Thu Dec 19 12:00:00 AM PST 2024

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Vice any guard or trapex attraction, on entrance.

Sumerial Asylation's humidity election precautionary in switch 2 in monitoring Child 1 3 and 1 4 for the minimum transit Tem Kraftrim 360 time 59-1500

That's a really job of guys.

I'm sure we're tree camp out of station.

Bruch at Stand By.

I'll see you tomorrow, Trevor.

Happy 0-3, 0-5, finishing constant traffic on channel 1-2 and entering the beach in Syria.

Thank you. Ciao, ciao.

Fatty 5 protests. I didn't know I would stop for 10. Alright.

Do I still see your eyes there? Let's go back to office.

Yeah, finally this is the day of the morning, so you have any information for that, file up the application, and phrase in our file up a video to 0-0, when you confirm.

They can't do it how they'll be able to work at zero on four-five. Please prepare a please-by-layer 2-meter kilowatt.

Okay, copy a zero once for a five, five, 40, five, 40, five, 40, five. And V size, two meters of the water. Thank you.

Ok! Let's play!

May I borrow a kill and that has to do with the eggs and the kids found her eggs and thank you. Let's take breath of this crisis.

Thank you.

Sorry for being your chef?

I've prepared a laser leader entering the optional questionnaire area, one number, no member. Fishermen are trying to want to enforce their manual transit as their minor, maintain a one-odgum occupied between vessels in the optional questionnaire area.

. . . .

Shake up!


So, yep, here we go.

I'm gonna go out and check it.

There you go with each other, here's the pairing, and there's the stability, and it's a little bit too long, so I can anchor each time alongside a lot of all hundred jacks that you will be putting in the bars, greater than them, each half, seven plus.

I got the last question one. Greater than 600 girls tell you, for his help, it's just 57 for him. And because I was he wanted to go outside the R1 and go back when he prepared 70. He goes closer, goes here, along the side, the R1 project.

We'll cowen along, lets head in the back

The Bible.

That's not just for traffic, that's not just for traffic, but for the riddance. My immediate punishment, thank you, my dear, I would appreciate it.

Thank you.

Thanks for watching!

Thank you.

This is the United States Coast Guard Best of Traffic Service, San Francisco, the following Dr. Best of Traffic Advisory, as time 0016, there's a report that didn't bounce around about traffic in the northern TSS. There is a report in the Atlantic and the Western TSS. I'll found the Western TSS, leadership in Mokihana, varying 239 degrees true, range 125, not among the people. Before the course 236 degrees true, speed 9 to the five months, ETA to 8.5 with the time of zero or one zero. ETA with 1.2 seconds zero, 1.5. There's a report didn't bounce around traffic any other TSS. follows NDL Zhu Pro corrosion area and FT-18. So the charred palliaries in the Mokihana are released, not Informant. going inbound to the Paujaria and the Eucuparier Hermit Leader approximately 5.5 miles west of the

You can go inbound to the public station. Let's see if you can turn on one tube, let's get a broadcast at 10, Thursday or four or five. It's not just for a scarf, but the traffic service seems to go.

game as you march up

Thank you, Mara, traffic gradger entering the reach of the era. We're adjourned to the course of the speedo.

Roger, where did you get you a way point to zero?

Thank you, Orangey. It's two V-Palestinians.

The continuation of MSU Mara and R&B 105 are from 3-year-of-pointing core 0-0-0-0-0-to-beast-true speed 8 this way, not ETA-way point 2-year-time 0-1-4-5, ETA-to-apologination is time 0-3-3-0, and you can call back when passing with point 2-year-of-point.

Bitch, look travestes on the way

What traffic can it do?

Do I won't traffic?

Do I have traffic too? We're gonna be alongside you for the while tying up. You go ahead and check it out

I have to love all the sticks. Have a good evening.

Thank you.

Jerry Jeff.

Good evening. Good evening. Good evening. Good evening.

sorry to everybody that can go back to the B are

Terry Cobb is the last in Travis, who's gonna be called here in the way here.

Have a thank you prick.

I can not get, I will make you out of here green

Thank you.

Go, go, go.

Thank you very much.

Are more to send your pilotload to the pit.



I'm sure you're in our way to keep it.

I've said that on tech level. I'm not going to have to do that.

That's all for now, see you in the next video, see you in the next video.


So follow the example, just go traffic, you're calling the present color on one board.


Lab up, lab on Harry Techland.

Yeah, thank you for the drafts on our board today, you can come and update on the board today.

traffic purport checking.

Thank you for watching the video

Pick a F1. Stick a Hot 야. Don't hit norse. Switching at the M6 on KNOW. It's freaking heavy. It'll respond to the 1998 disaster. Pickbook monthly.

I got to 4-6-8, prepare it on a wave range of 8, and go 1-5 for seats. We've got the 15 seats, it's just 10-0 to go, and the westbound traffic plane is on his way.

Bucking ravers pushing one bar to greater than their all-station strategy and trade side Charlie until approximately 0-230 and unit 18 and where the Samarit Leader's approach changed while rocks and malphobodation to put a knee-salt shaft plate. Okay.

Okay, and can you do this for Miami? Dreads site, surely, is over by Harding Roger.

Alright, I聽 our just sounds as orange rock Use a thinner of the wishbone BL Lar boiling

Got him.

24. Give us a call. Thank you.

Doug Sandwich in River and unit 18 for the super leader to distract me to copy two four piloting the ATVGC government.

Oh wow that's good

This is an idiot who is going to have a bunch of traffic service champions to go. The following is going to show a best of traffic advice. You have to have 10-0-0-4-6. There is a reported inbound route bound traffic in the northern TSS. There is a reported inbound traffic in the western TSS. Outbound in the western TSS is a container ship in Volkihana. There is a reported inbound route bound traffic in the eastern TSS. There is a reported inbound route bound traffic in the eastern TSS. There is a reported inbound route bound traffic in the eastern TSS. There is a reported inbound route bound traffic in the eastern TSS. There is a reported inbound route bound traffic in the eastern TSS. There is a reported inbound route bound traffic in the eastern TSS. There is a reported inbound route bound traffic in the eastern TSS. There is a reported inbound route bound traffic in the eastern TSS. There is a reported inbound route bound traffic in the eastern TSS. There is a reported inbound route bound traffic in the eastern TSS. There is a reported inbound route bound traffic in the eastern TSS. There is a reported inbound traffic in the eastern TSS. These accounting tasks are stored inbound traffic, of large quantities of its systems, within the 50 points there is a biodeclaxo景. And there is a reported inbound route and its number of 25 points. There is a thunderstorm number inbound traffic by the north, in theenk Gdckqueется worldwide known in the eastern TSS Mei tour. This is a reported letter to it in the eastern TSS,

Dependent Containership Credit and Codder, Approaching the Palage Nation, in balance to open. In the vehicle carrier, herby speeder approached me 2.5 miles in the west of the T.Booey, and found out the polluter, yeah. In 18 important to my earlier approaching Maulrop, in balance to finish it. Listen to the channel once you've invested in a broad-handed time, 0-1-1-5. The United States Coast Guard, that's a traffic service payment system. Oh.

uh... finally archикinder

Time for dinner final of ourselves over here.

After yesterday we had just a lot of loading all the gangmen, so just give us few minutes to load the gangmen.

Okay, I have to go this way, I can't go that way now.

I do, I do.

Let's trust the other team for the copy. Thank you.

See ya!

The container ship will be on a passing way of 0.5 with the 40-course 2.3 degrees sure it's been sent. That's one five-months each hit a way of 0.2 and 2 times 0.45. Thank you. And I hope I have a passing way with you.

President Carter, pilot a board. Thank you.

Why don't you have to explain to you.

I feel like that.

All right, let's go, let's go, let's go.

Please drag in. We're trying to do a ride with the boat. It was struck with the wind.

Please share it in one hour, prior to 40. One hour prior to a while for 40 instructions.

That's correct, that's a thank you.

Thanks for watching!

Thank you.

Oh yes, we have this album air issue, so we are just walking on it. Just give us a few minutes, we will reward my gang, otherwise I will be able to buy the gladler also for you.

Yeah, I got to go, I got to go, I got to go back, I got to go back.

Instead of we are scheduled to have a fun wedding and we will be taking her out of it some of the two hours for that.

I hope you don't hear me really do that. I'll give you a minute, sir.


Thanks for watching!

Bethel Honervill Henry Jackman, Minister of Health, Provost's matter Call for contract.

I don't know where Andrew Jack went, I don't know where Andrew Jack went, Jim was just going to have to get one for us.

Traffic. get an amendment, go ahead.

Check the traffic. Please verify that your anchor is holding and you are not dragging.


Two-four, and we're underway.

I don't know what you're doing, Jack, and I don't know what you're doing, Jack, and I don't know what you're doing.

That's it, that's it.

Alright, Jack, whichever kids you anchor holding the floor.

Not exactly.

B each act making a cross

There's nothing else that's wrong.

I'll be your anchor. It's holding. Thank you.


Very tough.

Fare retrop.

Barry, break up.

...let's see Jeff

That's all I was going to say to you.

Thanks for watching!

Thanks for watching.

See you later.

New ISee events. Okay but that's a fabulous sister didn't know the number to hang on because there's more cartoons whoever this okay

I try my greatest place shows you past the goal to give bridge out now for a seat. What did you get to nation over?

If you're about to moderate, unit 32 piloting, be president quarter, just pass Banship 4 channels, 7 and 8, and about for Oakwood 55, they're longitudinal 13 for Pership 4 and Chokes.

Thank you, break.

That's 32% in quarters, this trip. If you've got to say leave us a coconut, just click on the Golden Gate Bridge, outbound for us to eat a moderate oven.

So, if anyone is with us, they'll just creep around. But only give you a change. If we catch one, they can just let them penetrate.

This is the United States Coast Guard, that's the traffic service, San Francisco. The following is the actual traffic advisory at the time, 0-1-1-1-9. There's a report that they found out about traffic in the northern GSA. There's a report that they didn't about traffic in the Western TSS. I'll follow me in the west. The condition of Moquihana, I'm very acute to reach 70 degrees to reach the true range of 25 mountain miles for the C-Bully, where the course 350 degree is true, the speed 9 is in the bottom of it. ETA away point to be with the CTAT 0-1-4-5. It's getting down to the 7GSS for the condition of the C-Mara, 40 course, 0-0-0-0 to reach true, speed 8-1-8-9. The crash in bearing 1-7-6 degrees true range, 1-7-1-9 mountain miles for the 40 course, 0-0-0 to reach true, speed 8-7-1-8-9. ETA away point to the C-R-10-0 for the 5-K-2-3-3-0. There's a report to outbound traffic in each other's business. The algebra caution area.

One and two, you have found encouragement. Yeah, three, two, one, the president Carter. Proximity. Yeah. You have not come out. What? I'll rock you down to open. But you can again, you don't want to. You can just go to broadcast. 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10.

Pay attention, man.

Good Morning for Evali's Crafts

Sorry, I had no traffic.

Ari, I'm at traffic. The pilot time is correct to rate 30 from the south.

Roger, and you can British leave it up to the South of Kansas. Zero, three, thirty, at the time, correct?


Okay, I'd like to check out it through whiskey, have a safe rest of the transit.

Did you know that 18 is some weird leadership channel in front?

Chape sticky.

I'd more defender be there when you're in.

I'm more Defender, I'm more Defender, I'm more Defender

It's in charge of the DB Morty, who's there rigged from Venetia, the Reyes from Venetia, from Venetia, through Venetia, too, they're in the process of pulling in all their anchors, they're on-spudged, working with the Becky P, they're our wherever transit, and they're moving out of your way now, they're going to give us a call until 1-4-1s are all clear for your transit.

And thanks for listening!


Missy Marshall

Dennis you are a Jr Kader and .... Where's your Santa Claus cette oh

How do you pay attention at the Chimara Passingway Point 2G era? Forty-course series or is there a degree to speak in this month or not? He paid it at the Secretary Time 2-3-3-0, and you'll call back with Passing Point 1-1-G era.

It's easy to do the job.

A, C, so to track Roger, what is your intended course of speed over?

Roger, thank you on what is your ETA to wait 0.2 here.



So, yes, busy kids, we're point two of them.

Dr. Volker, he's a soda, has to be entering, he's just on reach 3, you know Vemper, 24, 24, 13, he's true, speed 8.8k away 0.2, number 10, 0.33, 0.8k to keep moving time to 0.8, 0. So, thank you, I'll call back when passing my point to the Vemper over.


Thank you so much for having me.

Thanks for watching!

A.C. System of Trafica, District Arts and Trafica.

A.C.S.S.O.S.S. traffic. Disregard my last. Or...

Thank you. Crap, Crap, Crap.

Thank you.

People care ATS, just set up varying 3-0-5 degrees to range 3-8. Not a coma, so the term system is C-Boot. Forty-core, 1-4-0 degrees to speed, 8-0-8. 2-0, number, time, 0-3. 3-0-8. Tades, term system is C-Boot, time, 0-8. 0-0.

In a two-a-turned-me-seal-year-in-vater-prochemar-rock flight-and-vow-for-rich-man. System for the next venture broadcast on channel 1-2 at time 0-2-1-5. This is Coast Guard Vessel-Chot and Service Services.

Now that was the line before it.

Okay, our letter.

That's been your business, thank you, Baba. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

to see what appears in the comments to the organization when I test taking care of the financial conditions.

Traffic, Zulu, aboard the density line.

Good morning, checkin' in here. Anchorage 9, 4, Venetia 3, Starburst Adelaide, Deep Draft today, 21st Feet, 3 inches. We'll find out, taking that belt to Anco's Band of the Day of Break, went to Band of the Racist Band of Belgrade.

Okay, let's do a little copy of the traffic. We'll call it underway, and is there a drag up there in Venetia by Venetia 3?

He too, but you're saying they're moving up the end of the dock there at number one, that's right.

Okay, thank you, Madhu. Call one under way.

Thanks for watching.

See you next time!

This is an effective practice of the CHAT service competitive code of fond, Dr. Scherf Scherf, or CHAT divisorate as a time 0-215. And found under the COT-SS, the multi-A-C, the SUDA, 304-degree-2, range-3-5, telecommods from the campuses of the COT-SS, 40-course, 1-4-degree-2, speed-0, speed-8-2, 2-0, number-time-0-3, speed-0-8-8-0, there's an imported hop-out chassis in the north, and in the west, there's an important chassis.

And found in the Southern TSS, container ship MSC, far up during 172 degrees two, range, or one not a commercial in the SAMHSA specifically, the 40 courses, zero zero zero degrees two, speed eight vessel, four nots, ETA to SAMHSA to see fluid times zero three, three zero, there's a report on found traffic in the South.

P2-4-ADV-CTP, adding a point to the job subscription path to point to need a app off of the fast station, a pop-pot departure at ADV-CTP will be off of the Russian TSS. So, Mr. Pnecks, get your broadcast on channel 1-2 at the time, 0-2-4-5. This is Coast Guard National Traffic Service Services, as well.



Roger that and see him on the window now, thank you.

And if you make certifications, on the other side do you really have to submit this before?

Okay, I'm going to add a 0, 2, 3, 2, and I'm sure it's my body. 0, 2, 3, 2, 3.

Travis Garrick

I went filming and started my fun to go to cambanto attackman- you want toCome back another nine, type 2 bill for japanimonet get your tem xiap $11

It's a lot of it.

Thank you.

Merry Christmas, John.

See you in the next video.

That's right on the camera.

Stravic's every unfortunately


Very good.


You look happy, thank you.

Travis Solana, we're going to go ahead and knock it down.


Thank you.

Thank you.


Thanks for watching!

You're gonna be amazing.

See you next time!

Thank you.



Thank you.

That's it.

I think there's a lot of

Yeah, critical please we are

Thank you.

I'm so sick because I'm sick. I'm sick because I'm sick because I'm sick.

And see you tomorrow Chocolate.

Roger, come in, Timara. Watch him, watch him. Roger, come in, watch him, watch him.

And if you mark that Roger's information in the Q4-80T-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C

Okay, well in this movie, thank you very much.

Roger and Manga. Get the knock to��의 13 and 14bec Management

Thanks for watching

for over 60 minutes and one cn, one code and name name, one cn one, then first one code, pgbgggggggmgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggbachggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg like studtston Arundpathet on the right then there's some情况 here.


So we should start the 75th standard stand. The total constant is lending to kingsayman. The total cost of 1072 x milledemosers was promised to send 6999grams. is the

Many out control aircraft may air. The second case isdimcrapp.sccopment.com of the part-grade

This is Travis Jerry, checkin' out, thank you.


And after a two turn complaint here, Snickers had the birth to defy a weight for the George 30th. So...

This is our change.

Fravaget has failed to help you to play the Next suicide by 2-4 long across for this hiphopfilled friend going out and see. Make an out of heaven assassination with check 12-30-0.

Thanks for watching!

Thank you very much.




The traffic cell won't deliver all fast and check you now and stand for this for many seconds.

This is Nancy's co-oscopic service, and this is co-oponged out for a tight, professional traffic advisory, and the kind of geometry 15, and about an early TFF, E-bolt carrier A-T, is powered up varying 3-0, 3-0, 3-0, 3-0, 3-2, range to 8-0, a commotion on this campus, because C-Bully is reporting course, 1-4, 4-0, 3-2, speed, 8-0. E-T-2, a way of 0.2, number of times 0, 3-0, E-T-2, 0-6, C-Bully times 0, 0, 3-0, 4-0, 3-0, 4-0, 5-0, traffic in the north, and the west and south, there is very important traffic. In the offshore percussion area, you can teach it MSC, Mara, 1-2, 5-0, 5-0, 5-0, 13-1, 6-0, 5-0, 6-0, 1-5, 6-0, and about for the�ation. Bored to 4-8- Tab, sheet, t premier, 1, 8-0, 9-0, 5-0, northeast of整erpla, 3-2-0, 8-0, 5-1, 5-0, and 7-0, refresh the interaction.

The ATV sheet will be found for the Western KSS. Let's jump to the next Kendra Bracass on channel 1-2 at town 0-345. This is the end of this coast guard vessel. Thank you for watching.

I don't have to take this.


Traffic 49, George 3

Travel for 9s or 3, parent and part open, 55 upown for C, DeepJap 9.7 meters, Delta Echo Deepwater, Talk on 5 Alfa.

for now


You're finally at the conscience and the other side of the room.

I'm sorry, thank you.

This way it won't last long, This way it won't last long.

Eight sheets of soda shopping

Roger 18, start a passing no waypoint.

2 November Reporting Corps 1-2-0. 3-2-3-7-0. T-T-2, the San Francisco C-Bo-E. Time 0-8-0. Continue to mock our channel 1-2 and report back adds to one that November over.

trap for now

Thank you.

for an eye-to-off if you're under way

Thank you.

Where'd I go?

I really don't need it, I don't need it, I don't need it.

of course, see you.

I'm sure you did a little bit too scared. I'm sure you did a little bit too scared.

Native questions, what do you usually point to here, what do you choose to do, and what do you choose to do, and what do you choose to do.

Thank you very much.

I gotta be careful here near the GM's. Let me trigger that C-A-C-O57 is for the kids.

I'm happy to come back traffic when I'm going to do this here, because we're going to be here, and then we can get a watch. We're going to choose and go to the street over there.

Thank you.

Alright, keep up.

All right, I'm falling in love.


traffic in at seven are more defender

and take a good rest.

you have the superschool compressors mean points here outbound for the course of the 0. commanded 12, beta 90, omega 0. Your 5s are 0, we have the 4. Your 6, 5s. Take a drifting slope and one 2 with your shoulders. You have the 6. Prof1 we have...



traffic in at 7

Thanks for watching!


Right now.

All right, George, there will be a bridge and a stop on our porch, and I can...

Since you've got ideas to go to service on traffic to your services, go to the phone. The offshore sector of its own traffic advisory is a 10-year-old one-five.

the One is supported stairs, zero to three strokes, feet of five to five specialists. The increase of the weight points, two stairs, five to six to zero, zero, and you pay the damages good signal, eight points and zero. 735 are fractions, G-M is that the AIP, T-111 is the third, 1't one degrees through range, eight autocol miles from two people. As much percentage as one should do at akers Hospitals, eight 9c, that decimal three knots with the heat clearance. One is at zero, five to five hjell to zero, ETH, eight, right point four, zero, five to six, now. Thank you for that.

Because the street's specially manipulating players for seeing underwear is a wolf is not found, so I want to part you.

This is going to be pretty bright, can't zone, but you can't see if you don't want to, at time at 0-4-4-5. If you can't see it, go scourge. Special traffic, every turn of distance, go out.


More traffic, better cap preparing, except Cisco 50, or Richmond 22. Push in ahead, one petroleum barge, less than 1,600. He just draft 9 feet, and attending AlphaProblem of the flat.

That's right. Let's watch this one.

Check the camera these off-covers ones

Thank you, I'm glad you're great, Ian 2 for MST, Marius, Kevin R. More defenders, this is traffic to copy, thank you very much, Heather.

Thank you.

Don't go so bad.

Okay, let me go. Mara. Passing out a clutter park in front. I wasky three. Now I'm 10 minute brother Charlie Spada Bay Bridge. Break. Very cat. He has hit our more defenders. It's a traffic. You got to be two. For a messy Mara over.


Traffic 7 copies 2-4 and they're coming.

Roger, thank you, Chuck House.

Street 2 President Carter, traffic.

Aren't you used well? Check it out.

traffic veryしい

Don't forget to charge your ass.

All right, you're pretty good, Kathy.

Hi, friends. ��터 I'm throughout the city.

Please look forward to that.

Merry Christmas!

the morning.

Thanks for watching!


Thank you.

better season.

we will create two historical milestones tables medicines four entrusts here zero degrees two feet five decimal six specialty key points two adhere equitable blocks zero eight eight notebook conduite zero triple twelve eight newspaper and murde three large four five zero half four And I'd like to mention some questions, Thanks for watching.

Thank you.



I'll never take it.

Make sure they don't blast.

For the two fires to feed strength less fun, of course, thank you.

There's three favourite.

Let's watch Sarah's Reap outside of Wade, keep a tune and cheer up music here!

So we're street coffee.

Bruh ain't traffic

Red your brain, check it out.

Come in, I'm traffic.

Roger Krenas, Shannon B. Pussian of Arge, lives in 1500 Tans, clearing the Gulf of Calzman, not for Edward City. And Dr. Ray Pussian of the Chilean March career, then having P.I.E. exploring for Anchorage 9 and attending Gulf of Calz. Over.

Thanks for watching!

Thank you.

Hey Monarch Ever!

beggar theme honor, traffico

I know my traffic.

I just don't mind driving home.

Pete Dan Cassiecksitted up ahead.

Prog.hr 18b-125-1110

Roger, thank you. I trust you.

Hey dance traffic, I feel like I'm clear how many others are.

Thank you have a close.

It's a graphic, there you go.

Thanks for watching!

I'm going to have to go in there.

This is the United States District of Kansas City, and the Department of Transportation, the following is all sure special effects of traffic size use on cats in the time when it's present on five. In the North, North, the Department of Transportation has found folks carrying your team and hearing things they're for to be true and wanting on a file to receive relief. For pretty quick, they should be able to be sure to be the next one or not. D.P. to within five to five, one to three to E.P. to within four to within five to five, five to the left. South, South, pretty neat down here on some traffic.

In the Officer Pressing Area 8K-338, bass and bass and bass, five pentacles on the south of the C- sized lead, pilot boarding timew leuk alumni during meals. So, again for an extended run challenge, show them 2 trial Genets the 453.

If you think I can see, because there's nothing to trust, there's nothing to trust.

Roger, Gemini, Cariel, Roscoe, Dr. Guard, Cariel, Chalicee, Peshna March, 1510, passing her e-create for Redwood City. And Dr. Ray Peshna, Peshna, Peshna, and Marge Raiders, and clearing the Gulf of Calsan for e-create 9 Charlie 4. Over.

traffic incidentally

It can really traffic.

Tremble to the Leito Summer!

Regards can only cover every cat's portion of large less than $1,500, $10,000, touching backyard coaf for public trust. To regulate our portion of large less than $1,010, the parking pipe a lot if a redwood city in any east-membersman bridge. And the flat, over.

You did a little coffee, thank you.

Thank you.

I see traffic.

Thank you very much.

Dr. Ray pushing a visually impaired radar then just clear the Gulf of Health San for increase 9. Ontario Briscoe pushing a large greater than 16,000 has been pierced 70, a sound for colon cell and kidney awful frothal. Over.

I love you tonight!

Traffic. Every photo?

Everything else happens.

That's going deep and science that we make up to. For more.

We're from P.J. here, stretch to theф and we won't be being hungry

Roger and me, they don't trust go.

Skilling me!

Roger the link. Have River Cat. How should emerge? Less than 1600. Hasning very quite for Alcatraz. And ten regulators. How should emerge? Less than 1600. How should the population eat? Fendersman Bridge. Faradwood City. It's a blast. Over.

Thanks for watching, and I'll see you in the next video.


Hi there, it's traffic.

Roger Hadris, Terry Elbrusco, pushing a barge greater than to test her 70 for Colin Phil and Kenny Nelson's problem. And there's going to be pushing a barge less than a parking in a channel for rig with pity. Dr. Ray, pushing a petroleum barge greater than pressing a blue barge channel for anchorage 9 Charlie 4. Over.

Wanting to have a tea in your face?

You'll be in a traffic.

Preparing. Fair good. Before. Clear results.

Roger Delphine is in a real risk no push in a barge brand, so she impure safety for Colin's bill and handing out for Bravo. Dr. Wayne pushing a petroleum barge brand and crossing open barge nettle for an acreage 9. Over.

Thank you very much.

Good day, baby.


Here's a link for each of us.

Roger Mavri, Terry Albrisco, Potion of Marjorie Duranana, Potion of 50, Percolan, Nolan Kimming, Alpha Bravo, Ben, and River Camp Potion of Marjorie, Ben, just a very point for Alcatraz, and regulate our Potion of Marjorie, less than 1500, can't the program that you've found over each bridge for a rig with city and can fly. Over. Over. Hi, I'm Tommy Stinger.

Baby breathe. Also, Metamarica education games on her.

I'll see you there as well. Thank you.

It's going to be traffic.

Well, fine traffic.

Roger Royal Prince, I get us a call to party and go and keep rich. Over.

traffic and risotto

Everyone, they don't chat.

I think we're not back in our march and our swaths can believe that Jake's here and check us out at 8-Charlie.

Roger, and we say, don't, and I'm showing three to have shot 15. Is that craft over?

Yeah, still three and a half shots.

I don't think you have enough.

American endurance, American endurance, this is the PSP, this does channel one here and over.


Traffic Last

The parents manifest their 381 on theospheric list and the strap IPS they found the toxicimizi get off the site. The general problem will be returning to TI.

All right, you're going to let your graft over.


Roger Kuglassen, question of large lessons, 1510 preparing to depart San Francisco 38, found four disposal site 11 with a draft of 9 feet, and can be helpful for both and of Oakland Bay Bridge. The cut rubber cat version of large lessons, 1510, the pro-keying, self-functional light, found for all the tracks.

Copy trust.

Thank you of them, I'm very calling your way. It's a great corner camp, traffic did you drop me a lot? Over.

Roger is the last and budget of March 11th and 16th, and has the parent get a part 7-1 to go 38. Don't forget to go to the site 11 in Cending Alpha Bravo. Over.

for all the traffic.

Thanks for all the traffic out.

It's not my traffic.

Yeah, I know my guy.

Right, you're going to do this. Here, we're going to calculate about $15,000 per unit. That's how the actual light sounds for objects. Last and running a large length of $15,000, not preparing to depart. Can we just go 30? Found forward, as well, to find a lot of hidden and tending off a problem span. And here, we're going to do about three to the end. Approaching the T-I-Series terminal, it sounds like an island. So, over.

Thank you.

It can only have it.


Stratomic Release.

We're in traffic.

Traffic movement preparing it to create building sûr saucer Let's go.

Roger Merin, the River Cat, pushing a barge on 1610, passing north-channel 8-found for Alcatraz. And, lots of pushing a barge left and preparing to depart. And we can go to Zerdie for disposal site 11, including Alfa Bravo. Over.

Copy that signature.

Save one, please save it!

Thanks for your time.

Good day.

Let me change traffic.

It is a rainy night and heat because there are central participants in the scope. The following is an ultra-sector vessel trapped by the broadcast at the time of 274 times. To the north coast, for the good time, traffic, outdoor, bulkers can't stand. There is 3-3-3-2-3, which once the aircraft fell out to a geezdly, the crater is 3-3-6-3-3. The next is a 3-2-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-6-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3, 3-3-4-3-4-3-4-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-5-3-3-3-3-3-3-4-3-3-3-4-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3. the crew could take it through. Leave your attention. And still don't go straight.

Thanks for watching!

Thank you!

Thanks for making me traffic out.

corrupted in the exterior and buffer in 1580 MB-cream and talking when you want out of files, not BPC degrees teleporting time from the Sith behind the errors. If you're thinking of an execending time reduction, I want you in time, 1A, 1E, 1E 14 login period,

Traffic left, another way.

This is being made. This is a good, very tough, a tough, a tough, a tough, a tough, a tough, a tough.

Ratgel, I've seen traffic go

All right, let's go, let's go, let's go.

Change on this thing.

Good morning.

Thank you.


Just follow me.

Okay. So sorry. Thank you.

Okay, you will be left by start with time. It'll make you feel good.


Thanks for watching!

Cubby again they're allowed

Okay, we're out of the third department. The third department. The third department.

We're all in the office, thank you.

Okay, okay.

Good afternoon. Please stay tuned.

that the California on board.

Good job, alarm, alert, have a good time, bye.

I'm rooting at 40 Bordy-K-Pant 24 e-grade date, Sun 2t 50T and 2t 73s on chv

I just broke every catchout minus 40 HP, I'll keep power.


We're going out.

That's it.

That's all I'm laughing.




All right, you're right. Thanks for the information. I hope we're in Galaxia. You got me. You're going to 48th Anniversary.


I'm trying to out 14k fan-chat, and I'm trying to create some of my lots of steel assets pushing a barge to last in. I'll approach you to campus just a good 27 now for a disposal set of 11 over.

that's a big selfie

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