Okay, I got this air read and unit 20. Thank you.
For unit 20 copies, then we're on the way at the time from whiskey to open out of the house.
Drive it still, sir. I'm on board.
I had some.
Thank you.
I accept that a lot of their work feed in the fall part of their hours overnight,
in New South, down towards the year 70, and we copy all traffic.
So, really think that I got you back, everybody.
Thanks for watching!
Okay, it's very good. I'll give you guys a shot later on. Thank you
Let's try every 3-1.
Check it out, thank you.
Thanks for watching!
- - - * - - -